So here you are taking a step in becoming more self-aware. I just want you to know a few things before you continue. Understand that a solid chart interpretation can tell you so much about yourself, siblings, children, your background, the direction of your love and professional life, events you might encounter, the life that you were born into, your soul’s purpose, psychological patterns, your emotional wellbeing and the steps that you could undertake towards enhancing it.parental relationships.

You can type in birth chart on any search engine and come away with a free report. You can gain some perspective from the free information being dispensed. However, the information given is usually textbook and “cookie-cutter” information that is not in the least customized to an individual. It’s too easy to miss out on what the chart doesn’t spell out and that’s why you go to an astrologer. Reading a chart for the first time can be somewhat confusing, contradictory, or just downright fatalistic! For the newcomer, this can create a misunderstanding that may conjure up fear and sadness, and I’m here to walk you through that.

Every service that I offer is centered around your natal chart. My aim is to establish that the information you receive is beneficial to you from where you’re at in life right now. An important thing to know is my reports are not computer generated. I do use software to run my calculations, but the interpretations all come from me and are not computer’s written analysis. Using my “astrologers intuition”, I know just what to take from an aspect. These reports whether basic or a full reading will contain all you need to know to get started on your journey. Likewise, I will be here for you thereafter to guide you through it should you ever get lost. So stating it again, these reports are personally done by me! It’s for this reason my prices are set as they are and I require more time than your typical astrology website sending you a printout.

I would hope that you’ve read “What to expect from an astrologer” that is found on the front page. If not, please read the information on that page particularly the sections titled “How I work”, “What I need from you”, and “Scheduling, Cost and Payment”.


Basic Natal Interpretation

I break down the chart, analyzing your sun sign, moon sign, and other significant aspects and placements in your chart. This analysis is an outline of your capabilities, personality, attributes, flaws, talents, your destiny, how people identify you and more. Through this you can gain more understanding of your individuality and energetic structure. I put it all together in a 60 minute recording and send it to you along with a .pdf file to the email address that you provide. I recommend this if you’re new to astrology and it’s your very first time having your chart read. I like to bring newcomers in easily, because my other report is much heavier.

Complete Natal Interpretation

In this report I will go into more detail exploring all of the above as well as other chart points, asteroids fixed stars. I walk you through working with these energies to become a better and more constructive version of yourself. I approach this interpretation from an evolutionary astrologer’s perspective. I go into your family life, childhood, subconscious emotions, as well as your past life(s) to align you with your highest potential in life. All of this explained in a fully in-depth video recording and follow-up two 30-min follow-up telephone conversations to answer any questions. I recommend this if you have an idea or some understanding of who you are, but you’re just trying to put it all together. This report is what I like to call “the missing piece”.

Solar Return Report

The Solar Return chart is a predictive chart for the year ahead. This is one of the most effective astrology techniques that is used to predict and describe opportunities, challenges, possible events and influences that will be in play for a year from one birthday to the next. By knowing where the Sun was at the time of your birth, we can learn more for what’s ahead (or in the past) by looking to Sun’s return to that same location in whatever year you are interested in knowing about. From the Solar Return chart, we can predict themes that might be important for you as well as which areas of your life will be most activated and when it most likely to happen.

Compatibility Report

A comparison of two charts interpreted to see how the nature and energy of one individual affects the other person, and breakdown of how the two cooperate together as one. This compatibility analysis will help you and your partner understand the dynamic of your relationship. By determining the astrological connections between both of your birth charts, we are able to reveal areas of harmony and compatibility as well as tension and conflict. This report is not only for lovers and can be applied to friendships, parent-child unions, and business partners as well.

Numerology Report

Do you know your Karmic lesson in this life? Do you have a Karmic debt to settle? Find out with this very detailed and accurate report breaking down the significant numbers we get from your name and date of birth and how they implement into your daily life to shape your destiny. These core numbers can be used to develop a better understanding of the nature of your individual character and circumstances to come. A real thorough, personalized report with deep insights into who you are and who you were born to be. All in a 25+ page .pdf document sent to the email you provided at checkout.

Sabian Report

Created by me and only found here on Astrolane Direct, this report gathers all the degrees of planets and asteroids in your chart and details the sabian symbol definition for each of them. I like this report a lot and recommend it for meditative work under major moon phases and planetary alignments. Of course I can’t go into too much detail about it here, but if you want to know more about it, be sure to order one

Transits Report (for returning clients)

Transits Report (for returning clients) This is only a service I am providing to my returning clients. This detailed list of the upcoming transits making aspects to your natal chart is one you already familiar. If you were interested in more where that came from, I’ve got you covered. This report gives you an idea of what’s ahead. Giving you a chance to be better prepared for anything that comes your way, as well as how to utilize your best days in the greatest possible way. I offer two options: 3 Months and 6 Months.

If any of these services interest you, to begin the order process start here to book a consultation and receive a confirmation before placing your order.

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