Weekly Outlook for July 29 -August 4, 2019
two children standing near cliff watching ocean at daytime by @tdederichs

Weekly Outlook for July 29 -August 4, 2019

Monday – July 29, 2019

Put on your seatbelt and get ready to ride an emotional rollercoaster today. The Moon enters Cancer this morning at 7:30 AM EDT, activating emotions and increasing sentimentality in all of us. Meanwhile, Uranus the great disruptor is in full effect today, bringing our need for adventure and change to the forefront. You could be feeling off today and can get easily irritated at times. There is a restlessness in the air today that makes us fidgety and anxious, but mentally sharp to come up quick with solutions. It’s a favorable time to step out of comfort zones and make changes to personal habits and domestic routines. The Sun square Uranus can make us neglect our duties in favor of independence and rebellion. You might feel the need for a sudden change in your life. Don’t ignore this feeling and examine what it is instead. If you withhold your reservations and pinpoint this tension then you’ll be more prepared for whatever adjustments or changes are necessary to be made. Otherwise, it can blow up right in your face…disastrously. For instance, if you’re struggling to see results from something at this time, intentionally changing the way you’re doing things can bring positive results. Whereas, continuing to do the same thing over and over can result in a devastating change. This aspect requires us to be flexible, for the fact that we can be unsure about what our needs are until we actually meet them. Be on the alert for any chance encounters today. Get out of the house and take the scenic route to wherever you’re heading. Surprises can be very beneficial to us right now. You could be feeling really charged today and resistant to taking anyone’s order, advice or hearing their opinions. However, keep in mind that it’s not just you feeling this way and with that comes the chance of having outbursts and getting into disputes with others. So drink your water and don’t be meddlesome. You should be careful to avoid driving recklessly today or fiddling with any machinery today.

Tuesday – July 30, 2019

The Moon is in the home-loving Cancer all day, raising our sensitivity, intuition and might make us slightly touchy today. We would do well to maintain our energy for most of the day, as disconnectedness can impair our judgement and decisions. Emotional needs can get brought to the surface this morning and it can be hard to open up to other people or remain neutral, which can lead to becoming distant and others finding you cold or unemotional. This afternoon our intuition might feel particularly strong. While being positive is always a good thing, it’s important to remain realistic this afternoon and not get carried away by our fantasies or hold our expectations too high. Hold off on making any important decisions today for tomorrow, after you’ve had a chance to make sense of the situation. Intense emotions and inner turmoil can arise by tonight. Feelings of hopelessness, anguish, vulnerability, confusion, jealousy, and fear are things that can be brought up at this time. It’s important not to give in or react to
circumstances based off of these emotions which might feel like some work on your part, but I know that you got this. By being aware that this is just a passing feeling, you can avoid damaging your relationships with others. Find some time to be alone today to collect your thoughts and adjust your attitude. The less you say the more awareness you will gain. If emotions get overwhelming and you aren’t feeling like yourself then tell someone rather than taking it out on them. Try not to make others feel guilty for the way feel. It’s best to find someone you trust to talk to and share your feelings with. If that isn’t an option, then seek professional counseling to make peace with youraelf. On the other hand, you might be the one that someone reaches out to today for support or comfort, because of your sensitive and caring nature.

Wednesday – July 31, 2019 New Moon in Leo 8° 37′ 11:12 PM EDT

The Moon leaves Cancer this morning and enters fun loving Leo this morning at 9:19 AM EDT. Today we find pleasure in socializing and might be feeling the love coming from all directions when the Moon and Venus conjunct this afternoon. There is a sense of inner peace and a strong sense of how to love yourself. Watch out for absorbing the negative energy of others and for that reason it is important to go where the love is instead. Later on, disruptions can occur that agitate us to rebel and lash out. You will do better to channel that energy towards a change in your daily routine. Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct this evening at 11:51 PM, right after a New Moon in Leo. Thinking will be clearer now and we’re able to come to realizations and acceptance for where we’re headed. We’ve just spent several weeks going over our lives along with the roles that people play in it. We saw true colors, gained new perspectives, saw how we contribute to our circumstances and realized the changes we have to make. Now is a time of putting all of those lessons together and moving forward with them being applied in our lives. It’s time to take back control of your life and go after what you want for yourself. This ties in well with our second New Moon of this month, this time in Leo. Also called a Black Moon, this Super Moon energy inspires us and encourages us to shine. We pay this forward by encouraging others to shine. Are you hiding your gifts and talents from the world? Are you afraid of stepping outside of your comfort zone? This New Moon lunation motivates us to take the stage and show the world what we’re made of. Remember that the Sun rules Leo and the Sun shines bright! If it’s criticism you’re afraid of, just know that the more you bury your awesomeness, the more criticism you will face. This lunation favors enterprise and entrepreneurship. It’s a time to solidify your mission statement and start to live it out. Having set your goals outside of accolades and recognition, the Universe will give you what you want when you need it. Trust in it and yourself. Step up to your throne and claim your crown tonight. You are royal at what you do! 

Thursday – August 1, 2019

Read the Monthly Outlook for August 2019

Friday – August 2, 2019

Saturday – August 3, 2019

Sunday – August 4, 2019



Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Jul 30
11:33 AM
Moon con Mercury
Jul 31
9:18 AM
Aug 1
4:48 PM
Moon con Mars
Aug 2
9:20 AM
Aug 4
12:07 AM
Moon sxt Mercury
Aug 4
9:30 AM

Highlights this week

Sun square Uranus – Jul 29 7:14 pm

Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune – Jul 30 2:49 pm

Mars quincunx Neptune – Jul 30 4:08 pm

Mercury Stations Direct- Jul 31 11:57 pm

Venus trine Chiron – Aug 1 12:57 pm

Venus square Uranus – Aug 2 6:00 am

Mars sesquisquadrate Chiron – Aug 3 8:21 am

Mars quincunx Pluto – Aug 4 11:59 am


SUN IN LEO  (July 22 – August 23)

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN CANCER  (July 19 – August 11)

VENUS IN LEO   (July 27 – August 21)

MARS IN LEO  (July 1 – August 18)


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

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