Weekly Outlook for August 12 -18, 2019

Weekly Outlook for August 12 -18, 2019

Monday – August 12, 2019

There’s a saying that goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”, and that couldn’t be more truer than it does for many of us today. With the shifts that occurred in the last 24 hours Jupiter stationing direct and Uranus stationing retrograde we feel brand new, optimistic and ready to make the necessary changes our lives need. Saturn and Pluto align with the Moon in Capricorn today, giving us a serious outlook to the day. It can be a powerful day in the emotional realm, feelings can be deeply intense and we’re capable of doing anything on an extreme level. Watch out for power struggles today and forcing your will on others. You’ll have a better day if you focus on your responsibilities today and being selective with your time and the company you keep. Take care not to fall into a rut of despair or feelings of guilt. Stay away from all negativity, surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, or spend time alone and do some introspection. Opening up to someone you’d like to connect with can reveal some clarifying information that brings you closer together. Avoid being petty and look for mature ways to handle a situation. There are great things ahead for those of us putting in the work to make our dreams come true. Put the past behind you and focus on what you’re doing for your future right now.

The Moon is void from 6:11 PM EDT, until it enters the sign of Aquarius on Tuesday, August 13th, at 11:35 AM EDT.

Tuesday – August 13, 2019

The serious Capricorn Moon ends it transit at 11:35 AM EDT and moves into freedom loving Aquarius. If by chance you happened to have ended your night or woke up today feeling, the Moon in Aquarius might be the pick-me-up that’s needed. Under this lunation, we can become somewhat rebellious and easily distracted. We’re very social and friendly, but can be removed from our emotions. The Moon in Aquarius favors spontaneity, interaction, exploration, self-expression, and humanitarian efforts. We can tap into our individuality and share it with the world. We are prone to shaking things up and switching up routines without warning. This afternoon, the communication bar gets raised. Mercury in Leo opposing the Moon today might make us sensitive and prone to having misunderstandings with others. Things said can get misinterpreted if not given thought to its delivery. Folks are sensitive today, and it’s a case of not what you say, but how you say it. There seems to be a disconnect, but it comes mostly from not being receptive to what others are saying. Talk less and listen more. With New Moon approaching, some realizations can be made now. Pay attention.


The Moon is void from 3:36 AM EDT, until the Moon enters Scorpio at 11:31 AM EDT.

Wednesday – August 14, 2019

Today has the potential of being a very pleasant one and can turn out to be fortunate as well. We want to be around people and have a good time.The Sun conjuncts Venus and fills the air with warmth, affection, and harmony. We can enjoy ourselves in the company of good friends, family or that special someone. It’s a good day to spend time with your children or children in general. They have so much to teach us about ourselves from when we were that age. No children to spend time with? No problem. Bring out your inner child, be playful and fun seeking. Like children on a playground, we can make friends easily through common interests and mutual attraction. Someone’s been checking you out, and today could be the day they decide to slide into that inbox. Today is a day of bringing things together. We can finally figure out what’s enjoyable to us, and see more of it occur from this day forward. We can attract some good fortune to us in terms of finances, new projects, creative endeavors, romance, and career pursuits. Don’t spend all day working or in doubt of yourself. Go out and have fun. Attend that after-work party, visit a museum today, treat yourself to a new outfit or a good meal. Call up your lover and plan a hot sizzling night of sweet sweet love down by the fire. The Universe wants you to. I know how strange it sounds advising you to let your hair down and it’s midweek, but I’m not suggesting to spend all day in revelry and pleasure. I’m saying make the time for it. With all this fuss I’m making, I must also tell you that with a favorable Venus aspect, a tendency to over-indulge is also very possible. Don’t stack to many obligations and duties to the day and you should be just fine. So, enjoy yourself but do it in moderation and be safe! The Moon spends all day in sociable Aquarius, and favors catching up with friends, and being part of group activities. It is getting ready to peak to the New Moon phase tomorrow morning.

Thursday – August 15, 2019

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are opposite to each other and it signifies a time of laying things to rest, finding equilibrium, completion, and endings. This morning a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius at 22° and we have a desire to express ourselves individually, while wanting to contribute to the collective conscious of humanity. This Full Moon motivates us to create a balance between our own passions, and personal contribution to humanity. This lunation can help us achieve a way to integrate them. We are full of original ideas at this time, and we have extra energy to focus on social activities. Friends are prone to get a little more attention than family members under this lunation, but there’s love to go around to everyone. Venus making an aspect to this Full Moon underlines that our emotions and need to give and receive affection will play a major role in our interactions throughout the day. We have a deep yearning to be part of something and contribute to something without losing touch with ourselves. Mercury in a positive aspect with Chiron raises our self-awareness and ability to express our emotions clearly. We are in tune with the pain & suffering that weighs people down, and we can connect to others by sharing part of ourselves and our experience.

The Moon is void from 9:02 PM EDT, until it enters the sign of Pisces, at 11:49 PM EDT.

Friday – August 16, 2019

The Moon entered the reflective sign of Pisces last night. Today, we have an opportunity to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and see things from their angle. This could result in us finding solutions for our own circumstances. The Moon in a sextile to Uranus can make us seek change in our lives and have the motivation to seek this out now. Mercury squaring Uranus makes us a little scatterbrained, irritable, and easily distracted. We should remain grounded and avoid speaking before thinking so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings unintentionally. So, if you find yourself getting annoyed by the actions or what people say, take a deep breath and think twice before going off for no reason. Some things you just can’t take back. Things may move so speedily today that you find it hard to keep up. This can make us innovative, finding new ways to do things that might save us some time. We may run into people who may be of help to us, take advantage of the opportunities coming your way. Keep an open schedule and be flexible as possible to better handle what might fly your way. Be careful driving, try not to get a speed ticket or road rage. It is better to be early than on time, so plan your commute accordingly to avoid any delays.

Saturday – August 17, 2019

Today will require a major dose of self-discipline to carry out our tasks and responsibilites. It’s a good day to work on yourself and on fixing any bad habits you may have. We’re getting an early start for Mars entering Virgo tomorrow morning at 1:18 AM EDT. Neptune in Pisces aligns with the Moon this afternoon and raises our sensitivity and compassion for others. Our intuition is so high today that there could be the feeling of sensory overload, as . Colors look more vivid, we’re sensitive to noise, and get easily lost in our thoughts because the daydreaming factor today is through the roof. We might believe that we can sense the feelings of others to the point of absorbing or bringing it out of ourselves. Be careful with this, however. The confusion of this transit can make us paranoid. Deception is also in the air today, and even a little white lie might blow up in your face. We can easily fool ourselves into a funk, feelings of guilt, and self-destructive habits. That’s why it’s important that we remain truthful with others and true to ourselves. This evening we could be feeling moody, as a result we can become overindulgent, and careless. However, we feel restless and do better in expressing ourselves. Sometimes, we’re in need of a change that refreshes and stimulates us. You might sense your strong instincts guiding you towards this now – follow it! Talk to the strangers you meet today, they may present something valuable. The women in your life may also have something to offer. Intuition and instincts are extemely high today, but it’s important to follow it towards light instead of darness. Open your heart and lend a hand where you can. Love is genuine today and you can count on the generosity of others. Keep your standards high.

The Moon is void from 6:34 PM EDT, until it enters the sign of Aries on Sunday, August 18th, at 12:33 PM EDT.

Sunday – August 18, 2019



Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Aug 12
6:11 PM
Moon con Pluto
Aug 13
11:35 AM
Aug 15
9:02 PM
Moon opp Mars
Aug 15
11:49 PM
Aug 17
6:34 PM
Moon sxt Pluto
Aug 18
12:33 PM

Highlights this week

North Node in Cancer Stations Retrograde – Aug 12 10:47 am

Venus sesquiquadrate Chiron – Aug 13 10:59 am

Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron – Aug 13 6:46 am

Venus quincunx Pluto – Aug 14 2:07 am

Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus – Aug 14 2:06 am

Sun conjunct Venus – Aug 14 2:02 am

Mercury trine Chiron – Aug 15 5:14 pm

New Moon in Aquarius [22 Aqu 24] – Aug 15 8:29 am

Mercury square Uranus – Aug 16 1:07 pm

Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn – Aug 17, 1:38 pm

Mars enters Virgo – Aug 18 1:18 am


SUN IN LEO -July 22 – August 23

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN LEO – August 11 – August 29

VENUS IN LEO – July 27 – August 21

MARS IN LEO – July 1 – August 18


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

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