Weekly Outlook for July 15 -21, 2019
tower viewer by @pperkins

Weekly Outlook for July 15 -21, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019  

The moon has been in Capricorn since yesterday, we continue moving forward through discipline. We can feel weighed down by the responsibilities of our day ahead. There is an underlying pressure to change things, either about ourselves or our environment. There is a possibility for things to go awry today, so be on the alert for the unexpected. The Moon’s trine to Uranus raises our awareness and intuition. This day can be exciting and filled surprises with happy outcomes. Our impulsivity is also activated, fortunately for us today there can be positive outcomes in being spontaneous – follow your gut. Old faces may appear out of the blue during this time giving a chance to catch up with old friends. We can benefit greatly from remaining optimistic and not folding to any pressure. Now is a good time to work on self-improvement. Think about an area in your life you want to improve; create a goal and then work on a plan. Take control of a situation.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 – Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn 24° (Partial) 5:38 PM EDT​ 🌕♑

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs of each other in the same degree. It represents completion and serves as a checkpoint of things began 6 months ago on the corresponding New Moon. Today’s Full Moon in Capricorn comes to us this evening with a partial lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse will only occur during a full moon. Lunar eclipses bring transformation, personal insight, final endings, a form of release, and a chance to reflect on where we came from and how much further we still have to go.

Two weeks ago we had the solar eclipse in Cancer that marked the beginning of a new lunar cycle and planted the seeds that began a new chapter in our evolutionary experience. Well, this lunar eclipse is for sorting out these details and to come to realizations about what does and doesn’t work for us. Taking place on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, this cycle is all about balancing your private life and your career. Perspective is very likely to shift at this time. Things might feel like they are falling apart but they are actually falling into place, and you will realize it once the air clears. Eclipses strengthen us; this one being conjunct Pluto and the South Node, reminds us that it is a time for letting go. Old structures are crumbling and new ideals and perspectives are replacing it. You may feel an internal pressure now to have as much as you can be done and over with, but don’t rush yourself.

Remember that we are also experiencing a retrograde of Mercury, so give yourself time to gather your thoughts and sort your new ideas. Mercury retrograde tends to alter our judgement and cloud our thinking. Use this time now until the 31st to reflect, become grounded and allow things to fall into place. Resist any urge to act out in anger and get in touch with your subconscious instead to explore the root of your emotions. Face your darker side and make
peace with yourself. You are being provided with an opportunity to gain a clearer picture of who you are, and how you need to express yourself. Where you are now is exactly where you need to be.

Those people with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra) will feel much of this energy, especially if they are within 19° – 29°. As for everyone else, the house where Capricorn is located in your chart is the area of your life you should be paying most attention to.

A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, moon, and Earth align in a way that the Earth’s shadow moves over the face of the moon. In this partial lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow will be seen on only part of the moon.

#FullMoonEclipse #CapricornFullMoon2019

Wednesday – July 17, 2019

The moon entered the sign of Aquarius this morning at 5:18 am and we can awake today feeling detached and spontaneous. Strong reactions to emotional issues highlight the day with the Moon in aspect to Mercury this morning. We may find it hard to be objective at this time. Our needs become important matters to us at this time, it’s best to reflect on what they are and how to get them met. It is important that you consider other people’s feelings to make the best choices in your final decisions. Annoyance and uneasiness are emotions that can be used to figure things out about ourselves and the people we interact with. Feeling closed off and disconnected today might lead to misunderstandings that throw us off. The early square this morning between Venus and Saturn can create constraints in the work day and bring potential bad news. Make sure to take the occasional break to stretch your legs and find your center. A sudden desire to break free of routine may be activated this evening when the Moon squares Uranus. Boredom can sweep over us like a giant wave of energy that can be disruptive to us, making us lose focus and sight of the bigger picture. It’s not the best day to make and financial deals or decisions. However, our energy can instead be used to look into ways of improving our financial security. It’s okay to want to be in your own world today, just don’t stay there. The Moon in Aquarius favors social activity, but for today just find one thing that makes you happy and focus on that.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The moon is still in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. Our intuitive levels are high, making is fully aware of the motivations of others, as well as their dishonesty. We might feel more compassion than usual for the well-being of others and rush to the aid of those in need of assistance. Acts of kindness towards others go a long way in making us feel good. What might initially feel like an obligation can result in a great boost of confidence and self-esteem.
Discussions today carry the air of seriousness; we might prefer conversations on philosophy and politics, yet we hold firm to our viewpoints. There can be combativeness with those making demands of us, so remain calm and open-minded. Your own rigidness could make you self-righteous and commanding to others. You would do well and gain extra perspective if you’re willing to consider someone else’s point of view. There could be periodical restlessness of the mind today because of too many details coming in at once. Step back a little to refocus on the bigger picture. I wouldn’t even advise on making any commitments at this time, as there is a chance of not being able to fulfill them if you are spreading yourself thin. Get your thoughts together, rearrange a future schedule but keep it open for today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

While most of us slept, Mercury Retrograde left Leo and entered the sign of Cancer, bringing us back to processing and expressing ourselves on a deeper emotional level. We are inclined now to listen with understanding than we are with speaking to be heard. Although chances for mishaps and misunderstandings surrounding the home and family life are likely to happen, this can be a good time to reconcile with family we haven’t spoken to in a while. The moon spends most of the day in Aquarius activating our sense of freedom and inclination towards solitude and then enters the compassionate sign of Pisces at 5:18 PM EDT later today. We could be in for a busy evening later on that may compel us to ignore matters we deem important but too difficult to take on. We must avoid reacting harshly without stopping to consider the current mood we’re in. Instead of being petty, try being more considerate. Self introspection can help us to find balance in our reactions. Needs are especially highlighted today; you are coming more into the realization of what’s important to you. Don’t be afraid to assert your will and take a stand for what matters to you; and be confident in rejecting what doesn’t or no longer works for you. The Moon in Pisces marks the end of a lunar cycle. It can be good for winding down and being meditative, imaginative and creative. It might be good to skip the Friday night plans for a relaxing bath instead and making it a Netflix night.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Moon is in dreamy and intuitive sign of Pisces. This morning we wake up mentally sharp. More and more each day since the lunar eclipse we’re seeing our needs come to the surface. Today could be a day to give some consideration to those needs that might be needing attention. Throughout the morning and early afternoon, we may experience some crankiness. Dive into the depths of Piscean moon energy this morning by doing reflective or Ma work to tap into your inner power and use that force within you. There is an expressive and creativity spirit locked away in many of us now and it’s looking to escape to run free and be original. It’s a good day to challenge yourself, go ahead and play with a new idea. Be it around the household or in your personal life; you could find this new idea able to replace something you’ve been doing for the longest now. It’s time to put an old tradition to rest or way of thinking to rest. This evening a minor aspect between the Moon and Mars can make us irritable and stir up combativeness. We can blame it on the heatwave, while still taking taking the feelings of others into consideration
today. Minor obstacles today might serve as a good reminder to plan ahead and be prepared for any future challenges. Try something new or do one thing differently today. Step outside of your comfort zone and get to know your inner child again.

Sunday – July 21, 2019

This day will be filled with intensity and nervous energy thanks to the conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 8:34 am. We feel a need to communicate and share ideas. By midday our minds can start to wander, making us distracted and in need of stimulation. Our thoughts are clearer and move rapidly by this afternoon. Creative energy levels are high, but our capacity to concentrate and focus on serious matters such as business and finance, not so much. The early morning opposition that Venus makes to Pluto stirs intensity throughout the day with power plays, manipulation, and scare tactics. There is a desire to control others that can result in confrontations and combativeness. Emotional upsets may occur in relationships. It will be hard to find a middle ground; one person wants to dominate a situation and the other person reluctant to being controlled or giving up their power. Choose your words carefully at this time, for they can be used against you later on. Mercury rules speech, and while minds may be sharp today, the tongue can be even sharper. We’re still under the retrograde until the 31st, so be careful not to say things you could regret later on. The Moon is still in Pisces and will be there all day, requiring us to make time for deep reflection. New ideas might hit us like epiphanies. It’s a good day to seek pleasure and enjoy the company of others. People will enjoy your company, you will enjoy theirs and could even find some inspiration through strangers. Even if you’re feeling in a rut, stepping out of your comfort zone will make your day!


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Jul 16
5:38 PM
Sun opp Moon (FM Eclipse)
Jul 17
5:19 AM
Jul 18
11:53 AM
Moon sxt Jupiter
Jul 19
5:19 PM

Highlights this week

Venus quincunx Jupiter – Jul 16 3:44 am

Venus opposite Saturn – Jul 17 1:33 am

Venus conjunct North Node – Jul 17 8:45 pm

Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Jul 18 1:50 pm

Venus trine Neptune – Jul 18 2:02 pm

Mercury Retrograde enters Cancer – July 19 3:06 am

Venus opposite Pluto – July 21 4:31 am

Sun conjunct Mercury – Jul 21 8:33 am


SUN IN CANCER  (June 21 – July 22)

MERCURY IN LEO  (June 26 – July 19)

MERCURY IN CANCER  (July 19 – August 11)

VENUS IN CANCER  (July 3 – July 27)

MARS IN LEO  (July 1 – August 18)


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

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