Mercury in Taurus – Intellectual Focus

Mercury in Taurus May 6, 2019 at 2:24 pm.

Mercury, rules the mind and this influences the way we communicate and process thoughts. Taurus energy is constructive, purposeful and efficient. When the planet of communication triggers this fixed earth sign, our thinking and interactions become more reserved and fixated on what is most meaningful to us. We take on a more decisive and grounded approach to our course of action. Our speech is more thoughtful and calculated. We hold our viewpoints to high standards. We can become annoyed when others do not agree with our standpoint that we become rigid and argumentative. This transit can create a mental barrier that makes us stubborn and less open-minded, however, we are careful and persistent. We become fixated and focused on strategies to increase our financial and material concerns.

Taurus rules the 5 senses and this transit can make us more approachable, affectionate and friendly. It’s a time when we can bring out tune into our sensual nature side and may find others being charming and flirty towards us through texts and private messages or an exchange of numbers with new people we meet. It’s important that you don’t become lazy or over-indulging as a result from long decision making and stubbornness in refusing to ask for what’s needed. Be flexible and ready to think outside of the box to keep your ideas fresh and turn them into concrete goals.

This transit won’t last long and will end on May 21st, so make the best of it while you can.

Here are the aspects Mercury will make while in Taurus.

Mercury conjunct Uranus 5/8/19 10:21 am

Mercury sextile Neptune 5/15/19 9:19 pm

Mercury sextile N. Node 5/16/19 5:12 am

Mercury trine Saturn 5/16/19 7:08 pm

Mercury quincunx Jupiter 5/17/19 5:48 pm

Mercury trine Pluto 5/18/19 1:47 am

Mercury enters Gemini 5/21/19 6:51 am

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