Monday - August 12, 2019 There's a saying that goes, "Today …
Read MoreOn this page I get into a little bit about what astrology is, what an astrologer does, what an astrologer doesn’t do and what you can expect from an astrological consultation. In the end I talk about my methods and techniques and how you can schedule a consultation. You can jump to what interests by clicking through the links below.
What is a birth chart?
How do you get a natal interpretation?
What does an Astrologer do?
Why should I consult an astrologer?
Choosing an Astrologer
What should I tell an astrologer?
The top reasons to seek to an astrologer:
How I work
What I need from you
Scheduling, Cost and Payment
Is astrology fortune-telling?
Astrology is not a predictive tool and astrologers are not psychics and fortune tellers. Your astrologer is here to put you on about your inner self, your instinctive abilities and natural talents and also point out how effin great you are and how much you can be using these abilities by bringing your best Self forward and even coming to face with the not-so-best parts of your-Self. Good astrologers are very perceptive due to the fact that a very major part of a good reading comes from intuition and not just knowing how to explain an aspect.
An astrologer studies the patterns in your chart and integrates it with cycles that occur in your life. The longer you work with one in particular the more they develop an understanding of your chart and become aware of who you are. In an initial consultation, they are reading your chart as a construction worker reads a blueprint. They provide you with a foundation and may even direct you to tools, but the astrologer cannot tell you where to place your furniture, that’s up to you. Now, of course, any construction worker knows a toilet belongs in a bathroom and a stove in the kitchen. That is more than likely where they suggest you put them. Such is the case with the astrologer as well, they can tell you what room or house to place your possessions but they can’t tell you in which corner, facing which direction or what color it should be. Neither should you ask it of them. That shouldn’t be what you seek out an astrologer about. In the end, you want to be in control of your destiny and you are. Your astrologer shouldn’t be considered as more than your weather person giving you updates on the current temperature in the sky – whether it’s clouds ahead or sunny skies, should you pack an umbrella or carry sunscreen? There is joy to be found under any condition but a certain amount of safety measures to take even still. And there you have it.
What is a birth chart?
A birth chart or natal chart is a snapshot of the planetary positions in the sky at the time of a person’s birth based on their location. Two people can have the same chart (being born at the same exact time in the same hospital or twins), but live out completely different lives from each other depending on upbringing, environment, life decisions, education, the list goes on…
In the birth chart are series of symbols – what I like to call a codex of one’s life purpose – arranged in these geometric figures that make us the complex amazing individuals we all are. There is so much depth to our personalities and characteristics; an astrologer takes their time putting it together, and breaks it down for a client to help them achieve their full potential.
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How do you get a natal chart interpretation?
Getting a chart interpretation done by an astrologer is an easy and quick process. You set an appointment to either speak to or visit the astrologer. The astrologer will ask you to provide the following information:
Date of Birth (DOB) – The month, day and year you were born.
*Time of Birth (TOB) – The exact time you born; hour, minute and time of day (am or pm).
**Location of Birth – (LOB) The geographical area on a map where you took your first breath; city, state, county and/or country.
Note*: Bear in mind, although astrologers will ask for an exact time of birth, sometimes a person may not know it and that’s fine. A chart can still be cast without a birth time. The information on this type of chart will not be particularly as precise as one done with a correct time but an abundance of information can still be obtained from it.
Note **: Another thing taken into consideration is sometimes a person may not have any more information than just the country they were born and not the city, or they may be from a small town which is not found in the astrologer’s software. In which case the capital city or closest biggest city to the client’s town will be used.
Lastly there are astrologers out there who do chart rectifications, which is a method used to pinpoint the exact time and location of the client’s birth using life information provided by the client. You can find one using the keyword: chart rectification. Not every astrologer provides this as it is very extensive work. However, be warned it is also very expensive work and most astrologers won’t tell you that upfront. I do not provide this service. I recommend if you do get this service done, that you seek a certified (licensed) astrologer with experience. If you’re going to shell out your hard earned dollars, you deserve to get quality and valuable information.
Speaking of which…
What does an Astrologer do?
An astrologer looks at the composition of a natal chart and intuitively interprets the symbols into a language the client can easily understand. That’s about the gist of what an astrologer does. It’s an art and a practice that goes back hundreds of centuries.
So why should I consult an astrologer?
The quick answer that I give for that is the same reason you are here on this website reading this or anything else on here: You want to KNOW.
“Man know thyself and to thyself be true.”
Astrology will decipher your hidden and uncovered nature from the deepest levels of your subconscious. There are allegorical connections to our whims and impulses, deep emotions and memories that transform us beyond our control or realization of them. Astrology speaks the language of hidden and buried inclinations, thoughts, desires and passions. It draws a map of where you came from to where you’re headed and helps you navigate the best route that helps you find the treasure you search for. In most cases, the search leads you back to yourself because so oftentimes the treasure could be found within.
A good reading will help you uncover things about yourself you may have denied or haven’t had the chance to showcase. It can help you get out of a rut in which you felt stuck and directionless. It will give you a newfound sense of enlightenment and puts you in the driver’s seat of your life to direct which way it goes. It gives an overview of the challenges you have to overcome and the sacrifices you must be willing to make. You’ll have a better understanding of how you stand in your own way and how to avoid it. You walk away feeling better about the things you’ve spent too long feeling bad about and beating yourself over.
Choosing an Astrologer
As I stated in the beginning, astrology is an art and practice. It’s a very technical and abstract study requiring a range of applications from mathematics, intuition, patience, psychology, counseling, discretion, neutrality, compassion and most of all a dedication to serving humanity.
That said, keep in mind for a long time there was no such thing as astrology school. At first, we studied astrology through endless research and trial error. We then leveled up to learning it from the notes of it left behind to another level of learning from and studying under one another. Fast forward to our time now where schools for astrology now exist, providing curricula for specific paths of study for specialized astrologers. That said, still many astrologers are not certified and that doesn’t make them any less better than ones who are. Just like a certification doesn’t mean one is a great astrologer. Remember, it’s an art and a practice. Certified astrologers do not look down at astrologers who aren’t certified. It’s all love and we all recognize each other as servants to humanity. So, when searching for an astrologer don’t make it about education and years of experience. Be discerning when speaking to one for the first time and ask questions if you’d like, such as their success and satisfaction rate, read their testimonials or get a referral from someone you know and trust.
With the information you provide, the astrologer will tell you an unbiased analysis of your personality and characteristics. The chart will reveal traits, natural talents, habits, strengths in ability, and challenges in development or the environment. There are charts done for transits in which the astrologer can inform you of the current or upcoming themes that have or will an influence on where you are on your life path at that moment. There are correlation charts that can be made for partners showing how they play a role in each other’s lives and how they stand together as a union. Astrologers can give you pertinent information on your soul’s purpose, your emotional fluxes, and repeated patterns for any given period in your life, even your past if you choose to know about that too.
What should I tell an astrologer?
There’s no need to fill your astrologer on every detail and life event upon a first reading because it isn’t necessary. In time and through different chart consultations it will all come out from your astrologer becoming more in tune to your energy. Trust the astrologer to ask you for more information on what you need to know.
Your astrologer doesn’t know if your spouse is cheating and who they are cheating with. Your astrologer can’t tell you which college will accept you. Please don’t ask when you’re going to have a baby. On the flipside, your astrologer can give you an astrological account of the planetary energy that is influencing the feelings and suspicions you have about your partner. They can advise you on a constructive way to communicate it to them or a different perspective. The astrologer could tell you about your hidden talents and what you could excel at and therefore assist you in making the best choice of the school to apply for and even the best time to apply for it. You can ask your astrologer about the most ideal time for you to conceive a child with your partner, or about the best timing and condition for you to meet a partner. Your astrologer can’t determine how a partner or your baby will look. They can tell you the qualities in another person that best suits you, what makes you attracted to them and the kind of parent your most suited to become.
The top reasons to seek to an astrologer:
- You’re in a period of transformation and feel directionless.
- You’re thinking of starting a business.
- You’ve just met someone and really like them.
- You’re not meeting anyone.
- You’re losing friendships.
- You’re having difficult family issues.
- You’re getting married or just tied the knot.
- A lot of changes are happening and you want to know how to channel your energy properly.
- A relationship is on the rocks.
- You’re having financial issues.
- You want to be sure you’re on the right path.
- You want to know what’s coming up for a specific time period.
- You want to understand your child better.
- You generally just want to know more about yourself.
- An astrology consultation can change your life!
How I work
From what I’ve been told my readings are “dramatic” and “refreshing”, which has made me happy to hear. I like to have fun, and love to make my clients laugh. My approach uses humor to remind my clients that it’s ok to laugh at themselves. I believe that we are all perfect imperfections made up of complex complexities that make us the humans we are; individual to each other, having our own life experiences. No matter what we share in common from life experiences, we are each affected and react differently to each one and that’s what makes us unique from each other. I take my work seriously but I love to make people smile and feel comfortable enough to enjoy themselves. I like to know that my client walks away feeling good about themselves and no shame or guilt of any kind after what they uncover. I’m no life advisor and will not tell you what to do, but I do want to see you make the most of your potential and will encourage you with enthusiasm to tap into that potential and live up to it and doing no harm to others. I’m not a bearer of bad news and will not tell you that anything is impossible, if there should be a challenge then we figure out the best solution to it.
In my work, my technique uses a fusion of traditional and modern methods of delineating. I focus on archetypal symbology and personality assessment and how they tie into scenarios and inclinations a person experiences. The information provides a very detailed blueprint of a person’s life, illustrating repeating cycles and concealed patterns and bringing a sense of awareness to a person’s direction in life.
I apply both Intuitive and Evolutionary Astrology techniques based using Whole and Equal House systems to get an understanding of who a client was in past lifetime and who they are here to be now. I don’t use many technical metaphysical and spiritual terms and look to demystify an astrological consultation to not leave the client confused or having more questions. My aim is to come to an understanding of a person’s strengths and weaknesses to get them on the right track to their life’s path, and what the best and worst times are to channel and put forth certain energies towards the right purpose.
For other reports requiring more timing techniques I use annual returns along with transits for an idea of the upcoming matters over a course of time.
All I need from you:
Your Date of Birth
Location of Birth
And the exact time that you were born.
(Let’s include your contact information for general purposes).
If you don’t know your birth time, that’s alright. We can still have a chart done for you, albeit there will only be about 75% accuracy in the details but I think that beats knowing nothing about yourself. Please let me know how accurate your time of birth is if you’ve provided it. Likewise, if you don’t know that it is the exact time please let me know that as well.
If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact me through the order form or email address listed on my contact page.
Prices for consultations can be found on the Services page and added to the shopping cart.
Payment is accepted through PayPal using the Pay Now button on the checkout page.
The fees listed covers the consultation and the preparation time to study your chart. Depending on the type it is, charts can take from 10 – 14 days to be completed. It’s usually sooner than that, that is my insurance in case life throws me a curveball.
I also accept payment through CashApp, GooglePay and Venmo. I begin my work once payment is made but please be sure to confirm the consultation, making sure I’m available before scheduling and paying for it.
Scheduling, Cost and Payment:
Use the contact form provided to submit your information. DO NOT PAY AT THIS TIME. You will be contacted shortly thereafter to confirm the receipt and details of your information. You might be asked some basic questions depending on the type of report being done. During this time you can inform me of anything specific you would like to know, if you haven’t provided it already on the order form. The more specific the questions the better I know what to look for. Since there is so much to unfold in a chart not everything can be pulled out in a session, some things require extra investigation, so be clear as possible on what you want to know. After we’ve confirmed your appointment, you will be directed back to the order form to make your payment and work will begin. You have two consultation options.
Option 1: Natal chart interpreted in a video recording with answers to your questions and sent to you with your chart and notes in PDF format.
Option 2: Natal consultation by phone where we can speak one on one and you have your questions answered directly. I will send my notes and copy of your natal chart a day before this session. The call will be recorded and
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