New Moon in Taurus 2019

New Moon in Taurus
Bring Out The Best In You

The New Moon is in Taurus now, causing us to desire stability and security. We are calm and not prone to fast reactions and quell any desire to make changes or do something different. Money and material things rule over our thoughts and become more important to us now. It’s a nice time to make changes to our environment, adding some special touches here and there in renovations. Also, a change in style, whether it be your wardrobe or your hairstyle are generally favored under this lunation as well. It is time to lay the groundwork that builds up to our hopes and dreams.

Venus, (Taurus’ ruler) is in Aries now and gives us just the right amount of energy we need to move ahead. Taurus season can be a bit slow moving, making us lazy and comfort seeking. Venus, lights a fire under us making us want to take leaps forward, but please remember to take your time. You’re not in a race with anyone, including yourself. Don’t be quick to rush into anything before doing the research required. Don’t overestimate your capability.

Venus makes a square to Saturn, that brings up feelings of being undeserving, and brings on insecurity over not having certain things. Feeling poor could have a hold on us if we don’t embrace the things we do have. However, a trine to Jupiter promotes optimism in that we may not have all we want now, but we will soon enough. Jupiter really encourages us to tap into our capabilities and potential. A Venus and Jupiter alignment reminds us that good things come to those who wait. You may not be where you hoped you’d be, yet be thankful for how far you’ve come.

Saturn in Capricorn makes a trine to the Moon in Taurus, while Neptune in Pisces is in a sextile with the Moon in Taurus. We feel grounded and able to see things clearly for what they are. We can now take notice of what holds us back from what we need to let go to move forward. This is an opportunity to buckle down on the work, and make our visions a reality – success is highly likely from determination. We’re able to tap into our selves for what we need to get ahead.

Uranus is front and center, with its unpredictability causing self-doubt to looming over us.  Being that it will be in Taurus for the next 7 years, it would be best to get used to the thought of expected the unexpected and rolling with the punches. It may be a rough period for some of us, with the retrogrades occurring in the background, but this lunation gives us the determination to keep it pushing with much style and grace.  

Under this Moon, be mindful of setting the right intention of loving who you are right at this moment and how far you’ve come. Also, embracing your surroundings including family and friends and staying confident. In that you tap into your higher self and can feel positive that success is bound to come sooner than later. A New Moon is the most opportune timr to take a first step in a new direction.

New Moon peaks at 6:45 PM EST today at 14° in Taurus. The sabian symbol for this degree is:


The keynote for this symbol is having the courage needed to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition.

#Astrology #Zodiac #NewMoon #Taurus

Photo Source: Ivana Kajina

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