My fascination with astrology began in the 5th grade. I read about the zodiac in a Cosmopolitan magazine and went to school the next day to ask my friends for their birthdays. I would tell them their zodiac signs and then tell them which one of our peers they matched the best with. Sure enough looking back now, my best friends were always of the fire or air sign element. I have a Fire Sun and Air Moon.

I once *ahem* “borrowed” a book from the library called Sun Signs written by Linda Goodman and I read sections of it so many times. I never got through the whole thing, I was mainly fascinated in myself, my close friends and the boy that I liked. What I didn’t realize at the time and would find out later on when I began to study astrology seriously was that Linda Goodman and I share a birthday! Just how cool is that?! That was all I needed to know that this was truly my life path and what I was meant to. Plus I have several aspects in my chart pointing to astrology for me, but it was Linda Goodman that sealed it.

That was about 8 years ago. I’ve been studying passionately ever since and have been working professionally for 5 years now. Despite being a self-taught professional astrologer, I do one day hope to become certified at the highest level to really complete my dream. Since taking this on professionally I have done over a hundred charts for friends, family members, my social media friends and friends of theirs who they refer. I have never met a chart that looked the same as another, even despite being 2 days apart. I’ve helped many people find the clarity they were seeking at the time.

I am not a perfect human being and have been through my share of hard-knocks. When I discovered the true nature of astrology it really helped me out in a great way to make sense of things and make sense of mySelf. I thought I knew myself before then, but astrology opened me up to what I didn’t know I knew and what I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Say that three times fast!

My mission with this business is to open your mind to an understanding of astrology from how it can to how it does play a role in our lives. I want to show you that by knowing yourself can give you a better insight to knowing others and getting along better with them. I don’t want to bog you down with terminology you don’t need and convoluted astrological concepts that serve you no use. I want to lighten up the mysticism surrounding astrology that makes people think we all wear scarves around our heads and glare into crystal balls. I want to break it down the best way I can in layman’s terms so everyone can get it without the feeling that you have to be subscribed to a certain way of thinking.

Currently, I am studying the path of Evolutionary Astrology, which deals with the soul’s cycles and journey through past lives. I hope to specialize in this sector finding that it resonated most with me and how I initially approached this study through understanding it.

I consider every chart that I do sacred and the information in them are safe and never disclosed without their permission.  For this reason I will use discretion when accepting to do a chart for a person not making the request. I follow the Astrology Code of Ethics sincerely and will never use the information I receive to disparage any person for any reason.

Together we can help you on your way to soul evolution and enlightenment of who you truly are. We can figure out the things you need to let go of to move on, how to create harmony in your relationships and your life altogether.

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