Weekly Outlook for August 19 -25, 2019

Monday – August 19, 2019

The moon is in Aries today, adding wonder and enthusiasm to anything we start or work on today. Communication goes well this morning into the afternoon. Our minds our clear and we see things with a fresh outlook and apply rational thought. It’s a good day to handle matters that we can get through quickly. We can read others easily, and are able to offer advice that is appreciated. It’s a good day to show generosity to others. Support your friends today, and connect with loved ones. Writing and public speaking goes over well with others, and short travels might be fortunate to us. Keep an open mind this evening, and be kind to yourself. We are able to open up to others and share our feelings and ideas, but there can be moments of sadness or loneliness. Reach out to someone if that’s the case and don’t be alone with your thoughts. Be honest with your emotions and don’t take out your frustration on anyone else. Get out and socialize, explore your neighborhood, have some fun. Your spirit could receive a boost from being around people today, as feelings of happiness are all around us right now. Be generous, support your friends, help those in need. Pay forward the love and support that you have received. A lot of opportunities are available to us today, if we don’t restrict ourselves from enjoying what life has to offer.

Tuesday – August 20, 2019

There can be a feelings of nervousness and intense emotions that weigh us down early today. We might feel impatient and experience dark mood swings throughout the morning. Impulsive reactions can lead to self-destruction, and power struggles can damage relationships. It’s important that we control our emotions today and avoid lashing out. Venus is getting ready to enter Virgo this morning and we might be feeling a desire to change our routines for something more fresh and exciting. Be patient though, a break might be all that’s required. We should watch out for neglecting our responsibilities throughout the day. Manage your time and priorities efficiently to enjoy an evening of comfort and inner peace knowing that what needed to get done is now over with. The best suggestion is to approach your duties with enthusiasm – be happy that it will be over soon (Lol). Be careful not to overspend and avoid making any impulsive purchases. It’s a good time to go over your finances and begin the process of clearing debt to improve your financial rating. Our relationships and communication should be very pleasant this evening. Our confidence is high and we are comfortable being ourselves around anyone. Don’t be impulsive with your actions, make plans to go an adventure or take some kind of trip tomorrow.

Wednesday – August 21, 2019

Venus enters the sign of Virgo this morning at 5:06 AM EDT. We are starting to feel the energy shift more, and feel ourselves growing more and more serious. Venus in Virgo makes us analytical about our relationships. When meeting new people we are careful and initially cautious. We prefer to spend time with people who share our values and take the time to develop relationships rather than jumping in all at once. There will be a tendency to hold back now, preferring to weigh options, instead of making immediate decisions. Having too many choices could overwhelm some of us, stay grounded and be confident that the choices you make now are the right ones. The moon ended it’s transit of Aries around midnight and spends the day in sensible Taurus. We have more focus to tackle matters that require focus and patience. We may find ourselves wanting to do something out of the ordinary today, or feel ourselves changing outlooks on the way we see certain things. Mercury makes a trine to Jupiter this morning, making it a good day for studying, research, and general learning. Talking to others today can bring us new information and ideas we need to progress further. It’s a good day to go out and explore the world around you and expand your horizons; talk to people you meet. Finances might receive a stroke of fortune during this time, transactions and business dealings go really well. Go for what you want right now, you have a good chance of getting it.

The moon is void from 12:06 am this morning until 12:37 am when it enters the sign Taurus. 

Thursday – August 22, 2019

Our emotions can be weighty today, confusion distracts and indecisiveness holds us back from making progress. We are highly sensitive and in tune with other people’s emotions but not so much with our own. It’s a good day to express your creativity and bring it over to the business side and daily management of your life. With the moon in Taurus all day we can feel drawn to nurturing our senses through music, finding beauty around us, and seeking comfort. The company of others can bring us enjoyment today. We are here for those in need, and provide the support they need to feel good about themselves again. We should avoid getting caught up in daydreams and overthinking. We are prone to falling into bouts of self-analysis throughout the day that can bring us down over our circumstances and where we are in life. Try not to get discouraged over any challenges. The obstacles we face in our lives are actual low-key blessings because they make us stronger and more experienced. Challenges are beacons of your evolution. If you are feeling underappreciated, understand that everyone shows theirs differently and in due time, you will be recognized for your hard work. You can even get the ball rolling by appreciating your own efforts more, celebrating your accomplishments no matter how small they are, and by giving more of what you wish to receive from others.

The moon is void from 5:32 pm this evening, until tomorrow morning at when it enters the sign of Gemini at 10:34 am.

Friday – August 23, 2019

Virgo season begins today at 6:01 AM EDT. It’s time to organize our lives and simplify our daily tasks through integration. We have a fine eye for detail and establishing what’s important in our lives. What no longer works for us gets dismissed to create more time for us to focus on what’s more important. This next month can find us being more nitpicky and seeking perfection more than usual. The slightest imperfection might turn us off, and cause us to be harder on ourselves than necessary. You must make room for mistakes and forgive yourself if you make any. Relax. Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and meditation are all things you should look into adding to your life on a daily basis, but more so during this season. Certain things might become more important to you now than they actually matter to others. If you find yourself feeling nervous or close to panicking, seek advice and follow it. Sometimes, we are our worst critics and right about now we’re better at counseling others than we are at it for ourselves. There’s no better time to start seeing a therapist if you need help sorting your thoughts. This is a time for healing ourselves, physically, spiritually, and mentally. See a doctor, start exercising more if you aren’t doing so, eat in a way that is beneficial to your health. I don’t know what that is; some of us may need to eat more, while some may need to eat less. Just eat to live. What’s important is that you are getting your daily nutritional value through essential vitamin and mineral intake. The Moon enters Gemini this morning around 10:30 AM EDT. We are functioning under extreme mercurial energy these next couple of days. Our emotional response is high, but focus is low. Overthinking and analyzing is enhanced, but we should avoid becoming neurotic over minor mishaps or things beyond our control. Keep a good humor.

Saturday – August 24, 2019

The moon is in Gemini all day adding liveliness to our lives. We might be a little scatterbrained, restless, and our moods changeable, but we’re expressive and communicative nonetheless. We’re flexible now, and enjoy mixing it up as far as the things we want to know about. It’s a good day for learning new things. Venus conjunct Mars this afternoon, making us flirty and charming. We feel attractive at this time, and we have the courage to go after whatever we want. Nothing comes to those who stand by and do nothing. We could find ourselves feeling frisky, and might have a desire to start a fling at this time. Chances for romance are really high today. It’s important to lay your cards on the table upfront, so there’s no confusion down the line. If it’s something serious that you’re looking for, then be patient and nurture this new potential romance. Otherwise, enjoy it for what it is and as long as it lasts. We are charming today and can enjoy the company of good surroundings, intellectual conversations, music and dancing, writing, and expressing ourselves creatively. We are capable of supporting others, but must avoid exhausting ourselves in bending over backwards. Be careful of how you come off to others because emotions are running pretty high today. People can read more into your actions than you’re trying to convey. Be careful of leading people on, or thinking yourself, that there’s more to something than there actually is. Avoid self-destructive habits and negative behavior

Sunday – August 25, 2019

The moon in Gemini is void throughout the day until it heads into the sign of Cancer this evening at 5:05 PM EDT. We should still be enjoying the momentum of yesterday’s Venus and Mars alignment. Right now we have everything we need to put the pieces together in our lives. We might be feeling somewhat detached or a deep sense of inner calm right now. We’re unbothered and possess the ability to sort things out in our personal relationships. We’ll feel good about clearing the air and getting to the bottom of things. We’re in a good place to open up to others and grow closer together. Enjoy some quality time with a loved one or significant other this evening. There are so many wonderful opportunities in store for us today. Staying busy, flexible, and being open-minded will bring us closer to our goals. There are connections to be made from networking and in the meeting of minds. You can learn a lot if you just listen, or be the person communicating a message that people want and need to hear. When the moon enters Cancer, we enjoy the comfort of home more and prefer to be there. We’re more sensitive and intuitive and we feel good spending quality time with family and close friends. This transit favors nurturing others.

The moon went void this morning at 2:58 am until this evening when it enters the sign of Cancer at 5:05 pm. 


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Aug 21 12:06 AM Moon tri Venus Aug 21 12:37 AM Taurus
Aug 22 5:32 PM Moon tri Mars Aug 23 10:34 AM Gemini
Aug 25 2:58 AM Moon sxt Mercury Aug 25 5:05 PM Cancer

Highlights this week

Venus enters Virgo – Aug 21 5:05 PM

Mercury quincunx Saturn – Aug 21 4:26 am

Mercury trine Jupiter – Aug 21 6:04 am

Mercury quincunx Neptune – Aug 22 10:25 pm

Sun enters Virgo – Aug 23 6:01 am

Venus conjunct Mars – Aug 24 1:04 pm

Mercury sesquare Chiron – Aug 24 2:47 pm

Venus quincunx Chiron – Aug 25 6:32 am

Mars quincux Chiron – Aug 25 10:12 pm


SUN IN LEO -July 22 – August 23

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN LEO – August 11 – August 29

VENUS IN LEO – July 27 – August 21

MARS IN VIRGO – August 18 – October 4


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

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Full Moon In Aquarius 22° August 15 2019

On Thursday, August 15 at 8:29 AM EDT, we experience a full moon in the sign of Aquarius at 22°. The vibrant and cheerful Leo Sun opposes the deep and deliberate seriousness of the Aquarian Moon. The Sun is in conjunction with Venus, putting emphasis on our relationship with ourselves and others. Our relationships with friends, romantic partnerships, and our finances all have our attention at this time. The Moon’s opposition may cause some strain and stress on the people involved and bring a resistance. Both the Sun and Venus make a quincunx to Neptune indicating that we are looking for a purpose and meaning to our lives.

We have a lot of squares in the chart for today, indicating a refusal to cooperate. The Moon in Aquarius makes a t-square asteroid Vesta in Taurus. Right now we can be struggling with our desire for freedom versus commitment to something or someone. Do we share our amazing gifts of creativity with the world or be part of a collective and merge with a group. We’re weighing our commitment in our relationships to our desire to be alone sometimes. We are sorting out the matters of what’s important and feels good to us from what’s limiting us and not taking us anywhere. Perhaps we have been isolating ourselves or a part of ourselves. Allow yourself the permission to follow your own way of doing things and taking your time to set a pace and figure most of it out.

Mercury, Chiron, and the asteroid Ceres form a grand time today and this marks an opportunity to share ourselves with those who support us and reconnect with souls that understand us more. Souls find each other today, and bond through the familiarity of their struggles. It’s nice to find yourself surrounded by a community that gets you. Communication is highlighted and emphasized in most of our interactions today. We’ll have to be careful of speaking out of turn, not giving thought to the things we say to others, also from boasting and being pretentious. There’s so much Leo heart energy in the air. We have 4 planets in the sign, if we’ve been lacking confidence or creativity, Leo energy gives us a way to celebrate ourselves, our hearts, where we’ve been, where we’re heading. Leo rules the heart, generosity can play in a major way today and Aquarius’ humanitarianism makes a way for as many people as possible to benefit.

The stations of Jupiter and Uranus a few days ago play critical roles for us today as well. They represent a shift in our consciousness. Jupiter stationing direct on the 11th is emphasized in its own sign. It stationed direct on Uranus’ south node and also makes a square to Vesta. We are at a time of letting go of the past to move forward. Jupiter is a planet of expansion and higher learning. Now is a time to contemplate what’s shaped us, and the root of our deepest wounds. Depression and anxiety has risen significantly in the last several years, instead of it being debilitating, we can actually use it to discover more about ourselves. Jupiter brings a stroke of optimism and lessons learned in the things that it touches. As we explore the past to make sense of right now, be mindful to let it go after processing.

Check this out, in the cosmic realm Jupiter is currently in the degree of what’s known as the “Great Attractor” in our galactic belt. We have a wonderful opportunity right now to let go of a past as if it never even happened and forging a new life and mindset for ourselves now. Carrying our past baggage with us in the Now, and taking it into the future is like never leaving the past behind in the first place. Misery will only beget more misery. Jupiter is in a square to Neptune now for the next several months. There is a spiritual ingenuity we have for ourselves that we can use to transform and evolve. The flipside of this aspect is it can reveal dark secrets and lies. A lot gets exposed, so be sure to be living your highest Self and be true to you. This is what this full moon is all about. If you haven’t been living for yourself up to this point, begin today. This is a time of awakening to who we are.  

Speaking of which, Uranus is known as the Awakener. The planet stationed retrograde on Sunday, a few hours after Jupiter stationed direct. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and signifies living your truth of who you are. At this time, some of us may have to detach ourselves and walk our paths alone to uncover the deeper meaning to our lives. Some of us feel the pull towards this independence of ourselves, but also are reluctant to follow it out of fear of hurting or losing someone. Well, ask yourself would you rather lose someone or yourself? In protecting others’ feelings, are you not hurting your own? Check it beloved, Uranus now retrograde means that things are changing and they’re going to be changing for a while. Get used to the idea that in order to evolve sometimes you have to walk a path all by yourself but the good thing to take away from that is that your tribe, your soul mates, your kindred spirits, will all be there at the end of the road. Uranus marks the future and the future is uncertain to the majority of us. Having no idea of what the future holds can be crippling, conflicting us with doubt and worry resulting in stagnation and no growth whatsoever. There is major unpredictability, the unexpected, and the unknown. As we become a society more obsessed with perfection and being looked at favorably, exploring unknown territory becomes scary and can feel awkward. We must be forgiving to ourselves and accepting of our mistakes. 

So to summarize; this Aquarian Full Moon begins a new chapter of our lives. We are getting to know humanity and at the same time more about ourselves and how we fit into that collective. What gifts do we have to share? What fulfills us? It’s time to sort out what feels good to us from what limits us altogether.  This full moon is a chance at an emotional release and admittance to ourselves that we desire more freedom. We can see and touch the future, but there lies an uncertainty on how to get there. The answer is in looking at the picture from every angle. So much fixed energy right now can have our sights set and our minds made up the decisions we’ve made. We have 4 planets in confident Leo, Uranus is in stubborn Taurus, however the Full Moon in Aquarius stands as the rebel and illuminates the internal discontent we feel. What is you life’s purpose? How will you share your divine gifts, principals, and speak your truth to the world? Take the rest of the month until to figure this out and experiment with new routines, techniques, changed habits, group involvement, and more the sharing of yourself.  Give yourself a chance to make them and forgive yourself for your mistakes. We are in test-run mode now until the New Moon in Virgo at the end of the month. That itself will bring on an entirely different shift from the bold expressive Leo energy we’ll be coming from. . Focus your attention now on figure out how you can express yourself and your highest level of conscious, and how this can benefit humanity by becoming part of a movement or a movement itself.

The Sabian Symbol for 22° Aquarius is:

Life’s warmth and richness given to those who eagerly learn to live. Luxurious self-knowing, or self-appreciation. Comfort.

Let us take a look at how the transiting full moon may affect your Sun and Rising signs. Read for both. 

Aries & Aries Rising

The full moon highlights your friendship sector. Your friends provide a source of relief, comfort, familiarity, and interaction. You’re feeling especially expressive towards them today, you’re more nurturing and affectionate and seek them out for lively discussion and reconnecting. Rules are unimportant to you today as with anything confining. You seek emotional, creative, and personal freedom. Though you crave being part of a group, individuality is still an important factor to you. You feel a new sense of purpose in the world and want to make your contribution to the human collective. New ideas may be coming at you from left to right, make sure to write things down. In fact spend the next couple of weeks brainstorming and organizing your master plan. Avoid being on social media for too long today, enjoy some human interaction instead.

On the flipside: Watch out for distractions. Fallouts with friends are possible if this Moon is badly aspected in your natal chart. Stay away from gossip and avoid being petty. If your motives aren’t good, they will be exposed and you cast as the bad guy and no one will even bother to hear your side of the argument.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Taurus this full moon is in your career sector and public image. Right now your focus is on reaching the top in your chosen career path. You want to be noticed, honored, and praised for the work you do. You feel like your reputation and integrity are on the line and concerned with where you are in life at the moment. You might be feeling like it’s time for a change, either in your place of residence or profession. Family matters are very important to you right now. You might feel an extra sense of responsibility and in turn, this is a very ideal time to get a few important things settled and out of the way.

The flipside: You can be too pushy towards family members and coworkers. Don’t try to force your opinion on them and allow them to occasionally get a word in to state how they feel. Listen to them with consideration and not dismissal. Also, watch out for overworking yourself to the point of burnout.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Gemini the full moon is in your sector of higher learning and mind expansion. You seek to break free of restrictive beliefs and look into and exploring your higher mind through religion, philosophy, foreign culture, and spirituality. You feel a calling to travel, sign up for a class in one of your many interests, or are on a mission of self-improvement. This lunation has you feel good about yourself and hopeful of the future. You can use the next couple of weeks to assess your spiritual journey and come up with ways to make your life better. People from other cultures fascinate you and can unexpectedly show up in your life to provide something valuable. Get out as much as you can and go on explorative journeys. There are answers to the mysteries of life all around us. Just go out and roam, even if it’s just in your neighborhood.

The flipside: Avoid stubbornness, and extremism. Be careful of discussions that lead you to arguing to defend your beliefs. Give commitment a try and you might discover it’s not as bad as you thought.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Cancer, the full moon is in your sector of shared resources, sex, and regeneration. You crave intense passion, and deep sexual connection with your partner. You might decide to kick it up a notch in the bedroom circus. You might even be willing to start a little drama to get things heated for even more excitement. You feel closer to your partner, and may end up sharing secrets with each other and exploring deep mysteries, conspiracies, occult knowledge, and psychology together. Your partner is more alert and sensitive to your needs at this time. If single, you might feel a bit of sorrow and sadness due to the fact. Reach out to someone you care for companionship, don’t be afraid to open up. This is a time when you desire intensity in everything you take on. Your concern for your partner’s finances are particularly raised, and you might become investigative. You rely on financial security the most at this time and uncertainty could lead to dispute over financial matters with a partner. Examine your outlook on the matter and see to it that you’re not displaying traits of selfishness or greed. Issues of jealousy and possessiveness come up in our relations. Remember this moon favors independence

The flip-side. Issues of jealousy and possessiveness may surface. Remember that this transit favors letting go and independence. It might be wise to loosen the grip we have on our relationships, and the tendency to smother out of our intention to mother our partners. Repressed emotions and deep-rooted fears may surface during this time and the best way to handle it is to confront the issues and move on from them.

Leo & Leo Rising

Leo the full moon is in your sector of partnerships, making you extra sensitive and emotional towards the people you love. Affection is enhanced with a partner, you know what you want and are in touch with your needs. You might be feeling more protective of them than usual. Now is a good time to working on mending relationships that are rocky. You feel charming and alluring and seek out new interactions and relationships. You are very supportive of your close friends and they to you. Your emotional sensitivity is heightened and people’s feelings towards you matters to you now. Opening up to others might relieve any doubts that can arise.Don’t seek to find out what you don’t really want to know. Withhold holding a grudge when people express the way that they feel. You can experience sexual euphoria, new connections, partying the night away, lavish meals, or a quick getaway within the next couple of days. You’ll enjoy meeting the opposite sex, being pampered and pampering others. If you’re not in a relationship, you may yearn for one, so don’t be shy. Get out there and strut your stuff.

The flipside: All that extra sense of security for others can result in too much clinging to another person. Also disagreements with your partner can fall under this transit over financial and domestic matters. This full moon favors independence. Problems in the relationship could lead to cheating. Work it out. Legal issues may come up around this time.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo the full moon is in your sector of health and service. You experience sensory overload right now as you notice everything and nothing really escapes your peripheral vision. This full moon motivates you to roll up your sleeves and get down to work and responsibility. Working and being productive actually help to alleviate any tension you might feel right now. You focus on the areas in your life that need to be worked on and give consideration to the satisfaction that you’re getting out of work or your career choice. Concern for your health is a topic of change and improvement. You can schedule check-ups now or begin a new diet or health regimen. Paying attention to health matters at this time should be considered important and priority. Listen to your body, get rest and exercise and don’t overwork yourself or ignore the signals your body sends you. At work, you may be considering

The flipside: Don’t overwork yourself to exhaustion or sickness. Be careful of falling to self-loathing and feelings of low self-worth. Stress and anxiety will literally affect your bodily health, so relax and keep an open mind.

Libra & Libra Rising

Libra the full moon is your sector of fun and creativity. This transit illuminates the romance sphere and makes you sociable and great company to be around. You find fulfillment in being around light-hearted and fun loving people. You pursue creative endeavors and creative avenues to express yourself. You may be feeling a desire to break free from a restrictive relationship that doesn’t provide the security or freedom you truly desire. The bar gets raised in your romantic affairs, and you will enjoy going out on dates, whether in a relationship or not. Spend time with kids and plan a day of activities with them. Go out more, and meet new people. You feel really good at this and will want to be around people you find nurturing and want to nurture as well by providing fun and excitement into their lives.

The flipside: You can avoid your responsibilities and end up overindulging in having too much fun. There is a laziness factor under this transit. You should be careful to remember your duties and obligations or others will consider you unreliable. Channel self-discipline to resist the allurement of too much sex, drugs, and rock and roll!

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, the full moon is in your sector of home and family. The Moon rules this house. You find security and comfort in the home environment, and with family at this time. You might get lost reminiscing about the past, and reflecting on childhood memories. Use the next couple of weeks to process these reflections and finally get rid of the negative ones that block you from moving forward. Connect with your roots and assess the cycles that have played out in your family and see how you can reestablish the foundation or begin a new cycle if necessary. Blocks hinder us from moving on. There is no moving forward in dragging the past behind.Let these grudges go as things that never happened and you will find more joy under this transit. Get into organizing and redecorating the home, repairing things around the house, and having more home-cooked meals. These are things that will bring you peace of mind.

On the flip-side: Don’t become over attached or encourage it others towards you. This includes attachment to the home and becoming your own prisoner there, shutting people out, and getting into heated arguments with family members . Get out and try new things, have new experiences. Avoid jealousy and possessiveness.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The full moon is in your sector of communication today. You’re busy as the proverbial bee and find yourself in a lot of conversations and short travels. You’re in touch with your feelings right now and very receptive to the feelings of others. You communicate freely and express your thoughts logically. Being somewhat detached from your emotions, you might be feeling less emotional. However, you are highly sensitive to the words of others at this time. Most of your conversations will consist of you bringing up past hurts as a way of processing and purging, but you run the chance of being inconsiderate of what others have to say and dismiss their experiences to bring up your own. You feel a strong need to be understood but you could be repeating yourself to an audience that has heard you countless times already. Siblings and distant relatives might bring up old memories, for better or worse. A short trip might be on your schedule, go out and refresh yourself. Pulling out a journal and writing down your feelings can be wonderful therapy and bring enlightenment on your journey.

The flipside: You may get touchy with others. If you’re already a sensitive person, words might hurt you today as you are prone to taking things literal or too serious if that person is joking. Be careful not to talk too much and take over the conversations you’re in. Also, mind your business and avoid inserting yourself in discussions you weren’t invited to. Keep your opinion to yourself.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The full moon is in your sector of personal values highlighting safety and security and bringing that to the forefront. You could feel that buying things bring you emotional stability, which could lead to impulse buying and a winding up in debt as a result. Financial matters weigh on you, whether it’s an expense that’s due or worry over your financial status. You may be thinking of ways to create more disposable income. Women are beneficial to you in these financial matters. You can be the beneficiary of monetary gifts or extravagant material goods. Your desire to shop for the homefront and increase the value in your surroundings is high these next couple days. You will feel more affectionate towards a partner or seek one out to be affectionate to. You might also feel hungrier than usual and splurge on lavish meals to satiate your hunger. If you apply practicality and self-discipline under this transit you can handle important matters efficiently.

On the flipside: Watch out for over-indulgence, splurging, and impulsive buying. There can be heightened feelings of possession, greed, frugality, and selfishness. Avoid compulsion and aberrant behavior.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, the full moon is in your sector of identity and self-awareness. Your mood is changeable throughout the day but for the most part you have high energy and deep desire to nurture people today. People often consider you cold, but you bring your emotions to the surface today. You are highly intuitive and sensitive to the problems of the world and feel inclined to bring groups of similar interests together. If in a partnership, you are perceptive of your partner’s needs. If not in relationship, reaching out to someone you care about to let them know of their meaning in your life could lead to a reconnection and a new start. However, be accepting of things not going your way or not getting response or reaction you wanted. It may just be the right response that you may have just overlooked. You feel highly confident and optimistic. It’s a good time for meditation to settle an overactive mind. Overthinking can make you sensitive to taking offense and being emotionally impulsive. Avoid taking things too seriously and all will be well. You might be in the mood for a new look, and decide on changing something about your appearance.

The flip-side: Hypersensitivity. Being inconsistent and unreliable. Moodiness and unpredictability. You may feel restless and be experiencing insomnia or disturbed sleep. Meditation is highly recommended.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Pisces, the full moon is in your sector of subconscious mind and solitude. This lunation is bringing up questions and perhaps confusion in regards to your spiritual path. Use this time now to take a break and connect with your feelings. You might be feeling your emotions quite heavily now, having a heightened sense of compassion and empathy for humanity. You keep your emotions hidden to avoid discord, and drama with others.Don’t lose yourself in trying to save others right now, for there is plenty of time for that along the way. Every now and then we all need to break away to be with ourselves and refresh our minds. You are being presented now with having to decide what to let go of, and what you think society expects from you. Use this time now to contemplate ways of expressing your gifts to the world without absorbing the chaos and negativity of others.This is a perfect time spiritual research, spirituality, meditation, or artistic expression. You may be feeling physically and mentally exhausted and all the reason why getting rest is important.

The flip-side: You can ended feeling depressed or feeling lonely, if this moon is afflicted in the natal chart. Avoid become over emotional and taking n feelings of guilt or low self-worth. Stay positive that you will figure out your next direction. Avoid accidents.-

Have you read this week’s forecasts? Click here to read the astrological weather report for this week.

Weekly Outlook for August 12 -18, 2019

Monday – August 12, 2019

There’s a saying that goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”, and that couldn’t be more truer than it does for many of us today. With the shifts that occurred in the last 24 hours Jupiter stationing direct and Uranus stationing retrograde we feel brand new, optimistic and ready to make the necessary changes our lives need. Saturn and Pluto align with the Moon in Capricorn today, giving us a serious outlook to the day. It can be a powerful day in the emotional realm, feelings can be deeply intense and we’re capable of doing anything on an extreme level. Watch out for power struggles today and forcing your will on others. You’ll have a better day if you focus on your responsibilities today and being selective with your time and the company you keep. Take care not to fall into a rut of despair or feelings of guilt. Stay away from all negativity, surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, or spend time alone and do some introspection. Opening up to someone you’d like to connect with can reveal some clarifying information that brings you closer together. Avoid being petty and look for mature ways to handle a situation. There are great things ahead for those of us putting in the work to make our dreams come true. Put the past behind you and focus on what you’re doing for your future right now.

The Moon is void from 6:11 PM EDT, until it enters the sign of Aquarius on Tuesday, August 13th, at 11:35 AM EDT.

Tuesday – August 13, 2019

The serious Capricorn Moon ends it transit at 11:35 AM EDT and moves into freedom loving Aquarius. If by chance you happened to have ended your night or woke up today feeling, the Moon in Aquarius might be the pick-me-up that’s needed. Under this lunation, we can become somewhat rebellious and easily distracted. We’re very social and friendly, but can be removed from our emotions. The Moon in Aquarius favors spontaneity, interaction, exploration, self-expression, and humanitarian efforts. We can tap into our individuality and share it with the world. We are prone to shaking things up and switching up routines without warning. This afternoon, the communication bar gets raised. Mercury in Leo opposing the Moon today might make us sensitive and prone to having misunderstandings with others. Things said can get misinterpreted if not given thought to its delivery. Folks are sensitive today, and it’s a case of not what you say, but how you say it. There seems to be a disconnect, but it comes mostly from not being receptive to what others are saying. Talk less and listen more. With New Moon approaching, some realizations can be made now. Pay attention.

The Moon is void from 3:36 AM EDT, until the Moon enters Scorpio at 11:31 AM EDT.

Wednesday – August 14, 2019

Today has the potential of being a very pleasant one and can turn out to be fortunate as well. We want to be around people and have a good time.The Sun conjuncts Venus and fills the air with warmth, affection, and harmony. We can enjoy ourselves in the company of good friends, family or that special someone. It’s a good day to spend time with your children or children in general. They have so much to teach us about ourselves from when we were that age. No children to spend time with? No problem. Bring out your inner child, be playful and fun seeking. Like children on a playground, we can make friends easily through common interests and mutual attraction. Someone’s been checking you out, and today could be the day they decide to slide into that inbox. Today is a day of bringing things together. We can finally figure out what’s enjoyable to us, and see more of it occur from this day forward. We can attract some good fortune to us in terms of finances, new projects, creative endeavors, romance, and career pursuits. Don’t spend all day working or in doubt of yourself. Go out and have fun. Attend that after-work party, visit a museum today, treat yourself to a new outfit or a good meal. Call up your lover and plan a hot sizzling night of sweet sweet love down by the fire. The Universe wants you to. I know how strange it sounds advising you to let your hair down and it’s midweek, but I’m not suggesting to spend all day in revelry and pleasure. I’m saying make the time for it. With all this fuss I’m making, I must also tell you that with a favorable Venus aspect, a tendency to over-indulge is also very possible. Don’t stack to many obligations and duties to the day and you should be just fine. So, enjoy yourself but do it in moderation and be safe! The Moon spends all day in sociable Aquarius, and favors catching up with friends, and being part of group activities. It is getting ready to peak to the New Moon phase tomorrow morning.

Thursday – August 15, 2019

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are opposite to each other and it signifies a time of laying things to rest, finding equilibrium, completion, and endings. This morning a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius at 22° and we have a desire to express ourselves individually, while wanting to contribute to the collective conscious of humanity. This Full Moon motivates us to create a balance between our own passions, and personal contribution to humanity. This lunation can help us achieve a way to integrate them. We are full of original ideas at this time, and we have extra energy to focus on social activities. Friends are prone to get a little more attention than family members under this lunation, but there’s love to go around to everyone. Venus making an aspect to this Full Moon underlines that our emotions and need to give and receive affection will play a major role in our interactions throughout the day. We have a deep yearning to be part of something and contribute to something without losing touch with ourselves. Mercury in a positive aspect with Chiron raises our self-awareness and ability to express our emotions clearly. We are in tune with the pain & suffering that weighs people down, and we can connect to others by sharing part of ourselves and our experience.

The Moon is void from 9:02 PM EDT, until it enters the sign of Pisces, at 11:49 PM EDT.

Friday – August 16, 2019

The Moon entered the reflective sign of Pisces last night. Today, we have an opportunity to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and see things from their angle. This could result in us finding solutions for our own circumstances. The Moon in a sextile to Uranus can make us seek change in our lives and have the motivation to seek this out now. Mercury squaring Uranus makes us a little scatterbrained, irritable, and easily distracted. We should remain grounded and avoid speaking before thinking so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings unintentionally. So, if you find yourself getting annoyed by the actions or what people say, take a deep breath and think twice before going off for no reason. Some things you just can’t take back. Things may move so speedily today that you find it hard to keep up. This can make us innovative, finding new ways to do things that might save us some time. We may run into people who may be of help to us, take advantage of the opportunities coming your way. Keep an open schedule and be flexible as possible to better handle what might fly your way. Be careful driving, try not to get a speed ticket or road rage. It is better to be early than on time, so plan your commute accordingly to avoid any delays.

Saturday – August 17, 2019

Today will require a major dose of self-discipline to carry out our tasks and responsibilites. It’s a good day to work on yourself and on fixing any bad habits you may have. We’re getting an early start for Mars entering Virgo tomorrow morning at 1:18 AM EDT. Neptune in Pisces aligns with the Moon this afternoon and raises our sensitivity and compassion for others. Our intuition is so high today that there could be the feeling of sensory overload, as . Colors look more vivid, we’re sensitive to noise, and get easily lost in our thoughts because the daydreaming factor today is through the roof. We might believe that we can sense the feelings of others to the point of absorbing or bringing it out of ourselves. Be careful with this, however. The confusion of this transit can make us paranoid. Deception is also in the air today, and even a little white lie might blow up in your face. We can easily fool ourselves into a funk, feelings of guilt, and self-destructive habits. That’s why it’s important that we remain truthful with others and true to ourselves. This evening we could be feeling moody, as a result we can become overindulgent, and careless. However, we feel restless and do better in expressing ourselves. Sometimes, we’re in need of a change that refreshes and stimulates us. You might sense your strong instincts guiding you towards this now – follow it! Talk to the strangers you meet today, they may present something valuable. The women in your life may also have something to offer. Intuition and instincts are extemely high today, but it’s important to follow it towards light instead of darness. Open your heart and lend a hand where you can. Love is genuine today and you can count on the generosity of others. Keep your standards high.

The Moon is void from 6:34 PM EDT, until it enters the sign of Aries on Sunday, August 18th, at 12:33 PM EDT.

Sunday – August 18, 2019


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Aug 12 6:11 PM Moon con Pluto Aug 13 11:35 AM Aquarius
Aug 15 9:02 PM Moon opp Mars Aug 15 11:49 PM Pisces
Aug 17 6:34 PM Moon sxt Pluto Aug 18 12:33 PM Aries

Highlights this week

North Node in Cancer Stations Retrograde – Aug 12 10:47 am

Venus sesquiquadrate Chiron – Aug 13 10:59 am

Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron – Aug 13 6:46 am

Venus quincunx Pluto – Aug 14 2:07 am

Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus – Aug 14 2:06 am

Sun conjunct Venus – Aug 14 2:02 am

Mercury trine Chiron – Aug 15 5:14 pm

New Moon in Aquarius [22 Aqu 24] – Aug 15 8:29 am

Mercury square Uranus – Aug 16 1:07 pm

Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn – Aug 17, 1:38 pm

Mars enters Virgo – Aug 18 1:18 am


SUN IN LEO -July 22 – August 23

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN LEO – August 11 – August 29

VENUS IN LEO – July 27 – August 21

MARS IN LEO – July 1 – August 18


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

New to astrology? Click here to read my article that talks about how an astrologer can assist you.

Thanks for visiting Astrolane Direct! 

closed window in building image for my weekly outlook for August 5-11, 2019

Weekly Outlook for August 5 -11, 2019

Monday – August 5, 2019

We are prone to a whirlwind of emotions today, with feelings and direction being all over the place. We could start the day feeling really positive, and wanting to socialize but as the day moves on it can take on a more serious tone and it can become somewhat harder to connect with people. Avoid falling into a state of melancholy from overthinking what you consider were failures. By this evening we get involved in emotional power struggles, and it gets difficult to remain neutral or control our reaction to what occurs. The Moon spends all day in Libra trying to make sense of it all. The Libra moon favors harmony and finding a middle ground. It is capable of seeing both sides of a situation and finding a balance between them. Under this Moon’s influence we are better suited to keep our composure and be open to cooperation with others. The way you start your day with a feeling of inner balance can be used throughout the day to lead and reconcile any problems with compassion and enthusiasm to help others. If you’re in a loving relationship today can be a pleasurable for intimacy, and for making sexual relations exciting by this evening. If you know what I mean.

Tuesday – August 6, 2019

The compromising Libra Moon ends today and begins a new transit in the sign of Scorpio around 11:30 AM EDT. We’re coming off of cooperating to meet others’ needs, to now looking within ourselves to get in touch with our emotions under the Scorpio Moon. We must watch out for changeable moods today as it can bring on hasty emotional reactions and pettiness. We are prone to being highly opinionated, caring little for what others think or might have to say. Our emotional reactions tonight could easily lead us down the wrong path if having a good time takes the lead over our responsibilities. Be careful of overlooking the needs of others, including yourself, avoid carelessness. You may want to put your foot down on a situation you find extremely restrictive. There may be surprises in store for us this evening that are the disruptive kind that may require us to make a few modifications that we may or may not be willing to make but is necessary regardless. The fact of the matter is staying inflexible in your patterns is what leads to unpredictable results. Becoming more open to experiencing some different, could make it easier to accept what life throws at you. A little charity can go a long way today and the Universe does repay you for it.

The Moon is void from 3:36 AM EDT, until the Moon enters Scorpio at 11:31 AM EDT.

Wednesday – August 7, 2019

We are feeling mighty and on top of the world today with the Sun in an exact trine to Jupiter this morning at 3:32. Sadly, chances of rain loom over our parade towards the evening. We start off with an abundance of high optimistic energy which could be applied toward attaining Personal and spiritual growth through studies and travel. We can express ourselves easily through writing and public speaking. Financial gains are possible at this time. We feel in harmony with our environment and most likely prefer engaging in abstract and metaphysical topics, anything that can broaden our outlook in life intrigues us at this time. However, this can be interrupted tonight when the Sun makes a minor quincunx aspect to Saturn. This aspect can throw us off balance and create friction between balancing the self-esteem, the ego, with heavy feelings of responsibility and self-discipline. This aspect to Saturn can have us in our feelings of sadness and loneliness and it can be hard to regain the self-confidence we started the day with. The Moon spends the entire day in introspective Scorpio, we could use this energy to go deep into exploring the depths of our emotions to make sense of our circumstances. This moon has the emotional fearless to do the deep work to bring you back to center.

Thursday – August 8, 2019

Yesterday may have ended heavily and abruptly for some of us, but today we have the benefit of starting again and doing even better with our day today. Venus makes a trine to Jupiter this afternoon at 4:28 PM EDT, which will lift our spirits and bring an abundance of love right along with it. This aspect favors socializing of every kind, it makes us exude confidence and charm. We attract people who love and support us and we feel a boost in popularity. We are warm and friendly towards others, and feel more at ease to express our softer side through the love and affection we give to others. We benefit in giving as much as we are in a position to receive. Pay a service or a gift forward. Financial gain is very likely at this time since Venus rules money and Jupiter rules wealth. Making an investment today could end up working in your favor and increasing your fortune. (Disclaimer: I’m no broker or inside trader so don’t blame me if you lose some change dammit) That said this is one of the most favorable transits to anticipate. You will enjoy socializing more and appear more attractive to others. Luck may appear out of nowhere through favors, gifts, offers, and opportunities. It would be unwise to say no to an offer right now. Needless to say, this is an epic time to start dating or take a relationship to the next level.  Along with that, we can also use this transit’s influence to repair friendships that are on the rocks. It’s an ideal time to have faith in what you love and put your trust in the people that you love. You can enjoy a shopping spree right now if your financial affairs are in order, and if they’re not, you can still stand to treat yourself without any guilt; just don’t splurge. The Moon makes its final stand in mysterious Scorpio today and enters the sign of Sagittarius this afternoon at 4:35 PM EDT.

The Moon is void from 10:58 AM EDT, until it enters the sign of Sagittarius at 4:35 PM EDT.

Friday – August 9, 2019

The Moon is in Sagittarius all day giving us a boost of optimism and positive spirit. We have this newfound sense of seeking adventure, expanding our consciousness, and learning something deep. Our inclination for spontaneity is high and we have the will to just go for what we want. This energy makes us seek freedom, growth, and new opportunities for ourselves. Later this afternoon Venus makes a quincunx to Saturn at 4:24 PM EDT. While a minor aspect, a quincunx deals with health and being made to Saturn, no doubt this shows up in the form of brooding or depression. In all of our good spirits today we can be hit with a wave of emotions that rocks our sensibilities. We can undergo an unexplainable sadness that stirs up an anxiety within us that can hinder us from asserting ourselves and getting our needs met. You may find yourself putting distance between you and others. While some alone time would do well in helping you collect your thoughts, it would be unwise to ignore the people you love who are trying their best to show love to you.

Saturday – August 10, 2019

The Moon spends another day in optimistic Sagittarius. We enjoy spontaneity and spending time outdoors. Details and small and practical matters are less important now as we desire more freedom. This Moon favors seeking higher education, it wouldn’t be out of place to sign up for a class on a whim. The Sun makes a minor contact with the North Node this afternoon, and we can feel as if we’re moving along in the right direction. We get along well with others today and receive their cooperation with little to no resistance. A quincunx this evening between the Sun and Neptune threatens to throw us off course and fog our way of thinking. It can be hard to focus and define our aspirations. There is an underlying feeling that past failures can dictate our future endeavors as being the same, and this can make us hesitant about getting something off the ground. It is important that you understand this is more your own feeling than actually being true. Get out of your head and take that risk. A minor aspect between Venus and the North Node this evening could bring you the attention of someone who has been admiring you from afar.

The Moon is void from 3:50 PM EDT, until the it enters the sign of Capricorn on Sunday, August 11th, at 12:50 AM EDT.

Sunday – August 11, 2019

It’s a busy day in the zodiacal realm, we have one planet ending its retrograde and another planet getting ready to start its retrograde a little while after that. We also have the planet of communication entering the most expressive sign of the zodiac. The Moon entered the sign of Capricorn this morning at 12:51 AM EDT, turning our minds to business and getting ahead in our goals. Jupiter in Sagittarius stations Direct this morning at 9:27 AM EDT and asks us what knowledge did we gain or new experience did we undergo during the retrograde that can be applied toward our spiritual evolution. Venus makes a quincunx to Neptune this afternoon making us prone to fantasizing about unrealistic situations. We might be prone to confusion in our relationships today, being unsure of what we want and expressing moodiness and frustration. It is highly suggested that you reexamine your relationship expectations. On the flipside, we find comfort in being in the company of others today. Mercury enters Leo this afternoon at 3:46 PM EDT, adding dramatic flair and bold expression to our conversations. We speak from the heart, and become very social under this transit enjoying lots of laughs and playful conversations. Our creativity fountain is overflowing and we have an abundance of energy and desire to create and to keep creating. Later on this evening, Uranus the Great Awakener stations Retrograde at 7:23 PM EDT. When Uranus goes retrograde it can give us a feeling of instability and dread. Things can change under Uranus’ retrograde. Those changes can come out of nowhere and shock us like nobody’s business. These are changes that can completely change our minds and our hearts and possibly take us down a whole new path. We become freed from old ways of thinking and doing things. Great changes can take effect on our outlook during this time. We can possibly change some old habits and ways of thinking. Stay tuned for my article explaining more about Uranus in Taurus and it’s retrograde cycle.


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Aug 6 3:36 AM Moon squ Mercury Aug 6 11:31 AM Scorpio
Aug 8 10:58 AM Moon tri Mercury Aug 8 4:35 PM Sagittarius
Aug 10 3:50 PM Moon tri Mars Aug 11 12:50 AM Capricorn

Highlights this week

Sun trine Jupiter – Aug 7 3:32 am

Sun quincunx Saturn – 8:25 pm

Venus Trine Jupiter – Aug 8 4:28 pm

Venus quincunx Saturn – Aug 9 4:24 am

Sun semisextile North Node in Cancer – Aug 10 12:47 am

Sun quincunx Neptune – Aug 10 8:44 pm

Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Aug 11 5:01 am

Jupiter Stations Direct – Aug 11 9:27 am

Venus quincunx Neptune – Aug 11 1:43 pm

Mercury enters Leo – Aug 11 3:46 pm

Uranus Stations Retrograde – Aug 11 7:23 pm


SUN IN LEO -July 22 – August 23

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN CANCER – July 19 – August 11

VENUS IN LEO – July 27 – August 21

MARS IN LEO – July 1 – August 18


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

New to astrology? Click here to read my article that talks about how an astrologer can assist you.

Thanks for visiting Astrolane Direct! 

Void of Course – What does it mean?

If you follow my Weekly Outlook, you will have noticed my mentioning of the moon going “Void of Course”, “VC” or “VOC”. I’ve lightly brushed over it on my Facebook page, but really tried to avoid it until I could get this article up. I didn’t want to get inundated with the question “What does ‘void’ mean?” Today I’ll be explaining that. At the of the article I the do’s and don’ts for this astrological standstill; keep reading….

Let’s start first with going over the Moon in astrology for the newcomers and the curious. The Moon rules our emotions and feelings and it operates in our subconscious. It illustrates how we respond intuitively. It rules over our desires,  along with our urges for safety, emotional security, and our sense of belonging. When the Moon is Void of Course, it basically means that it has made its last aspect in its transit of a sign, and is taking a break before it enters the next sign. In simple terms: The Moon goes on a vacation (and so should we).

Do you ever notice you could be getting along just fine, things are moving at a smooth pace, you’re focused and productive, and then BLAMMM! All of sudden your mind is in shambles? You have no idea what you’re doing. You’ve lost all momentum and drive. Enough is enough! Well, Starshine, that there is a symptom of the Void Moon taking course. Let’s start at the beginning.

The first thing to understand is that the Moon takes approximately 27.5 days to complete a zodiac cycle. Meaning, it goes through each sign of the zodiac wheel, and repeats that cycle again and again. For every sign, the Moon could spend anwhere from 2.5 to 3 days. At this speed, the Moon is the fastest moving ‘planet’ in astrology. While the Moon is making its transit (moving through a sign) it makes aspects (conjunction, square, etc.) to other planets and those aspects can affect our mood throughout the day. The Moon moving through the Zodiac is like watching your favorite TV show series with 12 episodes per season. Every episode is different than the one before it and they all culminate to tell a compelling story. Some episodes might end in cliffhangers, “deaths”, disappointments, or happily-ever-afters. Void of Course is your opportunity for a bathroom break and a drink refill after being fully immersed in an episode. It’s a chance to stretch your legs before starting the next one.

But enough with the analogy. The picture I’m painting here is that of the last aspect the Moon is making to another planet is akin to how the show ends before the next one begins. During this interval we might want to process the things we’ve just seen. When we call our friends and family who were also watching to say “Did you see that?!” It’s the conversation by the water cooler in the office lounge the next day. It’s overhearing other people on your commute to work or school discussing the same show! You catch my drift yet?

So, consider this for example; Today is Tuesday (if it’s not let’s pretend that it is), the Moon has been in Gemini since the day before that, and it will change signs on Wednesday. Let’s look at some of the aspects that occur in a time period between Tuesday and Wednesday

WEEKDAY Aspect Time
Tuesday 8:28 PM Moon sxt Mars
11:56 PM Moon squ Neptune
11:59 PM Mars Opp Saturn
WEEKDAY Aspect Time
Wednesday 3:45 AM Moon sxt Mercury
4:14 AM Moon con Saturn
6:36 AM Venus tri Jupiter
9:18 PM Moon enters Cancer

The Moon while in the sign of Gemini makes its last aspect to the planet Saturn at 4:14 AM on Wednesday morning. It is now leaving the sign of Gemini and is about to enter the sign of Cancer at 9:18 PM. This indicated by the white stripes, this means the Moon was void for a total of 17 hours and 4 minutes. After the Moon makes its final aspect it then goes void. One thing to keep in mind is that a VC Moon can last anywhere from a few seconds to the 2.5 days that it takes the Moon to transit to the sign over! The latter case is actually pretty rare here, but it has happened.

Be Aware

When first learning astrology and being introduced to the VC Moon, I had read articles that confused me about it. I initially grasped the idea, but was confused by the way some astrologers would put it. I don’t want you to be confused, so I want to emphasize this one major point. In no way is the Moon ever not in a sign. Some articles would lead you to believe the Moon would just be hanging around in “space” all empty, before moving itself into the next sign. This is not the case at all. To repeat myself in a different way; the Moon is always within a Zodiac sign, and it always moves immediately from one sign to the next one. Simple as that. Don’t believe anyone telling you otherwise.

What happens when the Moon is “Void”?

We start to lose focus. Now keep in mind that some days are bound to have aspects between the other planets that can shape our thinking and mental focus, but I find that the last major aspect the Moon makes to any of those other planets rule out whatever aspect it was making before that which may or may not have been what was keeping us moving. For example, if we were moving along at a productive pace in our work, our concentration can take a sudden dive once the VC Moon is in effect. If we continue working during this time, chances are we’ll most likely have to go back to make a change or start all over. The things we buy during this time may never see the light of day after purchase. Final decisions somehow wind up being bad ones or full on regrets. Things we put our beliefs in may turn out to be impractical ideas. Any businesses launched or new projects began, have a higher rate of failure than one that gets started when the Moon is not “void”. Setbacks and annoyances are common at this time as well. The biggest challenges and obstacles we experience usually transpire when the Moon is void.

That’s not to say that all things go bad during this period. The Void Moon is a great time for soul searching and going within ourselves. We can get full rest and recovery from the loss of sleep or go through resetting our body clocks to fix our sleeping patterns. Along with that, it is also not meant to be implied that this is a time-span of inactivity – far from it. The normal, basic, everyday routines and chores can still go without a hitch. In fact, if we put aside our focus on our external affairs, we are in a better state of calmness to focus on our internal affairs. Shutting out the noise and demands of the outside world, puts us at ease and better able to manage the noise inside of us.

This is really what I love most about the Void of Course Moon. It brings a nice balance to our days and serves as a kind of universal alarm reminding us to remember ourselves among our working for and serving others.

Void Moon and Timing

Generally speaking, the VC Moon is mostly used by astrologers in Horary Astrology to predict events. If a question is asked by a client during the period of a “void” Moon, normally there wouldn’t be answers to provide as the common one would be to say that there would be no outcomes to anything undertaken at this time. However, astrologers (as well as myself) have found that this case also applies to our daily lives.

As I mentioned before the Moon rules our feelings and when it goes “void” we all feel it as a collective. Imagine the tide standing still for everyone, and all of a sudden everyone is now moving about aimlessly – clueless about which direction to head next. There’s bound to be some bumping into one another and retraced steps.

To all my magickal Moon workers: witches and warlocks, priests and priestesses, and alchemists: don’t forget to keep in consideration this very potent Moon event in your work with Luna. For better outcomes in your spells and energy work, incorporate the void moon in timing your rituals for more effectiveness. There comes more power and benefit in knowing when the Moon is void from when it isn’t.  This information can assist you in better success for your endeavors.

On the real, it’s best to avoid magickal workings under a void Moon. I guess you could say that it’s got a lot going on at this time with it transitioning to the different influential energy of a new sign. Therefore we don’t get the usual lift, or spark of illumination that shines down from the luminary. Any magickal work undertaken during the VC Moon has the tendency to weaken, deteriorate or end up not materializing. It just burns out. In the common tongue – it’s just not a time frame for starting anything new and that includes new relationships as well.

Instead the VC can be used for inner spiritual work or research. You can even use that time to prepare for the next moon phase and sign transit. Create a schedule or plans for the next New and Full Moon and use the time to prepare a sacred space for whatever ritual you will do then.

What I do during the VC Moon

When the Moon goes void that’s when I would usually either turn off my phone or go on Do-Not-Disturb. I log out of social media and focus on work for Astrolane. If I’m in the middle of doing a chart for a client, I take a break during that period and I would let the client know for how long. The length of time determines mostly what I get into, but no matter the duration or what time it occurs, that is always my cue to do my journal writing and review my bullet journal. I meditate almost daily in the morning, but I enhance it if the time coincides with a void moon and my Leo rising turns it up a notch. I do not like to astrologize when the Moon is void because of the mental work that is required and I’ve found I tend to be scatterbrained in that time – as if my attention span isn’t short enough. *insert eyeroll* 

I’ve found that 80% of the time while doing charts for clients, if I work through the VC periods then I almost always have an issue of some kind. I can count on one hand how many charts I’ve done with no major issues interrupting it. At first I thought it was my imagination or maybe I just didn’t want to believe in its influence over me and my day. I’m busy often, being a mom trying to start a business and keep a job at the same time, so I’m often having to multitask. During a void of course I get to wind down and relax. I’ll catch a show or a movie, or any other form of entertainment. Sometimes I’ll spend the whole time catching up with notifications on Facebook. I like to go for walks during a the void and observe nature around me. I keep something to jot down my ideas. Again, it all depends on the length of time that I’m working with and I’ll even plan ahead. And then there are times when it will pass me by without me even noticing. On my phone, I have all of the VC Moons entered for the year and I have alarms set to remind me of them. I have one that reminds only me and another that reminds me to remind others of the upcoming void Moon. Regular routine tasks and chores are perfect for this time! The VC Moon isn’t a time to stop doing work altogether, it’s a time to take a break from the hard work that requires the most focus and deepest concentration. However, it’s great for the mundane tasks and everyday duties we need to tend to.

Do’s and Don’ts for a Void Moon

Here are a some examples of things NOT during a Void of Course Moon:

  • Do NOT start a new job at this time.
  • Do NOT submit your resume or accept an interview for a new job.
  • Do NOT make a large or a committing purchase.
  • Do NOT make any investments or start up new accounts. 
  • Do NOT try to compromise or make any negotiations. 
  • Do NOT schedule any meetings during this time frame. 
  • Do NOT take on any new clients or call them at this time. 
  • Do NOT have elective surgery during a VC Moon. 
  • Do NOT go on a first date (a second date is fine).
  • Do NOT gamble.
  • Do NOT throw a party or be host to one.
  • Do NOT propose marriage or get married during this time.
  • Do NOT begin any litigation process at this time.
  • Do NOT launch a business.

Now here is a short list of things you can or should DO during a Void of Course Moon:

  • Get some rest and rejuvenation. Record your dreams.
  • Work on household matters such as chores but skip the grocery shopping
  • Journal writing and affirmations. 
  • Wrapping up uncompleted tasks.
  • Prayer, meditation, yoga, mantras.
  • End a business. 
  • End a relationship. 
  • Get divorced.
  • Let someone else begin the litigation process AGAINST YOU.

Lastly, and most of all, be aware and accepting that you might be feeling a little loopy right now and so is everyone else. Thinking isn’t very much clear and emotions are fluctuating freely with no particular influence driving them. There is a disconnect in communicating and our interactions. We can attain more efficiency in our inner world than our outer world, and here we can tap into our capabilities much better.

**Note: Surely if things on the DO NOT list are unavoidable, of course do what you have to do. The planets don’t dictate what happens for us, we have control of our lives. These reports are helpful in understanding the atmospheric energy which may compel us.

And there you have it. I hope this article helped you to understand more about the Void of Course Moon. The Moon plays such a big role in our lives, so much having to do with its phase or event happening to it. 

In my Weekly Outlook section, I always list the times the Moon will be void that week.  I also have a page dedicated to the Void of Course Moon dates and times for the entire year. You can find it here, as well as on the Home page under the Features tab.

Monthly Forecast for August 2019

We are now at the peak of summertime when things start to pick up and materialize. We want to have fun, we seek new adventures and hone our chances of seeing successful outcomes. Let’s just get right into this monthly forecast for August 2019. 

At the start of August, we may feel an underlying drive to change limiting thought patterns that have been preventing us from expressing compassion and emotion towards ourselves and others. Saturn in Capricorn is approaching an exact conjunction to the South Node. This has been an ongoing aspect since April, giving us the opportunity to examine old structures and conditioning that shape who we are and the effects it has on us. We are being challenged to confront our fears, change destructive behaviors and bad habits, break free from the control of another and to learn to be more comfortable with expressing love to mankind.

By the second week of August, things seem to start moving in a completely different direction. August 11 will be a busy day for planetary activity. Mercury enters Leo that day, bringing more confidence to our way of thinking and communicating with others. The details aren’t as important as getting to the goal at this time; the bigger the goal, the more drive there is for getting to it. There is a great spirit of determination during this time. Also on that day Jupiter goes direct at 14°30′ Sagittarius after being retrograde for the last 4 months. Jupiter’s retrograde gave us all the opportunity to reflect on philosophy and the meaning of life. Have you discovered your purpose or do you feel close to finding it out? Jupiter going direct is the chance now to apply the insights you gained during the retrograde to your personal life. Another event occuring on the 11th is Uranus going retrograde at 6°36′ Taurus. Uranus retrograde is a time to reflect on and embrace what makes us unique and different. During this time we can come to the realization that we’ve got a lot to offer the world through our talents and individuality.

On the 15th of August, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius at 22°24′. This lunation is invigorated by 4 planets opposite to it, triggering some complicated emotions or a need to have more emotional freedom. And three days after that, on August 18th Mars will enter Virgo putting an end to the Leo party, and buckling us down to being more organized, practical, self-disciplined, methodical, and responsible. We’ll be ready to roll our sleeves up and really get down to the nitty-gritty of details and concentrated work.

Lastly, the month comes to an end with the New Moon in Virgo at 6°, making close aspects to the Sun, Venus and Mars on that day. This New Moon at the end of the month will be good for finding the clarity we need going ahead and in planning for the following month of September.

Major Events this Month

Jupiter Stations Direct – August 11, 2019 9:38 AM

Mercury in Leo – Auugst 11, 2019 3:43 PM

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus – August 11, 2019 10:28 PM

Sun Conjunct Venus – August 14, 2019 2:07 AM

Full Moon in Aquarius – August 15, 2019

Mars in Virgo – August 18, 2019 1:17 AM

Venus in Virgo – August 21, 2019 5:06 AM

Sun in Virgo – August 23, 2019 6:01 AM

Mercury in Virgo – August 29, 2019 3:47 AM

New Moon in Virgo – August 30, 2019

Hey there, Starshine, 

Your future is right in front of you. Don’t miss out on the major events this year. Click here to view the 2019 Astrological Calendar.

Do you need direction or help with putting the pieces together? Perhaps one of my reports can help you figure some of it out. Click here to see what services Astrolane Direct has to offer. 

image for my weekly outlook for august featuring two children standing near a cliff watching on ocean at daytime

Weekly Outlook for July 29 -August 4, 2019

Monday – July 29, 2019

Put on your seatbelt and get ready to ride an emotional rollercoaster today. The Moon enters Cancer this morning at 7:30 AM EDT, activating emotions and increasing sentimentality in all of us. Meanwhile, Uranus the great disruptor is in full effect today, bringing our need for adventure and change to the forefront. You could be feeling off today and can get easily irritated at times. There is a restlessness in the air today that makes us fidgety and anxious, but mentally sharp to come up quick with solutions. It’s a favorable time to step out of comfort zones and make changes to personal habits and domestic routines. The Sun square Uranus can make us neglect our duties in favor of independence and rebellion. You might feel the need for a sudden change in your life. Don’t ignore this feeling and examine what it is instead. If you withhold your reservations and pinpoint this tension then you’ll be more prepared for whatever adjustments or changes are necessary to be made. Otherwise, it can blow up right in your face…disastrously. For instance, if you’re struggling to see results from something at this time, intentionally changing the way you’re doing things can bring positive results. Whereas, continuing to do the same thing over and over can result in a devastating change. This aspect requires us to be flexible, for the fact that we can be unsure about what our needs are until we actually meet them. Be on the alert for any chance encounters today. Get out of the house and take the scenic route to wherever you’re heading. Surprises can be very beneficial to us right now. You could be feeling really charged today and resistant to taking anyone’s order, advice or hearing their opinions. However, keep in mind that it’s not just you feeling this way and with that comes the chance of having outbursts and getting into disputes with others. So drink your water and don’t be meddlesome. You should be careful to avoid driving recklessly today or fiddling with any machinery today.

Tuesday – July 30, 2019

The Moon is in the home-loving Cancer all day, raising our sensitivity, intuition and might make us slightly touchy today. We would do well to maintain our energy for most of the day, as disconnectedness can impair our judgement and decisions. Emotional needs can get brought to the surface this morning and it can be hard to open up to other people or remain neutral, which can lead to becoming distant and others finding you cold or unemotional. This afternoon our intuition might feel particularly strong. While being positive is always a good thing, it’s important to remain realistic this afternoon and not get carried away by our fantasies or hold our expectations too high. Hold off on making any important decisions today for tomorrow, after you’ve had a chance to make sense of the situation. Intense emotions and inner turmoil can arise by tonight. Feelings of hopelessness, anguish, vulnerability, confusion, jealousy, and fear are things that can be brought up at this time. It’s important not to give in or react to
circumstances based off of these emotions which might feel like some work on your part, but I know that you got this. By being aware that this is just a passing feeling, you can avoid damaging your relationships with others. Find some time to be alone today to collect your thoughts and adjust your attitude. The less you say the more awareness you will gain. If emotions get overwhelming and you aren’t feeling like yourself then tell someone rather than taking it out on them. Try not to make others feel guilty for the way feel. It’s best to find someone you trust to talk to and share your feelings with. If that isn’t an option, then seek professional counseling to make peace with youraelf. On the other hand, you might be the one that someone reaches out to today for support or comfort, because of your sensitive and caring nature.

Wednesday – July 31, 2019 New Moon in Leo 8° 37′ 11:12 PM EDT

The Moon leaves Cancer this morning and enters fun loving Leo this morning at 9:19 AM EDT. Today we find pleasure in socializing and might be feeling the love coming from all directions when the Moon and Venus conjunct this afternoon. There is a sense of inner peace and a strong sense of how to love yourself. Watch out for absorbing the negative energy of others and for that reason it is important to go where the love is instead. Later on, disruptions can occur that agitate us to rebel and lash out. You will do better to channel that energy towards a change in your daily routine. Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct this evening at 11:51 PM, right after a New Moon in Leo. Thinking will be clearer now and we’re able to come to realizations and acceptance for where we’re headed. We’ve just spent several weeks going over our lives along with the roles that people play in it. We saw true colors, gained new perspectives, saw how we contribute to our circumstances and realized the changes we have to make. Now is a time of putting all of those lessons together and moving forward with them being applied in our lives. It’s time to take back control of your life and go after what you want for yourself. This ties in well with our second New Moon of this month, this time in Leo. Also called a Black Moon, this Super Moon energy inspires us and encourages us to shine. We pay this forward by encouraging others to shine. Are you hiding your gifts and talents from the world? Are you afraid of stepping outside of your comfort zone? This New Moon lunation motivates us to take the stage and show the world what we’re made of. Remember that the Sun rules Leo and the Sun shines bright! If it’s criticism you’re afraid of, just know that the more you bury your awesomeness, the more criticism you will face. This lunation favors enterprise and entrepreneurship. It’s a time to solidify your mission statement and start to live it out. Having set your goals outside of accolades and recognition, the Universe will give you what you want when you need it. Trust in it and yourself. Step up to your throne and claim your crown tonight. You are royal at what you do! 

Thursday – August 1, 2019

Read the Monthly Outlook for August 2019

Friday – August 2, 2019

Saturday – August 3, 2019

Sunday – August 4, 2019



Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Jul 30 11:33 AM Moon con Mercury Jul 31 9:18 AM Leo
Aug 1 4:48 PM Moon con Mars Aug 2 9:20 AM Virgo
Aug 4 12:07 AM Moon sxt Mercury Aug 4 9:30 AM Capricorn

Highlights this week

Sun square Uranus – Jul 29 7:14 pm

Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune – Jul 30 2:49 pm

Mars quincunx Neptune – Jul 30 4:08 pm

Mercury Stations Direct- Jul 31 11:57 pm

Venus trine Chiron – Aug 1 12:57 pm

Venus square Uranus – Aug 2 6:00 am

Mars sesquisquadrate Chiron – Aug 3 8:21 am

Mars quincunx Pluto – Aug 4 11:59 am


SUN IN LEO  (July 22 – August 23)

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN CANCER  (July 19 – August 11)

VENUS IN LEO   (July 27 – August 21)

MARS IN LEO  (July 1 – August 18)


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

New to astrology? Click here to read my article that talks about how an astrologer can assist you.

Thanks for visiting Astrolane Direct! 

Sun in Leo 2019

The Sun returns home and enters its ruling sign of Leo on July at . In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion. The Sun in Leo isn’t here to play by rules or be a team player. It is very much focused on shining and having its moment in the spotlight. Sky’s the limit with the Sun in Leo and we definitely reach for the stars during this zodiacal season. Even the most aloof among us can enjoy the benefits of the Leo Sun at this time. It makes us more confident to go after what we want and to speak our minds expressively. We don’t hold back and do things on a much larger and grander scale. We put aside inhibitions and walk the ledge of spontaneity and risks. Considering our strong determination and increased ambition, our chances for success are improved.

We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Leo rules the heart, and therefore is very loving and expressively affectionate. In Leo season, we all feel the love and want to give it as well. Leo has gained the reputation of being self-centered and vain, but it’s not as superficial as most people think. Leo energy is lighthearted, playful and very loyal. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. For this sign, anything that doesn’t come from the heart is unimportant, and it’s a lesson that we all stand to learn when the Sun transits here. Pride comes from knowledge and ability, and as we evolve we discover that who we are is found in how we treat others.

That said we do have to watch out for coming off vain and self-centered. The high energy of the Sun in Leo is intense, flirtatious, flashy, and self-confident to the point of coming across as overconfident, arrogant or conceited. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

Our creative drive gets a major boost and finding an outlet would be ideal. Plan and host a party that brings people together. It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. Go for what you want or who you want. Be bold this month. Do everything and do it Extra! Dress up in a way that gets noticed! Wear your brightest colors and be provocative. Buying some new jewelry, or glamming it up will make you feel royal. Do something different and striking with your hair, be daring with a new color or a styled cut. Get out and enjoy the season. Let your hair down and paint the town red any chance you can get. Be sure to socialize as new connections can be made and established down the line. New relationships and love interests may develop, so be on the lookout. Otherwise, you can expect to be feeling and receiving more love and affection during this most amorous season. Have fun, Starshine!

The Sun enters the sign of Leo on July 22 until August 23. The following section contains the aspects being made to the Sun this month. Continue reading to see how the Sun in Leo can affect your sign.

Aspects to Sun in Leo

Sun enters Leo (Jul 22 10:50 pm)

Sun trine Chiron (July 28 11:42 pm)

Sun square Uranus (Jul 29 7:13 pm)

Sun trine Jupiter (Aug 7 3:31 am)

Sun quincunx Saturn (Aug 7  8:24 pm)

Sun quincunx Leo (Aug 10 8:43 pm)

Sun conjunct Venus (Aug 14  2:07 am)

Sun quincunx Pluto (Aug 14 2:07 am)

Sun opposite Moon – Full Moon in Aquarius 22° (Aug 15 12:29 pm)

Sun enters Virgo (Aug 23 6:01 am)

Learn more about these aspects by reading my Weekly Outlook posted every Sunday on this website and on Monday morning on my Facebook page. 

**All times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT)

Transiting Sun Affecting Your Sign


The Sun in Leo is in your house of creativity and romance, highlighting the need to go out and have fun over the next several weeks. Your confidence is higher than usual, and your romantic side comes alive. This month brings the opportunity to find love and romance. Your playful nature gets a boost, making you flirtatious and a magnetic to the opposite sex. You are more bold and outspoken and people love this about you and want to be around you. You get the attention you’re looking for, and at times when you aren’t. Your high energy, optimism and enthusiasm for life is infectious. On the one hand, you don’t want to be bogged down doing serious work while missing all of the action. You enjoy being the center of attention and life of the party all month. On the other hand, the Sun in your 5th house sparks creativity in you and increases your ambition to succeed. You may be in full go-getter mode willing to miss out on the fun in your mission to reach the top. In either case, finding a balance is key. Engage in your favorite hobbies, go out with friends, attend parties, and go on dates. If you are single, this is an excellent time to get out and go on dates. However, partying too much may lead to falling behind on your priorities. Manage your time carefully and remember…all work and no play makes a dull Aries.


The Sun transiting your 4th house, brings the focus on your home and family. You may want to change the home environment through improvements and renovations, or you might be considering moving to a better place entirely. You can spend more time this month with family, through get togethers and throwing social events. Comfort is found in the home, surrounded by loved ones. The security of having that family structure is really important to you at this time. Any conflicts within the home environment that come to the surface now will need to be addressed. It’s a good time to plan and arrange a
longstanding project. You can work on building up your inner foundation and getting in touch with your emotions during this time.


The Leo Sun is now in your 3rd house, putting a spotlight on communicating with others. You might be feeling more cheerful and sociable. This month can become very eventful as far as things picking up and moving fast in your social life. You may become more involved in paperwork, phone calls, emails, appointments, commuting locally, and find yourself in more speaking or writing engagements than usual. Your concentration isn’t the very best and you do better with smaller tasks that can be finished quickly. Your need for mental stimulation is heightened as your mind is very active right now and so you might want to learn new things that quench your curiosity. If you have siblings, this can be a good time for reconciling differences and renewing relationships with them.


The Sun in Leo transiting your house of values and possessions makes you highly focused on your finances. Money is on your mind, from how to save it, to how to make more of it. Likewise, your need to acquire things is increased. You may want to splurge at this time, buying things that will increase in its value or acquiring things that will boost your self-confidence. Or perhaps you might want to renovate the home to increase its worth. Going all out and splurging on another might be another way to boost the self-image you have of yourself. Spending some money might even be just what you need to gain more confidence. Just be sure not to go overboard in your spending spree. If you are facing financial hardships, you can be thinking of how to create more disposable income, and coming up with ideas of how to make more money, this will benefit you in the upcoming year. You’re not very likely to start a new project at this time, so spend this period finishing work you’ve already started. It’s a good time to make a list of things you would like to have, and developing a plan to get them.


With your ruling planet transiting your house of self-expression, the focus on you for the next few weeks. The first house governs the self, self-image, our being, potential, and path to our life’s purpose. Your confidence is high and you are not afraid to set yourself apart from the rest and express your originality. Any challenges you might face at this time can be solved with sheer boldness, courage, and self-confidence. You’re more self-assured and willing to go for what you want and you require no one’s help to obtain it. You are full of energy, optimistic, and very enterprising right now. It’s a good time to take full advantage of this life force energy and embark on a new project or endeavor. This season brings a sense of rebirth as it is the peak of your physical solar cycle. It’s time to put the past behind and move on to bigger and better things that you are destined for. You have a need to express yourself somehow, and this can be done by working on your appearance and making changes in how you interact with people. It’s not the best time for being a team-player or for collaboration, as this cycle brings out your leadership
abilities and your objective is to shine and be the center of attention. While you might be more self-centered at this time, that’s not always a bad thing. We all need to take the time to focus on ourselves and once and awhile, you just don’t want to go too far in your ego. Besides, it’s your birthday season, natal Leo Sun! This is a perfect time to show off, go for what you want, and do things for you, despite any difficulties that may lie ahead. Your self-awareness is heightened. Likewise, this period can give a boost to social success. This is a great time to “go for it.” Whatever “it” might be, just do it. You’ve got this!


The Sun in Leo is transiting your house of the subconscious, secrets and solitude. This month may be calling for time spent alone to recharge and sort through issues that are subconsciously and psychologically being presented. You are more conscious of your hidden feelings now, or in touch with all things hidden. You might also be feeling rather spiritual this month. This is a time when competitive energies and the ego are on a bit of a break. Old issues can come up that you need to face and move on from. You may be feeling and coming off more sensitive and emotional, require more rest, and are more intuitive. Your dreaming mind might be more active during this period, too. If possible, pay more attention to them for they may reveal clues to events/issues within your external world. This is a good time to get rid of baggage, and clear your life physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. There’s always something that you can get rid of. Think about the attachments you have–to things, people, and routines–and consider which ones are dragging you down. Situations that have naturally outgrown their usefulness in your life can now be put behind you. You could have a heightened sense of compassion at this time, and you’ll want to help people who can’t help themselves. However, you may feel drained, especially around people, and need to spend more time alone to recharge. You don’t want to be in the spotlight, and prefer to stay in the background and not get any attention from people. You may need to spend some time secluded, in private, or may want to get away for a bit. This might be a challenging period for you. The important thing to remember is not to resist. )


The Sun in Leo is transiting the 11th house and so the focus this month is on your friendships and associations. You are charming and making connections through social engagements and networking. Your calendar is filled this month with business meetings, group gatherings, and parties. You are feeling exuberant and social. Your friends can’t get enough of you and everyone else wants to get to know you. You are enjoying quite the life of a socialite right now by being a social butterfly. As you build up all of this interest in you from others, your actions towards them might be impersonal and aloof. Your thoughts are on the future, and obtaining more freedom for yourself. While you may love being part of a group, you find that you don’t necessarily need them to be happy. You much rather prefer to not be tied down to anyone or anything and get along by
keeping an emotional distance so you don’t have to deal with the drama in people’s lives. You have a pretty good idea about what you want and how you want your future to look. You do very well at this in formulating what your goals are and how you will pursue them. There’s an attraction to strange and unconventional ideas and people during this time. There is also the potential of getting involved in a social cause now because you feel a longing to help the world and humanity. The following month is ideal for following your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future.


The Sun shining down on your career sector puts the focus on personal pursuits and achieving long term goals. Your thoughts are on the direction your life is taking, as well as establishing or re-establishing your public reputation. The Sun transiting your solar 10th house, brings you recognition and praise for work you have done, or it can bring on penalties for abusing your power of authority. You have the spotlight on you all month in the career sector, so keep things neat if you don’t want a public scandal. You have the desire to accomplish a goal, and are more hard-working and sacrificing to get there. You want to be recognized for your talents now and feel a need to be noticed for your talents. It’s an excellent time to search for a job or get a new client. But bigger than that, it’s even more likely that others will take a liking to you and you can get recognized for something. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period and you will have to take a more practical approach to life to deal with bosses, parents, mentors, or other elders. It is also possible that you become much more social, invited to social gatherings that can help you advance in your career. If there has been a desire to chart a new course in life or your career path, this is an advantageous period to make solid plans and/or measured steps toward those endeavors. You want to be out and about during this time, so the more you get out and do your best, the more likely it is to happen. You want to shine, but just keep in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. You may be the center of attention at work for the month so live it up.


The Sun in Leo is transiting your 9th house of, bringing focus on expanding your world through higher education, travel or spiritual knowledge. Your optimism is expanded towards new experiences and exploring life’s deeper meanings. You may develop a greater interest in religion or occult studies seeking to explore them at a much deeper level. You become fascinated with learning new cultures that offer a different perspective in the way others live and go about their lives. It’s very likely to meet new people of different backgrounds, and acquiring exotic tastes. You could even start a relationship with a person from a foreign land. This is a good time to learn something new, study philosophy, or go back to school. You stand firm in your beliefs, and enjoy having animated debates about them with others. You are searching for the higher meaning of life and seeking out of body experiences that take you beyond the day-to-day cycle of a “normal” life. Consider taking a vacation or traveling this month to a place that offers
adventure and mind expansion. This transit of the Sun through your 9th house makes you feel good about yourself. You’re very outspoken and blunt during this time and must be careful of catching foot-in-mouth disease. Try not to lose touch with important details and regular routines in your personal life. Avoid becoming too dogmatic, fanatical and intellectually arrogant. The ninth house also represents publishing so, if you are writing a book, have dreams of drafting a script, or creating your own blog, now is the perfect time to pursue publication of something already completed or to begin the project.


The Sun in Leo transiting your 8th house puts a heavy focus on change and transformation. This can be quite a powerful time for you, emphasizing personal empowerment, and awareness of your true inner desires along with any shadow parts of yourself. You are much more in touch with any suppressed feelings you may have. If these repressed or controlled feelings, needs or emotions are not willingly brought out for release, then they will likely bubble beneath which can cause illness over the long run. You might spend more time by yourself reflecting on life, and become more serious. Your emotions can sway between extremes, and you may hold a lot in and be secretive. You may retreat from the hectic world and prefer to focus on intimacy with a partner. Your bedroom may get more action than usual while the Sun transits in the eighth. For those in a volatile relationship and are now separating, estranged, or divorcing, issues regarding your “shared” resources and who gets what might be illuminated. On a physical and practical level, the 8th house rules our sexuality and shared resources so, you may be dealing with joint finances and shared resources now more than usual. This transit highlights your joint finances, financial partnerships, debts, loans, taxes, and inheritances. This is an excellent time to create a budget or financial plan, or to rid yourself of bad habits that undermine your sense of personal power and self-mastery. You are dealing with issues of ego, power, and control at this time. Your will, self-discipline and psychological inclination matter to you more than usual. This is the time of year when you are most desirous of change on a deep level. In the psychological plane, the eighth house represents power struggles within our own psychological makeup and our ability to embrace the “darker” version of our Self without it overpowering us. During this time you shining a light on all that you hide within or away from you and taking a good look so that you can face these and either push them back down or deal with them. This can be internally but also through external actions or events that occur. This is an especially introspective cycle during which you have the chance to truly uncover your personal strengths and talents.


The Sun transiting your 7th house of partnership and open enemies, brings focus to your relationship with your spouse, significant other or a business partner. Your concern for them exceed that of your own needs at this time. You find that you would work better
with a partner right now, having someone on the same page as you, and understands you enough to exchange ideas that help you to get to know yourself. It can be hard for you to get out or start things on your own, feeling you would have a better time with a partner to enjoy it with. You’re interested now in improving relationships and making a commitment. You also become more interested in finding balance in your life during this transit cycle. Therefore, if you’ve been working hard you’ll have no trouble making room for pleasure and fun to strike the perfect balance. People will see you as being charming, arbitrary, and compromising. They are drawn to you for your sense of confidence and warm nature. Your popularity is soaring. You could attract at this time people who are egocentric and self-assured, but these are people with whom you can develop a deep relationship and attraction to. If you’ve been missing out on quality time with your lover, now is a good time to make up for it as you will desire to be with them even more. There’s just an emphasis on including others and being part of a team than seeking to do your own thing right now. Through your partnerships is a chance at self-discovery and realizing your potential. Just be careful of spreading yourself thin and giving away too much of yourself. Your mental state isn’t worth losing to make others happy.


The Sun shines on your 6th house of work service and health. All things surrounding these topics are highlighted for you for the month. Your concentration is quite serious now and you have little time for foolishness and absurdity. As a result, you’ll be able to get through smaller projects with ease as you are able to focus on the details, however larger projects may suffer because you’re unable to see the bigger picture. You might want to start a health regimen by eating better or quitting an addiction to something unhealthy. This transit of the Sun in your 6th house, boosts your confidence in getting the work done and receiving your credit for it. It’s a good time to cultivate your skills,make improvements to Self, and bring order to your life by focusing on the smaller details that make up the whole. Working by yourself but of service to another turns out better than starting things for yourself on your own at this time. This month you are examining the events and experiences of the last few months, getting rid of what doesn’t work in your life, while also discovering what does. You are being presented with an opportunity to make some much needed lifestyle changes, while learning to establish boundaries at the same time.

Hey there, Starshine, 

Your future is right in front of you. Don’t miss out on the major events this year. Click here to view the 2019 Astrological Calendar

Do you need direction? Perhaps one of my reports can help you figure some of it out. Click here to see what services Astrolane Direct has to offer. 

Weekly Outlook for July 22 -28, 2019

Monday – July 22, 2019

This morning a lunar cycle ends in Pisces and begins anew in the sign of Aries at 6:03 AM EDT. We feel rejuvenated and ready for a fresh start at something exciting. Energy is fired up and we’re ready to take action through bold moves, and leadership. This lunation favors physical activity more than anything. The tendency to act impulsively during this time is high, as there is also restless energy in the air at this time. Tonight, The Sun will enter its sign of Leo at 10:50 PM EDT, officially marking the start of #LeoSeason. The Sun in Leo is strong, confident, and magnetic. During this period we can gain a new sense of self-awareness and determination. Generosity is a positive feature of this transit; we open our hearts to others and find others doing the same for us. Many of us will be feeling playful, more expressive than usual, and suddenly creative. Now is a good time to follow your heart and go for yours. The Leo energy makes us ambitious, enterprising and bold. Utilize the friendly energy in the air to network and meet new people. Be sure to get out as much as you can, especially while the Sun is still out. Work hard, but make room for playtime. Have fun! If you’re working on a new look or a makeover, wait until the retrograde is over on the 31st before making any changes – that includes your hair! The worst thing to be aware of and to watch out for right now is your ego and that of others. The worship of vanity will be off-putting to others and arrogance will be at an all-time high. A LOT of showing off and bragging comes from the lower spectrum of the Sun in Leo. Self-assurance is a trademark of Leonine energy, but make sure that confidence is genuine and that you are not wearing a mask to cover up something unattractive underneath.

Tuesday – July 23, 2019

The Moon is in full effect all day in the sign of Aries the warrior. In the morning we are ready to take on the world. We have the energy and the courage to go after what we’ve set our sights on. A trine with Mars this morning brings a positive attitude along with courage. Your enthusiasm can be infectious to others who admire your optimism and ambition. Stand up for yourself and your principles. This aspect can make us assertive, but not too forecul. Don’t shy away from taking a stand to get your point across, you will be respected more for your honesty. In the afternoon, things may start to heat up and get more intense when the moon forms a square to Saturn at 2:30 PM EDT. There can be a disconnect during these hours, you might feel a need to work independently or avoid social interaction. If by chance you’re involved in a project with others, start it in the first half of the morning. Moods may dive this afternoon and evening, but don’t get into a rut or back into one. If you feel your spirit getting low, then do something immediately to pick it up Accept that these are merely tides that come and go and you will be fine. Keep your spirits up by being kind to others today (and everyday after that). You can witness your kindness goes a long way and have plenty of it returned back to you. Starting things will be easier than finishing them throughout the day. Keep your eye on the prize to get it done.

Wednesday – July 24, 2019

The Moon finishes its transit of action-oriented Aries today and enters the sign of Taurus the Bull this evening at 5:44 PM EDT. When the Moon is in Taurus, we focus more on our security and stability. We resist changes and we become less adaptable to the changes around us. Today’s energy is high, but concentration just isn’t. This morning may find us irritable and moody. A busy schedule could interfere with something you’re trying to launch. Disagreements can arise due to our hastiness to respond to a situation without fully considering the feelings of another. You might find it difficult to concentrate on tasks and responsibilities due to a need to get out and have fun. This could have an affect on your relationship and stir up conflict. Some quality time and intimacy can make the tension disappear. Moods lift up tonight when Mercury, still in retrograde, makes a conjunction to Venus at 8:25 PM. Love is in the air and it can be easily expressed tonight. You may feel compelled to show your affection through a gift, a visit, a letter, a date or be on the receiving end of it. Conversations with new people you meet can become meaningful friendships. Don’t be shy, slide into a dm and shoot your shot. What have you got to lose? With Mercury in retrograde, old feelings might resurface about things you used to enjoy. Don’t get stuck in the past, instead start planning on how you will bring the pleasure and excitement back into your life.

Thursday – July 25, 2019

This morning Mars and Jupiter partner up in a trine and stirs up a spirit of eagerness to make our way. It’s a perfect time to spend contemplating your next move as whatever you pursue now has a greater chance of success. Our minds are sharp, and energy is high giving us a boost in confidence and hope for the future. Our drive is ambitious under this transit and we can find extra luck out of nowhere coming to us. The Universe is bestowing upon us a blessing for the past few months we’ve endured under this retrograde season – a fog is lifting. Real talk, winning now requires some action on your part also. Plan ahead at the moment and keep a positive outlook about it. When overwhelment or overthinking starts to kill the vibe, get up and use that energy towards something physical. I don’t mean anything violent that can get you arrested though, keep that in mind. In believing in yourself, doors will open for you. Be bold. Be open. Trust in others and your instincts. Remember there are retrogrades in motion and it’s best to plan ahead before jumping in the waters. The need to break free is strong in many of us under this aspect, try not to get ahead of yourself with the self-determination as there is a likelihood of arrogance and self-importance that can take over us as well. The Moon is in Taurus all day and challenges Mars this evening in a square. Keep tempers in check, feet planted and eyes on the prize. Interactions might escalate to an extent of causing pain to someone else. We can diffuse or prevent this by not taking things so personal. Someone could be making an attempt to open up to you, don’t get offended – keep your ego in check.

Friday – July 26, 2019

The Moon is in Taurus today, highlighting our desire to feel comfortable and secure. This
morning we find it easy to express our feelings. We’re perceptive to the sensitivity in others and could feel the energy surrounding us very intensely. Yesterday’s transits may have left us feeling optimistic for the future. Today, we are aware of the power within us and we can tap into that power to push past any obstacle that may stand in our way. Around midday, we might start to feel lethargic and distracted. Take a break at this time and enjoy an activity that will provide an escape for just a moment and then get back to business. This evening provides a chance for clear thinking and open communication. New relationships can develop from information being shared. On the flipside, others might come to you for information or support. Social interaction will be buzzing this evening to where we can get to the bottom of things and solve many problems. As today will be a day of extreme emotional reactions, be on the lookout for emotional outbursts and frustrations. Mars makes a quincunx with Saturn tonight around 10:25 PM EDT, this may create some problems that can slow us down through delays or problems with authority. This aspect does not favor any demanding work that requires concentration. Best to do your most important as early as possible and spend the rest of the evening catching up with unfinished projects you’ve already started.

Saturday – July 27, 2019

Early this morning in the wee hours, the Moon entered the sign of Gemini around 2:30 AM EDT. Under this transit attention spans can be low, so it’s best that we focus on our important tasks for short periods at a time. We would much rather be out socializing and having conversations with new people we can learn from and exchange ideas with. It’s a good time to reach out to old friends and catch up in each other’s lives. Even though we may be feeling communicative, we may not necessarily feel compelled to carry on these interactions for too long. This afternoon, opportunities can arise if we open up to them being possible. We are given a chance to fix areas in our lives without any interruption or setback from the Universe. We can repair our relationships and they have a chance to grow now through stronger emotional expressions. Also occurring today, Venus enters the sign of Leo tonight at 9:54 PM EDT. When Venus is in Leo, we are in love with the world around us, and we can find love to give to ourselves. We’re feeling an extra dose of generosity and appreciation towards people we love. Passion heats up in romantic relationships, and single people have a greater chance at receiving an invitation to go on a date, or four. Pride and ego are involved in most matters at this time and it’s important to remember the Golden Rule when dealing with others. Remember to do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Sunday – July 28, 2019

This morning finds us ready and willing to take on tasks without a second thought about the outcome. We may be prone to impulsivity today, nonetheless, resulting in positive and successful outcomes. We can apply ourselves passionately to the things we need to do today. You may attract someone who is really digging a special quality in you that they’ve been seeking in common with them. Romantic partners could feel the spark come alive between them. We can be all in our feels by the afternoon, possibly not seeing things as they really are. We can be low-key in denial about something, and dishonesty won’t get us far today. It’s not the best day to subscribe to “signs” or superstitions of any kind. Seeing is believing. Slow things down and pay attention to your emotions. Be honest about them, it’s highly recommended that you open up to others and not keep your emotions bottled up. If help is needed, reach out and ask for it.

We are capable of lending each other support and helping out those in need today. By tonight we’re feeling the love and light in the atmosphere as the Sun and Chiron form a trine. We can find ourselves reviewing our mission in the world. How are you contributing to the restoration of humanity and the collective consciousness? Give that some thought. The Moon is in restless Gemini all day today. The Moon in Gemini favors analytical mental activity, makes us good-humored, sociable and communicative. The downside is it also had the effect of making us scatterbrained and moody.

The Moon goes void-of course from 11:24 AM EDT until tomorrow morning when it goes into the sign of Cancer at 7:30 AM EDT. Do all things in moderation during this time.


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Jul 22 4:34 AM Sun tri Moon Jul 22 6:02 AM Aries
Jul 24 10:48 AM Moon squ Mercury Jul 24 5:42 PM Taurus
Jul 27 12:28 AM Moon sxt Venus Jul 27 2:29 AM Gemini
Jul 28 11:24 AM Moon squ Neptune Jul 29 7:31 AM Cancer

Highlights this week

Venus opposite Pluto – Jul 21 4:31 am

Sun conjunct Mercury – Jul 21 8:33 am

Sun enters Leo – Jul 22 10:50 pm

Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Jul 23 12:51 am

Mercury conjunct Venus – Jul 24 8:26 pm

Mars trine Jupiter – Jul 25 8:22 am

Mars quincunx Saturn – Jul 26 10:40 pm

Sun sesquiquadrate Neptune – Jul 26 12:27 pm

Venus sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Jul 27 6:41 pm

Venus enters Leo – Jul 27 9:54 pm

Sun trine Chiron – Jul 28 11:43 pm


SUN IN LEO   (July 22 – August 23)

It’s your time to shine! In Leo, the Sun is lively, friendly, bold, and proud. The Leo Sun makes us energetically convincing. We are prone to taking control of events and people through our display of eagerness and devotion.​ ​It’s a wonderful time to lay the groundwork and chase your dreams. We become more charitable and helpful during this time. On top of wanting to shine, we also want to see that others win. Under this Leo Sun energy we seek love that is genuine and real. We should also avoid combativeness, trying to dominate others, being too demanding, and threatening to get what we want.

MERCURY IN CANCER   (July 19 – August 11)

VENUS IN CANCER   (July 3 – July 27)

VENUS IN LEO   (July 27 – August 21)

MARS IN LEO   (July 1 – August 18)


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

New to astrology? Click here to read my article that talks about how an astrologer can assist you.

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tower viewer photo used for my weekly outlook

Weekly Outlook for July 15 -21, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019  

The moon has been in Capricorn since yesterday, we continue moving forward through discipline. We can feel weighed down by the responsibilities of our day ahead. There is an underlying pressure to change things, either about ourselves or our environment. There is a possibility for things to go awry today, so be on the alert for the unexpected. The Moon’s trine to Uranus raises our awareness and intuition. This day can be exciting and filled surprises with happy outcomes. Our impulsivity is also activated, fortunately for us today there can be positive outcomes in being spontaneous – follow your gut. Old faces may appear out of the blue during this time giving a chance to catch up with old friends. We can benefit greatly from remaining optimistic and not folding to any pressure. Now is a good time to work on self-improvement. Think about an area in your life you want to improve; create a goal and then work on a plan. Take control of a situation.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 – Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn 24° (Partial) 5:38 PM EDT​ 🌕♑

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs of each other in the same degree. It represents completion and serves as a checkpoint of things began 6 months ago on the corresponding New Moon. Today’s Full Moon in Capricorn comes to us this evening with a partial lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse will only occur during a full moon. Lunar eclipses bring transformation, personal insight, final endings, a form of release, and a chance to reflect on where we came from and how much further we still have to go.

Two weeks ago we had the solar eclipse in Cancer that marked the beginning of a new lunar cycle and planted the seeds that began a new chapter in our evolutionary experience. Well, this lunar eclipse is for sorting out these details and to come to realizations about what does and doesn’t work for us. Taking place on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, this cycle is all about balancing your private life and your career. Perspective is very likely to shift at this time. Things might feel like they are falling apart but they are actually falling into place, and you will realize it once the air clears. Eclipses strengthen us; this one being conjunct Pluto and the South Node, reminds us that it is a time for letting go. Old structures are crumbling and new ideals and perspectives are replacing it. You may feel an internal pressure now to have as much as you can be done and over with, but don’t rush yourself.

Remember that we are also experiencing a retrograde of Mercury, so give yourself time to gather your thoughts and sort your new ideas. Mercury retrograde tends to alter our judgement and cloud our thinking. Use this time now until the 31st to reflect, become grounded and allow things to fall into place. Resist any urge to act out in anger and get in touch with your subconscious instead to explore the root of your emotions. Face your darker side and make
peace with yourself. You are being provided with an opportunity to gain a clearer picture of who you are, and how you need to express yourself. Where you are now is exactly where you need to be.

Those people with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra) will feel much of this energy, especially if they are within 19° – 29°. As for everyone else, the house where Capricorn is located in your chart is the area of your life you should be paying most attention to.

A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, moon, and Earth align in a way that the Earth’s shadow moves over the face of the moon. In this partial lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow will be seen on only part of the moon.

#FullMoonEclipse #CapricornFullMoon2019

Wednesday – July 17, 2019

The moon entered the sign of Aquarius this morning at 5:18 am and we can awake today feeling detached and spontaneous. Strong reactions to emotional issues highlight the day with the Moon in aspect to Mercury this morning. We may find it hard to be objective at this time. Our needs become important matters to us at this time, it’s best to reflect on what they are and how to get them met. It is important that you consider other people’s feelings to make the best choices in your final decisions. Annoyance and uneasiness are emotions that can be used to figure things out about ourselves and the people we interact with. Feeling closed off and disconnected today might lead to misunderstandings that throw us off. The early square this morning between Venus and Saturn can create constraints in the work day and bring potential bad news. Make sure to take the occasional break to stretch your legs and find your center. A sudden desire to break free of routine may be activated this evening when the Moon squares Uranus. Boredom can sweep over us like a giant wave of energy that can be disruptive to us, making us lose focus and sight of the bigger picture. It’s not the best day to make and financial deals or decisions. However, our energy can instead be used to look into ways of improving our financial security. It’s okay to want to be in your own world today, just don’t stay there. The Moon in Aquarius favors social activity, but for today just find one thing that makes you happy and focus on that.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The moon is still in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. Our intuitive levels are high, making is fully aware of the motivations of others, as well as their dishonesty. We might feel more compassion than usual for the well-being of others and rush to the aid of those in need of assistance. Acts of kindness towards others go a long way in making us feel good. What might initially feel like an obligation can result in a great boost of confidence and self-esteem.
Discussions today carry the air of seriousness; we might prefer conversations on philosophy and politics, yet we hold firm to our viewpoints. There can be combativeness with those making demands of us, so remain calm and open-minded. Your own rigidness could make you self-righteous and commanding to others. You would do well and gain extra perspective if you’re willing to consider someone else’s point of view. There could be periodical restlessness of the mind today because of too many details coming in at once. Step back a little to refocus on the bigger picture. I wouldn’t even advise on making any commitments at this time, as there is a chance of not being able to fulfill them if you are spreading yourself thin. Get your thoughts together, rearrange a future schedule but keep it open for today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

While most of us slept, Mercury Retrograde left Leo and entered the sign of Cancer, bringing us back to processing and expressing ourselves on a deeper emotional level. We are inclined now to listen with understanding than we are with speaking to be heard. Although chances for mishaps and misunderstandings surrounding the home and family life are likely to happen, this can be a good time to reconcile with family we haven’t spoken to in a while. The moon spends most of the day in Aquarius activating our sense of freedom and inclination towards solitude and then enters the compassionate sign of Pisces at 5:18 PM EDT later today. We could be in for a busy evening later on that may compel us to ignore matters we deem important but too difficult to take on. We must avoid reacting harshly without stopping to consider the current mood we’re in. Instead of being petty, try being more considerate. Self introspection can help us to find balance in our reactions. Needs are especially highlighted today; you are coming more into the realization of what’s important to you. Don’t be afraid to assert your will and take a stand for what matters to you; and be confident in rejecting what doesn’t or no longer works for you. The Moon in Pisces marks the end of a lunar cycle. It can be good for winding down and being meditative, imaginative and creative. It might be good to skip the Friday night plans for a relaxing bath instead and making it a Netflix night.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Moon is in dreamy and intuitive sign of Pisces. This morning we wake up mentally sharp. More and more each day since the lunar eclipse we’re seeing our needs come to the surface. Today could be a day to give some consideration to those needs that might be needing attention. Throughout the morning and early afternoon, we may experience some crankiness. Dive into the depths of Piscean moon energy this morning by doing reflective or Ma work to tap into your inner power and use that force within you. There is an expressive and creativity spirit locked away in many of us now and it’s looking to escape to run free and be original. It’s a good day to challenge yourself, go ahead and play with a new idea. Be it around the household or in your personal life; you could find this new idea able to replace something you’ve been doing for the longest now. It’s time to put an old tradition to rest or way of thinking to rest. This evening a minor aspect between the Moon and Mars can make us irritable and stir up combativeness. We can blame it on the heatwave, while still taking taking the feelings of others into consideration
today. Minor obstacles today might serve as a good reminder to plan ahead and be prepared for any future challenges. Try something new or do one thing differently today. Step outside of your comfort zone and get to know your inner child again.

Sunday – July 21, 2019

This day will be filled with intensity and nervous energy thanks to the conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 8:34 am. We feel a need to communicate and share ideas. By midday our minds can start to wander, making us distracted and in need of stimulation. Our thoughts are clearer and move rapidly by this afternoon. Creative energy levels are high, but our capacity to concentrate and focus on serious matters such as business and finance, not so much. The early morning opposition that Venus makes to Pluto stirs intensity throughout the day with power plays, manipulation, and scare tactics. There is a desire to control others that can result in confrontations and combativeness. Emotional upsets may occur in relationships. It will be hard to find a middle ground; one person wants to dominate a situation and the other person reluctant to being controlled or giving up their power. Choose your words carefully at this time, for they can be used against you later on. Mercury rules speech, and while minds may be sharp today, the tongue can be even sharper. We’re still under the retrograde until the 31st, so be careful not to say things you could regret later on. The Moon is still in Pisces and will be there all day, requiring us to make time for deep reflection. New ideas might hit us like epiphanies. It’s a good day to seek pleasure and enjoy the company of others. People will enjoy your company, you will enjoy theirs and could even find some inspiration through strangers. Even if you’re feeling in a rut, stepping out of your comfort zone will make your day!


Start Time Last Aspect End Time New Sign
Jul 16 5:38 PM Sun opp Moon (FM Eclipse) Jul 17 5:19 AM Aquarius
Jul 18 11:53 AM Moon sxt Jupiter Jul 19 5:19 PM Pisces

Highlights this week

Venus quincunx Jupiter – Jul 16 3:44 am

Venus opposite Saturn – Jul 17 1:33 am

Venus conjunct North Node – Jul 17 8:45 pm

Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Jul 18 1:50 pm

Venus trine Neptune – Jul 18 2:02 pm

Mercury Retrograde enters Cancer – July 19 3:06 am

Venus opposite Pluto – July 21 4:31 am

Sun conjunct Mercury – Jul 21 8:33 am


SUN IN CANCER  (June 21 – July 22)

MERCURY IN LEO  (June 26 – July 19)

MERCURY IN CANCER  (July 19 – August 11)

VENUS IN CANCER  (July 3 – July 27)

MARS IN LEO  (July 1 – August 18)


Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 18, 2018, and will transit this sign until December 2, 2019.


Saturn first entered Capricorn on December 19, 2017 until March 21, 2020 when it goes retrograde. It returns to Capricorn on to finish this transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020.


Uranus first began its transit of Taurus on May 15 2018 to November 6, 2018 when it then went retrograde. Uranus returned to the sign of Taurus on March 6 2019 and continues this transit until 2025.





What I work with:  In creating these forecasts, I integrate major aspects formed between the moon and the other planets, aspects made to transiting Chiron, and pattern aspects. Throughout the day the Moon can make so many different aspects due to how fast it moves. Moon transits affect our emotions on a global scale and will normally last for up to four hours, with the exception of a major lunar event such as an eclipse, new moon or a full moon. Therefore, I generally focus on the aspects being made to the Moon over all. An emphasis is made when another planet aspects another besides the Moon. Planets used are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.

New to astrology? Click here to read my article that talks about how an astrologer can assist you.

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