Weekly Outlook for August 5 -11, 2019

Weekly Outlook for August 5 -11, 2019

Monday – August 5, 2019

We are prone to a whirlwind of emotions today, with feelings and direction being all over the place. We could start the day feeling really positive, and wanting to socialize but as the day moves on it can take on a more serious tone and it can become somewhat harder to connect with people. Avoid falling into a state of melancholy from overthinking what you consider were failures. By this evening we get involved in emotional power struggles, and it gets difficult to remain neutral or control our reaction to what occurs. The Moon spends all day in Libra trying to make sense of it all. The Libra moon favors harmony and finding a middle ground. It is capable of seeing both sides of a situation and finding a balance between them. Under this Moon’s influence we are better suited to keep our composure and be open to cooperation with others. The way you start your day with a feeling of inner balance can be used throughout the day to lead and reconcile any problems with compassion and enthusiasm to help others. If you’re in a loving relationship today can be a pleasurable for intimacy, and for making sexual relations exciting by this evening. If you know what I mean.

Tuesday – August 6, 2019

The compromising Libra Moon ends today and begins a new transit in the sign of Scorpio around 11:30 AM EDT. We’re coming off of cooperating to meet others’ needs, to now looking within ourselves to get in touch with our emotions under the Scorpio Moon. We must watch out for changeable moods today as it can bring on hasty emotional reactions and pettiness. We are prone to being highly opinionated, caring little for what others think or might have to say. Our emotional reactions tonight could easily lead us down the wrong path if having a good time takes the lead over our responsibilities. Be careful of overlooking the needs of others, including yourself, avoid carelessness. You may want to put your foot down on a situation you find extremely restrictive. There may be surprises in store for us this evening that are the disruptive kind that may require us to make a few modifications that we may or may not be willing to make but is necessary regardless. The fact of the matter is staying inflexible in your patterns is what leads to unpredictable results. Becoming more open to experiencing some different, could make it easier to accept what life throws at you. A little charity can go a long way today and the Universe does repay you for it.

The Moon is void from 3:36 AM EDT, until the Moon enters Scorpio at 11:31 AM EDT.

Wednesday – August 7, 2019

We are feeling mighty and on top of the world today with the Sun in an exact trine to Jupiter this morning at 3:32. Sadly, chances of rain loom over our parade towards the evening. We start off with an abundance of high optimistic energy which could be applied toward attaining Personal and spiritual growth through studies and travel. We can express ourselves easily through writing and public speaking. Financial gains are possible at this time. We feel in harmony with our environment and most likely prefer engaging in abstract and metaphysical topics, anything that can broaden our outlook in life intrigues us at this time. However, this can be interrupted tonight when the Sun makes a minor quincunx aspect to Saturn. This aspect can throw us off balance and create friction between balancing the self-esteem, the ego, with heavy feelings of responsibility and self-discipline. This aspect to Saturn can have us in our feelings of sadness and loneliness and it can be hard to regain the self-confidence we started the day with. The Moon spends the entire day in introspective Scorpio, we could use this energy to go deep into exploring the depths of our emotions to make sense of our circumstances. This moon has the emotional fearless to do the deep work to bring you back to center.

Thursday – August 8, 2019

Yesterday may have ended heavily and abruptly for some of us, but today we have the benefit of starting again and doing even better with our day today. Venus makes a trine to Jupiter this afternoon at 4:28 PM EDT, which will lift our spirits and bring an abundance of love right along with it. This aspect favors socializing of every kind, it makes us exude confidence and charm. We attract people who love and support us and we feel a boost in popularity. We are warm and friendly towards others, and feel more at ease to express our softer side through the love and affection we give to others. We benefit in giving as much as we are in a position to receive. Pay a service or a gift forward. Financial gain is very likely at this time since Venus rules money and Jupiter rules wealth. Making an investment today could end up working in your favor and increasing your fortune. (Disclaimer: I’m no broker or inside trader so don’t blame me if you lose some change dammit) That said this is one of the most favorable transits to anticipate. You will enjoy socializing more and appear more attractive to others. Luck may appear out of nowhere through favors, gifts, offers, and opportunities. It would be unwise to say no to an offer right now. Needless to say, this is an epic time to start dating or take a relationship to the next level.  Along with that, we can also use this transit’s influence to repair friendships that are on the rocks. It’s an ideal time to have faith in what you love and put your trust in the people that you love. You can enjoy a shopping spree right now if your financial affairs are in order, and if they’re not, you can still stand to treat yourself without any guilt; just don’t splurge. The Moon makes its final stand in mysterious Scorpio today and enters the sign of Sagittarius this afternoon at 4:35 PM EDT.

The Moon is void from 10:58 AM EDT, until it enters the sign of Sagittarius at 4:35 PM EDT.

Friday – August 9, 2019

The Moon is in Sagittarius all day giving us a boost of optimism and positive spirit. We have this newfound sense of seeking adventure, expanding our consciousness, and learning something deep. Our inclination for spontaneity is high and we have the will to just go for what we want. This energy makes us seek freedom, growth, and new opportunities for ourselves. Later this afternoon Venus makes a quincunx to Saturn at 4:24 PM EDT. While a minor aspect, a quincunx deals with health and being made to Saturn, no doubt this shows up in the form of brooding or depression. In all of our good spirits today we can be hit with a wave of emotions that rocks our sensibilities. We can undergo an unexplainable sadness that stirs up an anxiety within us that can hinder us from asserting ourselves and getting our needs met. You may find yourself putting distance between you and others. While some alone time would do well in helping you collect your thoughts, it would be unwise to ignore the people you love who are trying their best to show love to you.

Saturday – August 10, 2019

The Moon spends another day in optimistic Sagittarius. We enjoy spontaneity and spending time outdoors. Details and small and practical matters are less important now as we desire more freedom. This Moon favors seeking higher education, it wouldn’t be out of place to sign up for a class on a whim. The Sun makes a minor contact with the North Node this afternoon, and we can feel as if we’re moving along in the right direction. We get along well with others today and receive their cooperation with little to no resistance. A quincunx this evening between the Sun and Neptune threatens to throw us off course and fog our way of thinking. It can be hard to focus and define our aspirations. There is an underlying feeling that past failures can dictate our future endeavors as being the same, and this can make us hesitant about getting something off the ground. It is important that you understand this is more your own feeling than actually being true. Get out of your head and take that risk. A minor aspect between Venus and the North Node this evening could bring you the attention of someone who has been admiring you from afar.

The Moon is void from 3:50 PM EDT, until the it enters the sign of Capricorn on Sunday, August 11th, at 12:50 AM EDT.

Sunday – August 11, 2019

It’s a busy day in the zodiacal realm, we have one planet ending its retrograde and another planet getting ready to start its retrograde a little while after that. We also have the planet of communication entering the most expressive sign of the zodiac. The Moon entered the sign of Capricorn this morning at 12:51 AM EDT, turning our minds to business and getting ahead in our goals. Jupiter in Sagittarius stations Direct this morning at 9:27 AM EDT and asks us what knowledge did we gain or new experience did we undergo during the retrograde that can be applied toward our spiritual evolution. Venus makes a quincunx to Neptune this afternoon making us prone to fantasizing about unrealistic situations. We might be prone to confusion in our relationships today, being unsure of what we want and expressing moodiness and frustration. It is highly suggested that you reexamine your relationship expectations. On the flipside, we find comfort in being in the company of others today. Mercury enters Leo this afternoon at 3:46 PM EDT, adding dramatic flair and bold expression to our conversations. We speak from the heart, and become very social under this transit enjoying lots of laughs and playful conversations. Our creativity fountain is overflowing and we have an abundance of energy and desire to create and to keep creating. Later on this evening, Uranus the Great Awakener stations Retrograde at 7:23 PM EDT. When Uranus goes retrograde it can give us a feeling of instability and dread. Things can change under Uranus’ retrograde. Those changes can come out of nowhere and shock us like nobody’s business. These are changes that can completely change our minds and our hearts and possibly take us down a whole new path. We become freed from old ways of thinking and doing things. Great changes can take effect on our outlook during this time. We can possibly change some old habits and ways of thinking. Stay tuned for my article explaining more about Uranus in Taurus and it’s retrograde cycle.


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Aug 6
3:36 AM
Moon squ Mercury
Aug 6
11:31 AM
Aug 8
10:58 AM
Moon tri Mercury
Aug 8
4:35 PM
Aug 10
3:50 PM
Moon tri Mars
Aug 11
12:50 AM

Highlights this week

Sun trine Jupiter – Aug 7 3:32 am

Sun quincunx Saturn – 8:25 pm

Venus Trine Jupiter – Aug 8 4:28 pm

Venus quincunx Saturn – Aug 9 4:24 am

Sun semisextile North Node in Cancer – Aug 10 12:47 am

Sun quincunx Neptune – Aug 10 8:44 pm

Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Aug 11 5:01 am

Jupiter Stations Direct – Aug 11 9:27 am

Venus quincunx Neptune – Aug 11 1:43 pm

Mercury enters Leo – Aug 11 3:46 pm

Uranus Stations Retrograde – Aug 11 7:23 pm


SUN IN LEO -July 22 – August 23

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN CANCER – July 19 – August 11

VENUS IN LEO – July 27 – August 21

MARS IN LEO – July 1 – August 18


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

New to astrology? Click here to read my article that talks about how an astrologer can assist you.

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