Sun in Gemini 2019

The Sun moves into Gemini on May 21. 2019 at 3:59 AM EDT

The Sun moves into airy Gemini and opens the doors for communication and socializing, flexibility, and non-commitment. Mutable Gemini is of the mind and loves variety. It is communicative and highly adaptable to any situation.

During Gemini season we tend to be more lighthearted, social, inquisitive and experimental. We become open to learning new things and meeting new people. We are in tune with our environment and become examining of details surrounding us. Life can come at you fast during this period and your mind speeds to keep up with it.

When the Sun transits Gemini we can become prone to nervous or feeling scatterbrained. It is important to find ways to calm the mind; meditation is sincerely recommended but if that’s not your thing you could find time to settle down with a book. This season enhances our intellectual capacity to absorb information. Everything involving communications; writing, reading, traveling, teaching, speaking to others are all favorable for increasing our knowledge and changing perceptions due to our being extra analytical now.

On that note, stay cool under pressure and do your best to avoid over-analyzing to a point of frustration or worry. Also, don’t bite off more than you could chew. This period could have us filling our schedules and taking on more projects than we could manage. It would be best to take on one or two tasks and sticking to them – stay focused. Avoid being meddlesome and snooping. If it’s not your concern then mind your business. Avoid gossip and hearsay, don’t get sidetracked from any goals you’ve set. 

It should be noted that now is a time to keep your options open, remain flexible and be noncommittal to anything requiring immediate decision. There is an air of detachment being influenced by our reality and circumstances that we spend plenty of time analyzing and rationalizing our feelings. People with the Sun Gemini can change their mind with a quickness and move on like no other can.

The New Moon in Gemini on June 3rd could open avenues of communication like never before. We receive fresh ideas that can lead to new opportunities in our favor. It will be a time to listen to what anyone has to say.  On June 17th we get Full Moon in Sagittarius enhancing our optimism and culminating our interactions from the New Moon into full blown manifestations. But only if you get out there and socialize!

So to summarize: This Gemini season is all about communication.

Over the coming month, you may need to sharpen your skills of adaptation. Go out into the world and meet new people, flirt around, be flexible! Don’t get too serious with anyone new, see different people before making up your mind to settle down. Crack jokes, remain lighthearted and humorous. Make time for relaxation and mind clearing with intellectual activities like puzzle games or reading. Sign up for a class and learn something new that interests you or go back to school. Plan a short trip, explore your city and get to know more of it. Launch a website or media venture. Write a letter, start journaling. Take up yoga or practice meditation. Be flexible. If you find yourself in a rut, now is your chance to get out of it.

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