Just me rambling and ranting on about anything and everything. While most of the content on my website is for a general audience, the category “Ramanda Rants” does contain adult language and occasional adult content. In the “Ramanda Rants” section I speak on topics such as spirituality, celebrity birth charts, life advice among other things. I write my thoughts in my own voice like you were right in front of me.

I love to hear from my audience, so be sure to leave your feedback and comments. Every week I will feature a questions from my “Ramanda Answers” file, where people write in for my advice on their most important issues. If you would like your question to be featured on this segment of my blog just fill out the contact form which could be found at the end of every blog post.

Thank you for visiting my website and blog. I hope you found it informative and entertaining, I hope that you visit again.

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