Weekly Outlook for June 3 – 9, 2019
person standing in front of open window by @jonericm

Weekly Outlook for June 3 – 9, 2019

Monday – June 3, 2019

We start the week off with a New Moon in Gemini at 12°. We are encouraged to set intentions towards learning, adapting to change, and focus on what we want to bring into our lives. The major theme for this lunation is communicating to understand and to be understood. It is a time to open our minds to new concepts and share our ideas to the world. This lunation is gregarious and can see you meeting new people that can go on to become good friends and associates who introduce you to new ideas and experiences. This New Moon in charismatic will bring out our confidence and goodwill. Focus on where you’re headed and how you are going to get there. Be sure to plan your month of June. This New Moon is for manifesting what we want to convey for the next four weeks. Be open to change, remain flexible.

Tuesday – June 4, 2019

The day begins with the moon still in chatty Gemini and has us buzzing for information. In the afternoon our emotions temper down to being testy and sensitive when the Moon enters Cancer at 12:18 PM EDT. We may want to make changes around the home or withdraw from too much stimulation to gather our thoughts and get in touch with ourselves. Later today at 4:05 PM EDT, Mercury goes into the sign of Cancer making communication more watered down and driven by emotion. We may find it hard to communicate with others without taking what’s said personally. It’s a good time to open up and be confident in sharing our thoughts. Be mindful of others’ feelings and allow them to express themselves openly without you giving harsh criticism. Set some quality time for family bonding. Bake a cake for a friend.

The Gemini Moon will be Void of Course from 11:42 am to 12:17 pm when it enters Cancer. During this time concentrate on upcoming projects and your emotional needs. Clear your mind.

Wednesday – June 5, 2019

The Moon is still is in Cancer all day. Our mental and emotional states may feel tired or overwhelmed. Beware of taking too much on this morning, especially when it concerns the needs of others. I’m not saying not to help others in need, just be mindful of making their problems your own. Mars in Cancer tends to make us laid back and easygoing. Do not let others walk all over you. Also pay attention to your own emotions to avoid lashing out unnecessarily. Emotions can be a little erratic today. Be mindful of how you speak to others.

Thursday – June 6, 2019

Our moods get a pick-me-up early today and we want to show love and be affectionate. You enjoy being around others and you might even make a purchase that makes you very happy. There might be the occasional misunderstanding but it’s quickly resolved by a lighthearted response. At 3:17 PM EDT the Moon goes into Leo and we perk up to bring in the fun! We want to let out hair down and feel the wind blow through it when the Moon is in Leo. We’ll be feeling playful, generous. Feeling naughty and seductive is also a feature of this lunation, as we’ll want to feel adored. Don’t get too caught up in the excitement though because late in the evening the
tides change making us want a sudden change of activity. Stuff comes from out the blue needing your immediate attention, it could be difficult to focus on one thing at a time. Try to clear up some time in your schedule for important matters not to get out of hand.

The Cancer Moon will be Void of Course from 10:10 am to 3:16 pm when it enters Leo. During this time concentrate on upcoming projects and your emotional needs. Clear your mind.

Friday – June 7, 2019

The Moon parties in Leo all day. We want to be where the action is or at least bring it to us. We want to live extravagant and look our best. That’s not all that the Leo Moon does, however. The best feature of this lunation is in how much love and generosity we want to give out, and we go all out in doing it. Leo Moon brings out our inner child and also a flair for the dramatic. It’s the best time to give a gift for no reason!

The Mercury sextile with Uranus this morning keeps us busy throughout the day making connections with others and adding fresh perspectives to our own ideas. Favorable circumstances lean in our favor the bolder we are. Don’t be afraid of a little challenge to your ideas, you can find out where the power of persuasion rests within you. Keep an open schedule.

Saturday – June 8, 2019

The Moon is still in fun loving Leo for most part of the day. We may wake up to some good news or feeling very optimistic about future plans. We can still get in some last moments of excitement before getting down to organizing our life when the Moon enters Virgo today around 5:43 PM EDT. With the Moon in Virgo we focus on practical details and arranging things in an orderly way. It’s a good day for clearing out the clutter in the area of our life that needs it most. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. At 9:35 Venus trades the sensuality of Taurus for the flexibility of Gemini. Venus is Gemini fun, flirty, and loves variety. There will be a bit more to choose from in every aspect at this time. More people to talk to, more flirting, more dates, more things we want to spend on, more places we want to go, more things to learn, more things to inquire about. With all of this variety comes the responsibility to make smart decisions about them. What you decide on, make sure it is for the greater good and matches your goals and that it isn’t based on instant gratification.

The Leo Moon will be Void of Course from 5:23 pm to 5:45 pm when it enters Virgo. During this time concentrate on upcoming projects and your emotional needs. Clear your mind.

Sunday – June 9, 2019

If you did most of your decluttering and organizing yesterday then today would be a good day to relax while the Moon is in Virgo all day. If there’s still some chores to do and errands to take care of, do it in a relaxed state of mind. Try to get most of the mental work done in the morning and don’t stress over what you don’t get to. The Sun squaring Neptune today at 3:33 PM EDT can make us feel foggy and confused. Forgetfulness can arise and items misplaced. Energy is really low under this aspect, and we may look for outlets for escapism. Don’t rely on drugs or alcohol to escape your reality. Seek to get away in the arts by going to see a movie or visiting a museum. Start a book or new television series you’ve always wanted to get into. Or turn on the radio, organize your music collection and/or make a playlist or two for different moods. Be
careful of deceiving others and being deceived as a way to avoid being upfront about your emotions. There is tension in the air. Minor mishaps in the work sector could leave you frustrated. Avoid superficiality and temptation until your thoughts clear up.


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Jun 4
11:42 AM
Moon squ Mercury
Jun 4
12:17 PM
June 6
10:10 AM
Moon tri Mercury
Jun 6
3:16 PM
Jun 8
5:23 PM
Moon tri Mars
June 8
5:45 PM

Highlights this week

Mercury enters Cancer – Jun 4 4:04 pm

Jupiter sesquiquadrate Uranus – Jun 6 7:19 pm

Mercury square Chiron – Jun 7 5:52 pm

Mercury sextile Uranus – Jun 7 10:16 am

Venus enters Gemini – Jun 8 9:36 pm

Venus semisquare Mars – Jun 9 1:48 pm

Sun square Neptune – Jun 9 3:33 pm


SUN IN GEMINI  (May 21 – June 21)

MERCURY IN GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 4)

MERCURY IN CANCER (Jun 4 – Jun 28)

VENUS IN TAURUS (May 16 – Jun 8)

MARS IN CANCER (May 17 – Jul 2)


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

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