Capricorn Lunar Eclipse – July 16/17, 2019

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse – July 16/17, 2019

On Tuesday, July 16th 2019, we have the Full Moon in Capricorn in 24 degrees occurring as a partial lunar eclipse. Eclipses are important events as they bring changes in our lives as well as transformation. While the effects of a solar eclipse might last longer, lunar eclipses are just as important and can feel heavier and emotional. Usually, we hear about people acting out and going crazy under a full moon. It might be different now as this lunar eclipse falls under the Cancer-Capricorn axis which we’ve been enduring the energy of since mid-2018. Capricorn is committed to working hard and is very steadfast on achieving. Under this eclipse energy which casts a shadow over the Sun, the dark side of Capricorn can come to the surface. But now even the most resolute amongst us may be wondering if it’s even worth it. I’ve done it myself a few times this year with this astrology path, despite the many vows I’ve made to myself about it.

Check this out; we have Pluto, which deals with death and rebirth, regeneration, and probably the most significant planet involved in our evolution process. Then there’s the South Node (and it’s opposite called the North Node), which is technically not a planet, but rather mathematical points that signify our life’s purpose. The South Node holds challenges that we face and need to overcome in this lifetime. It also contains gifts from our past lives that we must develop. They are also, both in Capricorn will be conjunct the full moon during the eclipse on the 16th (17th if you’re on the other side of the world reading this – if you are, that’s just awesome!). So what does it mean? Well, only that powerful transformations and deep reflections in the sector of work, career paths, home, and family. Family, is not just those people related to you through blood, rather the people that your soul feels most comfortable and at home with. So these are the areas being deeply affected at this time in many of our lives, while the North & South Nodes are both in Cancer and Capricorn respectively.

Intense feelings at this time can feel burdensome and exhausting. Circumstances such as where you’re at in life, if you’ve chosen the right path and pursuing the right education. Could be that family life is getting to you. You might be contemplating if marriage is or was the right decision to make; or maybe you’re conflicted between your work and your family and realize you’ve been dedicated more time to one at the expense of the other. Unemployment could be causing anxiety, or too many job duties may be wearing you down. Perhaps, there’s a dire financial situation causing you stress. Whatever the problem, the solution can be found in letting go. I’m not saying to give up, but I am saying to release your tight grip and overthinking about the situation and trust in the Universe. Eclipses, especially when they involve the outer planets, bring necessary changes to our lives on a global and collective level. At this time we aren’t just changing as individuals, if you look around you will notice that the world is changing around you and at times your perspective goes right along with it. But get this; if you take an even closer look you might begin to notice that the current events mirror the same theme in your own life. Structures are breaking down, and there is a resistance to change taking effect. Old patriarchal ideas and traditions are being challenged and new rules and regulations are being formed against that. Almost like how many of us are resisting changes that we know are necessary for our progress but we’re afraid to take a leap in fear of leaving what we’re familiar with behind or losing our sense of security.

That brings me to Saturn. Saturn rules how we develop the structures and seek stability in our lives. Its needs are to feel safe, secure and resourceful. Saturn is aligned with the South Node and is another main culprit to what’s wearing us down. Saturn gets a bad rep but it is one of my favorite planets to work with because it regulates our behavior – challenges us when we’re not living up to our potential and rewards us when we are. As I said before about the South Node being tied to past lives, if that’s not your thing then understand that it’s about being stuck in the past. With Saturn’s influence activates logic more than it does emotions. At this time we are feeling a pull between them both, yet pressure and obligations leave us feeling time (Saturn) constrained to give much thought to our problems and they fall by the wayside to be forgotten. I mean, you can keep it moving indeed, but that situation will certainly present itself again.

Another planet to consider also is Mercury, which represents how we think and communicate. It also signifies how we connect with others, process information we receive, and learn. Around the time of the eclipse on Tuesday the Moon and Mercury will be opposite to each other and there will be intense introspection on whether we are truly expressing ourselves to be understood and if our needs are precisely being met. Mercury could be pulling up our past memories and sparking the emotional processing within us. We are drawn back to childhood experiences that shaped us. The Universe might be asking to hear your personal story. Do you know it? Have you sorted it out yet? This eclipse is asking us to return back and reclaim our inner child. In doing so much to nurture and protect ourselves from painful experiences, we are prone to leave behind the inner child that bounces back from falling, ready to do it again. Go back and reclaim that spontaneity. Venus opposite Saturn may be pulling us towards our safe-place, do all that reflection in there; be it through journal writing, meditation, counseling – just find your center and get what you need.

Eclipses normally feel like they speed up time. People are impulsive, quick to react and make hasty decisions. At times, something we were expecting way down the line in the future, gets pushed up to an earlier date due to unforeseen situations. Life comes at you fast during a pair of eclipses. However, we are currently having a retrograde season with six of the cosmic entities currently retrograde. We’re well aware on how retrogrades can distort things, but the planet is actually moving slower than usual. This has an effect on everything related to it. During this time now, time might feel like forever for something you’re waiting on, or it could be just flying by if you’re the most and not paying attention. In either case, both situations suggest you devoting too much time overthinking instead of focusing. In another case, you might feel like time has caught up finally and that it’s too late, and this could cause an emotional breakdown. There is no better time than now to seek out therapy if it’s possible, as the past can resurface much too frequently at the worst time, causing inner turmoil and frustration in our lives.

With the planets involved in this eclipse cycle there is bound to be some truths that will be painful to swallow, but it is the realization that will come after that that is really the key that unlocks another door to your growth. Believe in yourself that whatever obstacle you might face at this time is only building up your endurance and confidence. We each occasionally have that one experience that we think we’ll never recover from. The dissolution of romance can make people feel like they’ll never find love again. The demise of a longstanding friendship can make us never want to get as close to anyone again. The loss of a decent paying job can feel like the end of the world. In any event, a new opportunity or chance to start over eventually comes along restoring and enforcing the faith and confidence we have of ourselves. In this way we can pave the way for others to find themselves.

The Full Moon Eclipse event will occur on Tuesday, July 16th in the sign of 24 degrees Capricorn at approximately 5:38 PM EDT. Proceeding the eclipse, the moon will be void-of-course from 5:39 PM EDT until 5:17 AM the next day.

Have you read this week’s forecasts? Click here to read the astrological weather report for this week.

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