Astrolog 19-001 – My site is up!!

Okay, let me just start this rant off by saying I am excited af my site is finally up and running! I mean it’s about damn time too. It’s only been three years since I first paid for this site and have been throwing my money at it and shaking my fists at the heavens over it. I went from launching in Taurus season last year, to Taurus season of this year. Then I said I would launch when Gemini season started because it aligned with Mercury and being that Mercury is all about communications, oh hell yeah. Plus, a Sun/Mercury conjunction is a great time for launching a website. Alas, I still wasn’t there. Trust me when I tell you, this site had a completely different look just last week.

As the New Moon was approaching I started having that nagging feeling again that I needed to launch – no matter what. As I was writing the transits article, it hit me that the New Moon would be in Gemini, the Sun is in Gemini, Mercury was in Gemini AND it conjunct MY Moon. Honey, I finished that transit report and got to manifesting asap! I took out my AD book, the one I write all of my ideas and plans in and write [another] a plan. This one was more simplified and felt much more refreshing than that load of exhaustion I had previously drafted. Whew! So there, I had it. I would launch with what I had the next day.

The next day

Well, the next day came and I was a nervous wreck. I went over some of my articles and saw I had some words or information missing. Oh no. I decided this was just too much and damn that, I’ll just wait until Leo season to try this again. I haven’t slept all weekend at this point. Maybe getting at the most 5 hours of rest from the time I awoke on Friday to that moment on Sunday evening. It wasn’t until just a few minutes before the New Moon would peak and my daughters alarm would go off, I got a jolt out of thin air to jump on my site. I did and I wiped it completely. Lol. I think I may have a screenshot if I didn’t lose it from another copy, but I wrote down all the apps that I had installed behind the scenes at it was 25. I was actively using about 13 of them, which means the rest was just clutter. I’m now running only 6. Not to say I won’t have 25 running again but this time I’m taking my time with getting to them.

If you made it this far you’ve just read my first rant and the moral of this story is:

You can be your worse enemy when you’re trying to be too perfect. Taking on more than one priority at a time can make you confused and before realizing that you’re not ready to take something on, you start to doubt yourself that you ever will. If you ever get to that point, I implore you to take the bold leap instead. Sometimes we need to jump into the water without thinking about how cold it is and when we do we realize how easy that was. Sometimes the situation looks worse from the inside before actually going in, it looks like a lot more than we’re equipped to handle. It’s not until you go inside that you can assess how much work needs to be done and where you need to begin.

That’s how I feel now. As crude as this site is now (I launched without a home menu – I have 4 menus! LOL) I have a much better idea now of where I need to begin and how I will proceed to work at it from here.

So welcome to my world. I’ll be working on this daily. Leave some feedback if you’d like, I would like to hear from some critics other than myself at times. This side called “Ramanda’s Rants” will be more where I cut loose and get candid with y’all. I’m undecided if I like “Ramanda’s Rants” or “Rambling Ramanda” more. Let me know which one you like most in the comments!

Hey Starshine, Thanks for reading my bull porky! xoxo

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