Weekly Outlook for August 19 -25, 2019

Weekly Outlook for August 19 -25, 2019

Monday – August 19, 2019

The moon is in Aries today, adding wonder and enthusiasm to anything we start or work on today. Communication goes well this morning into the afternoon. Our minds our clear and we see things with a fresh outlook and apply rational thought. It’s a good day to handle matters that we can get through quickly. We can read others easily, and are able to offer advice that is appreciated. It’s a good day to show generosity to others. Support your friends today, and connect with loved ones. Writing and public speaking goes over well with others, and short travels might be fortunate to us. Keep an open mind this evening, and be kind to yourself. We are able to open up to others and share our feelings and ideas, but there can be moments of sadness or loneliness. Reach out to someone if that’s the case and don’t be alone with your thoughts. Be honest with your emotions and don’t take out your frustration on anyone else. Get out and socialize, explore your neighborhood, have some fun. Your spirit could receive a boost from being around people today, as feelings of happiness are all around us right now. Be generous, support your friends, help those in need. Pay forward the love and support that you have received. A lot of opportunities are available to us today, if we don’t restrict ourselves from enjoying what life has to offer.

Tuesday – August 20, 2019

There can be a feelings of nervousness and intense emotions that weigh us down early today. We might feel impatient and experience dark mood swings throughout the morning. Impulsive reactions can lead to self-destruction, and power struggles can damage relationships. It’s important that we control our emotions today and avoid lashing out. Venus is getting ready to enter Virgo this morning and we might be feeling a desire to change our routines for something more fresh and exciting. Be patient though, a break might be all that’s required. We should watch out for neglecting our responsibilities throughout the day. Manage your time and priorities efficiently to enjoy an evening of comfort and inner peace knowing that what needed to get done is now over with. The best suggestion is to approach your duties with enthusiasm – be happy that it will be over soon (Lol). Be careful not to overspend and avoid making any impulsive purchases. It’s a good time to go over your finances and begin the process of clearing debt to improve your financial rating. Our relationships and communication should be very pleasant this evening. Our confidence is high and we are comfortable being ourselves around anyone. Don’t be impulsive with your actions, make plans to go an adventure or take some kind of trip tomorrow.

Wednesday – August 21, 2019

Venus enters the sign of Virgo this morning at 5:06 AM EDT. We are starting to feel the energy shift more, and feel ourselves growing more and more serious. Venus in Virgo makes us analytical about our relationships. When meeting new people we are careful and initially cautious. We prefer to spend time with people who share our values and take the time to develop relationships rather than jumping in all at once. There will be a tendency to hold back now, preferring to weigh options, instead of making immediate decisions. Having too many choices could overwhelm some of us, stay grounded and be confident that the choices you make now are the right ones. The moon ended it’s transit of Aries around midnight and spends the day in sensible Taurus. We have more focus to tackle matters that require focus and patience. We may find ourselves wanting to do something out of the ordinary today, or feel ourselves changing outlooks on the way we see certain things. Mercury makes a trine to Jupiter this morning, making it a good day for studying, research, and general learning. Talking to others today can bring us new information and ideas we need to progress further. It’s a good day to go out and explore the world around you and expand your horizons; talk to people you meet. Finances might receive a stroke of fortune during this time, transactions and business dealings go really well. Go for what you want right now, you have a good chance of getting it.

The moon is void from 12:06 am this morning until 12:37 am when it enters the sign Taurus. 

Thursday – August 22, 2019

Our emotions can be weighty today, confusion distracts and indecisiveness holds us back from making progress. We are highly sensitive and in tune with other people’s emotions but not so much with our own. It’s a good day to express your creativity and bring it over to the business side and daily management of your life. With the moon in Taurus all day we can feel drawn to nurturing our senses through music, finding beauty around us, and seeking comfort. The company of others can bring us enjoyment today. We are here for those in need, and provide the support they need to feel good about themselves again. We should avoid getting caught up in daydreams and overthinking. We are prone to falling into bouts of self-analysis throughout the day that can bring us down over our circumstances and where we are in life. Try not to get discouraged over any challenges. The obstacles we face in our lives are actual low-key blessings because they make us stronger and more experienced. Challenges are beacons of your evolution. If you are feeling underappreciated, understand that everyone shows theirs differently and in due time, you will be recognized for your hard work. You can even get the ball rolling by appreciating your own efforts more, celebrating your accomplishments no matter how small they are, and by giving more of what you wish to receive from others.

The moon is void from 5:32 pm this evening, until tomorrow morning at when it enters the sign of Gemini at 10:34 am.

Friday – August 23, 2019

Virgo season begins today at 6:01 AM EDT. It’s time to organize our lives and simplify our daily tasks through integration. We have a fine eye for detail and establishing what’s important in our lives. What no longer works for us gets dismissed to create more time for us to focus on what’s more important. This next month can find us being more nitpicky and seeking perfection more than usual. The slightest imperfection might turn us off, and cause us to be harder on ourselves than necessary. You must make room for mistakes and forgive yourself if you make any. Relax. Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and meditation are all things you should look into adding to your life on a daily basis, but more so during this season. Certain things might become more important to you now than they actually matter to others. If you find yourself feeling nervous or close to panicking, seek advice and follow it. Sometimes, we are our worst critics and right about now we’re better at counseling others than we are at it for ourselves. There’s no better time to start seeing a therapist if you need help sorting your thoughts. This is a time for healing ourselves, physically, spiritually, and mentally. See a doctor, start exercising more if you aren’t doing so, eat in a way that is beneficial to your health. I don’t know what that is; some of us may need to eat more, while some may need to eat less. Just eat to live. What’s important is that you are getting your daily nutritional value through essential vitamin and mineral intake. The Moon enters Gemini this morning around 10:30 AM EDT. We are functioning under extreme mercurial energy these next couple of days. Our emotional response is high, but focus is low. Overthinking and analyzing is enhanced, but we should avoid becoming neurotic over minor mishaps or things beyond our control. Keep a good humor.

Saturday – August 24, 2019

The moon is in Gemini all day adding liveliness to our lives. We might be a little scatterbrained, restless, and our moods changeable, but we’re expressive and communicative nonetheless. We’re flexible now, and enjoy mixing it up as far as the things we want to know about. It’s a good day for learning new things. Venus conjunct Mars this afternoon, making us flirty and charming. We feel attractive at this time, and we have the courage to go after whatever we want. Nothing comes to those who stand by and do nothing. We could find ourselves feeling frisky, and might have a desire to start a fling at this time. Chances for romance are really high today. It’s important to lay your cards on the table upfront, so there’s no confusion down the line. If it’s something serious that you’re looking for, then be patient and nurture this new potential romance. Otherwise, enjoy it for what it is and as long as it lasts. We are charming today and can enjoy the company of good surroundings, intellectual conversations, music and dancing, writing, and expressing ourselves creatively. We are capable of supporting others, but must avoid exhausting ourselves in bending over backwards. Be careful of how you come off to others because emotions are running pretty high today. People can read more into your actions than you’re trying to convey. Be careful of leading people on, or thinking yourself, that there’s more to something than there actually is. Avoid self-destructive habits and negative behavior

Sunday – August 25, 2019

The moon in Gemini is void throughout the day until it heads into the sign of Cancer this evening at 5:05 PM EDT. We should still be enjoying the momentum of yesterday’s Venus and Mars alignment. Right now we have everything we need to put the pieces together in our lives. We might be feeling somewhat detached or a deep sense of inner calm right now. We’re unbothered and possess the ability to sort things out in our personal relationships. We’ll feel good about clearing the air and getting to the bottom of things. We’re in a good place to open up to others and grow closer together. Enjoy some quality time with a loved one or significant other this evening. There are so many wonderful opportunities in store for us today. Staying busy, flexible, and being open-minded will bring us closer to our goals. There are connections to be made from networking and in the meeting of minds. You can learn a lot if you just listen, or be the person communicating a message that people want and need to hear. When the moon enters Cancer, we enjoy the comfort of home more and prefer to be there. We’re more sensitive and intuitive and we feel good spending quality time with family and close friends. This transit favors nurturing others.


The moon went void this morning at 2:58 am until this evening when it enters the sign of Cancer at 5:05 pm. 


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Aug 21
12:06 AM
Moon tri Venus
Aug 21
12:37 AM
Aug 22
5:32 PM
Moon tri Mars
Aug 23
10:34 AM
Aug 25
2:58 AM
Moon sxt Mercury
Aug 25
5:05 PM

Highlights this week

Venus enters Virgo – Aug 21 5:05 PM

Mercury quincunx Saturn – Aug 21 4:26 am

Mercury trine Jupiter – Aug 21 6:04 am

Mercury quincunx Neptune – Aug 22 10:25 pm

Sun enters Virgo – Aug 23 6:01 am

Venus conjunct Mars – Aug 24 1:04 pm

Mercury sesquare Chiron – Aug 24 2:47 pm

Venus quincunx Chiron – Aug 25 6:32 am

Mars quincux Chiron – Aug 25 10:12 pm


SUN IN LEO -July 22 – August 23

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN LEO – August 11 – August 29

VENUS IN LEO – July 27 – August 21

MARS IN VIRGO – August 18 – October 4


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

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