Sun in Leo 2019
lion roaring on top of mountain during golden hour by @mdi

Sun in Leo 2019

The Sun returns home and enters its ruling sign of Leo on July at . In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion. The Sun in Leo isn’t here to play by rules or be a team player. It is very much focused on shining and having its moment in the spotlight. Sky’s the limit with the Sun in Leo and we definitely reach for the stars during this zodiacal season. Even the most aloof among us can enjoy the benefits of the Leo Sun at this time. It makes us more confident to go after what we want and to speak our minds expressively. We don’t hold back and do things on a much larger and grander scale. We put aside inhibitions and walk the ledge of spontaneity and risks. Considering our strong determination and increased ambition, our chances for success are improved.

We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Leo rules the heart, and therefore is very loving and expressively affectionate. In Leo season, we all feel the love and want to give it as well. Leo has gained the reputation of being self-centered and vain, but it’s not as superficial as most people think. Leo energy is lighthearted, playful and very loyal. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. For this sign, anything that doesn’t come from the heart is unimportant, and it’s a lesson that we all stand to learn when the Sun transits here. Pride comes from knowledge and ability, and as we evolve we discover that who we are is found in how we treat others.

That said we do have to watch out for coming off vain and self-centered. The high energy of the Sun in Leo is intense, flirtatious, flashy, and self-confident to the point of coming across as overconfident, arrogant or conceited. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

Our creative drive gets a major boost and finding an outlet would be ideal. Plan and host a party that brings people together. It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. Go for what you want or who you want. Be bold this month. Do everything and do it Extra! Dress up in a way that gets noticed! Wear your brightest colors and be provocative. Buying some new jewelry, or glamming it up will make you feel royal. Do something different and striking with your hair, be daring with a new color or a styled cut. Get out and enjoy the season. Let your hair down and paint the town red any chance you can get. Be sure to socialize as new connections can be made and established down the line. New relationships and love interests may develop, so be on the lookout. Otherwise, you can expect to be feeling and receiving more love and affection during this most amorous season. Have fun, Starshine!

The Sun enters the sign of Leo on July 22 until August 23. The following section contains the aspects being made to the Sun this month. Continue reading to see how the Sun in Leo can affect your sign.

Aspects to Sun in Leo

Sun enters Leo (Jul 22 10:50 pm)

Sun trine Chiron (July 28 11:42 pm)

Sun square Uranus (Jul 29 7:13 pm)

Sun trine Jupiter (Aug 7 3:31 am)

Sun quincunx Saturn (Aug 7  8:24 pm)

Sun quincunx Leo (Aug 10 8:43 pm)

Sun conjunct Venus (Aug 14  2:07 am)

Sun quincunx Pluto (Aug 14 2:07 am)

Sun opposite Moon – Full Moon in Aquarius 22° (Aug 15 12:29 pm)

Sun enters Virgo (Aug 23 6:01 am)

Learn more about these aspects by reading my Weekly Outlook posted every Sunday on this website and on Monday morning on my Facebook page. 

**All times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT)

Transiting Sun Affecting Your Sign


The Sun in Leo is in your house of creativity and romance, highlighting the need to go out and have fun over the next several weeks. Your confidence is higher than usual, and your romantic side comes alive. This month brings the opportunity to find love and romance. Your playful nature gets a boost, making you flirtatious and a magnetic to the opposite sex. You are more bold and outspoken and people love this about you and want to be around you. You get the attention you’re looking for, and at times when you aren’t. Your high energy, optimism and enthusiasm for life is infectious. On the one hand, you don’t want to be bogged down doing serious work while missing all of the action. You enjoy being the center of attention and life of the party all month. On the other hand, the Sun in your 5th house sparks creativity in you and increases your ambition to succeed. You may be in full go-getter mode willing to miss out on the fun in your mission to reach the top. In either case, finding a balance is key. Engage in your favorite hobbies, go out with friends, attend parties, and go on dates. If you are single, this is an excellent time to get out and go on dates. However, partying too much may lead to falling behind on your priorities. Manage your time carefully and remember…all work and no play makes a dull Aries.


The Sun transiting your 4th house, brings the focus on your home and family. You may want to change the home environment through improvements and renovations, or you might be considering moving to a better place entirely. You can spend more time this month with family, through get togethers and throwing social events. Comfort is found in the home, surrounded by loved ones. The security of having that family structure is really important to you at this time. Any conflicts within the home environment that come to the surface now will need to be addressed. It’s a good time to plan and arrange a
longstanding project. You can work on building up your inner foundation and getting in touch with your emotions during this time.


The Leo Sun is now in your 3rd house, putting a spotlight on communicating with others. You might be feeling more cheerful and sociable. This month can become very eventful as far as things picking up and moving fast in your social life. You may become more involved in paperwork, phone calls, emails, appointments, commuting locally, and find yourself in more speaking or writing engagements than usual. Your concentration isn’t the very best and you do better with smaller tasks that can be finished quickly. Your need for mental stimulation is heightened as your mind is very active right now and so you might want to learn new things that quench your curiosity. If you have siblings, this can be a good time for reconciling differences and renewing relationships with them.


The Sun in Leo transiting your house of values and possessions makes you highly focused on your finances. Money is on your mind, from how to save it, to how to make more of it. Likewise, your need to acquire things is increased. You may want to splurge at this time, buying things that will increase in its value or acquiring things that will boost your self-confidence. Or perhaps you might want to renovate the home to increase its worth. Going all out and splurging on another might be another way to boost the self-image you have of yourself. Spending some money might even be just what you need to gain more confidence. Just be sure not to go overboard in your spending spree. If you are facing financial hardships, you can be thinking of how to create more disposable income, and coming up with ideas of how to make more money, this will benefit you in the upcoming year. You’re not very likely to start a new project at this time, so spend this period finishing work you’ve already started. It’s a good time to make a list of things you would like to have, and developing a plan to get them.


With your ruling planet transiting your house of self-expression, the focus on you for the next few weeks. The first house governs the self, self-image, our being, potential, and path to our life’s purpose. Your confidence is high and you are not afraid to set yourself apart from the rest and express your originality. Any challenges you might face at this time can be solved with sheer boldness, courage, and self-confidence. You’re more self-assured and willing to go for what you want and you require no one’s help to obtain it. You are full of energy, optimistic, and very enterprising right now. It’s a good time to take full advantage of this life force energy and embark on a new project or endeavor. This season brings a sense of rebirth as it is the peak of your physical solar cycle. It’s time to put the past behind and move on to bigger and better things that you are destined for. You have a need to express yourself somehow, and this can be done by working on your appearance and making changes in how you interact with people. It’s not the best time for being a team-player or for collaboration, as this cycle brings out your leadership
abilities and your objective is to shine and be the center of attention. While you might be more self-centered at this time, that’s not always a bad thing. We all need to take the time to focus on ourselves and once and awhile, you just don’t want to go too far in your ego. Besides, it’s your birthday season, natal Leo Sun! This is a perfect time to show off, go for what you want, and do things for you, despite any difficulties that may lie ahead. Your self-awareness is heightened. Likewise, this period can give a boost to social success. This is a great time to “go for it.” Whatever “it” might be, just do it. You’ve got this!


The Sun in Leo is transiting your house of the subconscious, secrets and solitude. This month may be calling for time spent alone to recharge and sort through issues that are subconsciously and psychologically being presented. You are more conscious of your hidden feelings now, or in touch with all things hidden. You might also be feeling rather spiritual this month. This is a time when competitive energies and the ego are on a bit of a break. Old issues can come up that you need to face and move on from. You may be feeling and coming off more sensitive and emotional, require more rest, and are more intuitive. Your dreaming mind might be more active during this period, too. If possible, pay more attention to them for they may reveal clues to events/issues within your external world. This is a good time to get rid of baggage, and clear your life physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. There’s always something that you can get rid of. Think about the attachments you have–to things, people, and routines–and consider which ones are dragging you down. Situations that have naturally outgrown their usefulness in your life can now be put behind you. You could have a heightened sense of compassion at this time, and you’ll want to help people who can’t help themselves. However, you may feel drained, especially around people, and need to spend more time alone to recharge. You don’t want to be in the spotlight, and prefer to stay in the background and not get any attention from people. You may need to spend some time secluded, in private, or may want to get away for a bit. This might be a challenging period for you. The important thing to remember is not to resist. )


The Sun in Leo is transiting the 11th house and so the focus this month is on your friendships and associations. You are charming and making connections through social engagements and networking. Your calendar is filled this month with business meetings, group gatherings, and parties. You are feeling exuberant and social. Your friends can’t get enough of you and everyone else wants to get to know you. You are enjoying quite the life of a socialite right now by being a social butterfly. As you build up all of this interest in you from others, your actions towards them might be impersonal and aloof. Your thoughts are on the future, and obtaining more freedom for yourself. While you may love being part of a group, you find that you don’t necessarily need them to be happy. You much rather prefer to not be tied down to anyone or anything and get along by
keeping an emotional distance so you don’t have to deal with the drama in people’s lives. You have a pretty good idea about what you want and how you want your future to look. You do very well at this in formulating what your goals are and how you will pursue them. There’s an attraction to strange and unconventional ideas and people during this time. There is also the potential of getting involved in a social cause now because you feel a longing to help the world and humanity. The following month is ideal for following your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future.


The Sun shining down on your career sector puts the focus on personal pursuits and achieving long term goals. Your thoughts are on the direction your life is taking, as well as establishing or re-establishing your public reputation. The Sun transiting your solar 10th house, brings you recognition and praise for work you have done, or it can bring on penalties for abusing your power of authority. You have the spotlight on you all month in the career sector, so keep things neat if you don’t want a public scandal. You have the desire to accomplish a goal, and are more hard-working and sacrificing to get there. You want to be recognized for your talents now and feel a need to be noticed for your talents. It’s an excellent time to search for a job or get a new client. But bigger than that, it’s even more likely that others will take a liking to you and you can get recognized for something. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period and you will have to take a more practical approach to life to deal with bosses, parents, mentors, or other elders. It is also possible that you become much more social, invited to social gatherings that can help you advance in your career. If there has been a desire to chart a new course in life or your career path, this is an advantageous period to make solid plans and/or measured steps toward those endeavors. You want to be out and about during this time, so the more you get out and do your best, the more likely it is to happen. You want to shine, but just keep in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. You may be the center of attention at work for the month so live it up.


The Sun in Leo is transiting your 9th house of, bringing focus on expanding your world through higher education, travel or spiritual knowledge. Your optimism is expanded towards new experiences and exploring life’s deeper meanings. You may develop a greater interest in religion or occult studies seeking to explore them at a much deeper level. You become fascinated with learning new cultures that offer a different perspective in the way others live and go about their lives. It’s very likely to meet new people of different backgrounds, and acquiring exotic tastes. You could even start a relationship with a person from a foreign land. This is a good time to learn something new, study philosophy, or go back to school. You stand firm in your beliefs, and enjoy having animated debates about them with others. You are searching for the higher meaning of life and seeking out of body experiences that take you beyond the day-to-day cycle of a “normal” life. Consider taking a vacation or traveling this month to a place that offers
adventure and mind expansion. This transit of the Sun through your 9th house makes you feel good about yourself. You’re very outspoken and blunt during this time and must be careful of catching foot-in-mouth disease. Try not to lose touch with important details and regular routines in your personal life. Avoid becoming too dogmatic, fanatical and intellectually arrogant. The ninth house also represents publishing so, if you are writing a book, have dreams of drafting a script, or creating your own blog, now is the perfect time to pursue publication of something already completed or to begin the project.


The Sun in Leo transiting your 8th house puts a heavy focus on change and transformation. This can be quite a powerful time for you, emphasizing personal empowerment, and awareness of your true inner desires along with any shadow parts of yourself. You are much more in touch with any suppressed feelings you may have. If these repressed or controlled feelings, needs or emotions are not willingly brought out for release, then they will likely bubble beneath which can cause illness over the long run. You might spend more time by yourself reflecting on life, and become more serious. Your emotions can sway between extremes, and you may hold a lot in and be secretive. You may retreat from the hectic world and prefer to focus on intimacy with a partner. Your bedroom may get more action than usual while the Sun transits in the eighth. For those in a volatile relationship and are now separating, estranged, or divorcing, issues regarding your “shared” resources and who gets what might be illuminated. On a physical and practical level, the 8th house rules our sexuality and shared resources so, you may be dealing with joint finances and shared resources now more than usual. This transit highlights your joint finances, financial partnerships, debts, loans, taxes, and inheritances. This is an excellent time to create a budget or financial plan, or to rid yourself of bad habits that undermine your sense of personal power and self-mastery. You are dealing with issues of ego, power, and control at this time. Your will, self-discipline and psychological inclination matter to you more than usual. This is the time of year when you are most desirous of change on a deep level. In the psychological plane, the eighth house represents power struggles within our own psychological makeup and our ability to embrace the “darker” version of our Self without it overpowering us. During this time you shining a light on all that you hide within or away from you and taking a good look so that you can face these and either push them back down or deal with them. This can be internally but also through external actions or events that occur. This is an especially introspective cycle during which you have the chance to truly uncover your personal strengths and talents.


The Sun transiting your 7th house of partnership and open enemies, brings focus to your relationship with your spouse, significant other or a business partner. Your concern for them exceed that of your own needs at this time. You find that you would work better
with a partner right now, having someone on the same page as you, and understands you enough to exchange ideas that help you to get to know yourself. It can be hard for you to get out or start things on your own, feeling you would have a better time with a partner to enjoy it with. You’re interested now in improving relationships and making a commitment. You also become more interested in finding balance in your life during this transit cycle. Therefore, if you’ve been working hard you’ll have no trouble making room for pleasure and fun to strike the perfect balance. People will see you as being charming, arbitrary, and compromising. They are drawn to you for your sense of confidence and warm nature. Your popularity is soaring. You could attract at this time people who are egocentric and self-assured, but these are people with whom you can develop a deep relationship and attraction to. If you’ve been missing out on quality time with your lover, now is a good time to make up for it as you will desire to be with them even more. There’s just an emphasis on including others and being part of a team than seeking to do your own thing right now. Through your partnerships is a chance at self-discovery and realizing your potential. Just be careful of spreading yourself thin and giving away too much of yourself. Your mental state isn’t worth losing to make others happy.


The Sun shines on your 6th house of work service and health. All things surrounding these topics are highlighted for you for the month. Your concentration is quite serious now and you have little time for foolishness and absurdity. As a result, you’ll be able to get through smaller projects with ease as you are able to focus on the details, however larger projects may suffer because you’re unable to see the bigger picture. You might want to start a health regimen by eating better or quitting an addiction to something unhealthy. This transit of the Sun in your 6th house, boosts your confidence in getting the work done and receiving your credit for it. It’s a good time to cultivate your skills,make improvements to Self, and bring order to your life by focusing on the smaller details that make up the whole. Working by yourself but of service to another turns out better than starting things for yourself on your own at this time. This month you are examining the events and experiences of the last few months, getting rid of what doesn’t work in your life, while also discovering what does. You are being presented with an opportunity to make some much needed lifestyle changes, while learning to establish boundaries at the same time.

Hey there, Starshine, 

Your future is right in front of you. Don’t miss out on the major events this year. Click here to view the 2019 Astrological Calendar

Do you need direction? Perhaps one of my reports can help you figure some of it out. Click here to see what services Astrolane Direct has to offer. 

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