Mercury in Gemini – Restless Curiosity

Mercury in Gemini – May 21, 2019 at 6:51 am.

Mercury going into Gemini today will be very happy to be home. Gemini is one of the signs that Mercury rules, the other is Virgo. Mercury in Gemini is in the best place it could be in compared with any other sign. Gemini, The Twins, represents duality, and when under it’s ruler we tap into both sides of our brain at once, or alternate between left and right with swiftness. Our communications increase and deepen as we explore ideas more intellectually and analytically. Mercury rules the mind, short travels, speech, business, cognitive ability, math, writing, and communication. For the native with Mercury in Gemini in their chart, this makes you a quick thinker them a good speaker, proficient in math, a good speaker and skilled in logical ability. For the rest of us during this transit we become more of our talent and interest in those things.

This transit will feel more fresher than the one we just had in Taurus. Where we were more fixated, reserved and practical in our ways of thinking, the game has changed now. We’re more versatile, communicative, adaptable, and brilliant. We want to deal in facts and information until it fills our curiosity. We might start to get more distracted as time passes from all the different outlets we’re in. It’s so important to incorporate some sort of calming ritual into our daily lives, like meditation, yoga, reading, or journaling. That is easier said than done because Gemini energy doesn’t stay still very long.

If I could give one other piece of advice, it would be to find the one or two things you’re most passionate about and take those on as your daily projects. When working or studying, work in hourly blocks of time and make others for socializing. That means working for a designated 4 hours (or whatever you’ve set) and then you socialize for 2 hours, do some research for another 2 hours, calm the mind for one hour and then repeat the cycle. Do what works best for you under those guidelines. I mean, it is the season to socialize after all, we can come up with some of our best ideas when we do. The problem is in sorting through those ideas, or even following through on things we started. Once we’ve gotten what we think is enough information, we’re already moving onto the next thing that sparks our interest – before we’ve applied or organized what we just recently gathered.

This transit comes on extra strong being in conjunction with the Sun going into Gemini on the same day. “Busy as a bee” is the best thing to say about how our minds we will be moving from one thing to another.

Mercury leaves Gemini on June 2nd when it goes into the sign of Cancer.

Here are the aspects Mercury will make while in Gemini.

Mercury conjunct Sun 5/21/19 9:06 am

Mercury sextile Chiron 5/23/19 2:04 pm

Mercury square Neptune 5/29/19 9:22 pm

Mercury quincunx Saturn 5/30/19 11:18 am

Mercury opposite Jupiter 5/30/19 11:11 pm

Mercury quincunx Pluto 5/30/19 11:14 pm

Mercury enters Cancer 6/4/19 4:04 pm

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