Full Moon In Aquarius 22° August 15 2019

Full Moon In Aquarius 22° August 15 2019

On Thursday, August 15 at 8:29 AM EDT, we experience a full moon in the sign of Aquarius at 22°. The vibrant and cheerful Leo Sun opposes the deep and deliberate seriousness of the Aquarian Moon. The Sun is in conjunction with Venus, putting emphasis on our relationship with ourselves and others. Our relationships with friends, romantic partnerships, and our finances all have our attention at this time. The Moon’s opposition may cause some strain and stress on the people involved and bring a resistance. Both the Sun and Venus make a quincunx to Neptune indicating that we are looking for a purpose and meaning to our lives.

We have a lot of squares in the chart for today, indicating a refusal to cooperate. The Moon in Aquarius makes a t-square asteroid Vesta in Taurus. Right now we can be struggling with our desire for freedom versus commitment to something or someone. Do we share our amazing gifts of creativity with the world or be part of a collective and merge with a group. We’re weighing our commitment in our relationships to our desire to be alone sometimes. We are sorting out the matters of what’s important and feels good to us from what’s limiting us and not taking us anywhere. Perhaps we have been isolating ourselves or a part of ourselves. Allow yourself the permission to follow your own way of doing things and taking your time to set a pace and figure most of it out.

Mercury, Chiron, and the asteroid Ceres form a grand time today and this marks an opportunity to share ourselves with those who support us and reconnect with souls that understand us more. Souls find each other today, and bond through the familiarity of their struggles. It’s nice to find yourself surrounded by a community that gets you. Communication is highlighted and emphasized in most of our interactions today. We’ll have to be careful of speaking out of turn, not giving thought to the things we say to others, also from boasting and being pretentious. There’s so much Leo heart energy in the air. We have 4 planets in the sign, if we’ve been lacking confidence or creativity, Leo energy gives us a way to celebrate ourselves, our hearts, where we’ve been, where we’re heading. Leo rules the heart, generosity can play in a major way today and Aquarius’ humanitarianism makes a way for as many people as possible to benefit.

The stations of Jupiter and Uranus a few days ago play critical roles for us today as well. They represent a shift in our consciousness. Jupiter stationing direct on the 11th is emphasized in its own sign. It stationed direct on Uranus’ south node and also makes a square to Vesta. We are at a time of letting go of the past to move forward. Jupiter is a planet of expansion and higher learning. Now is a time to contemplate what’s shaped us, and the root of our deepest wounds. Depression and anxiety has risen significantly in the last several years, instead of it being debilitating, we can actually use it to discover more about ourselves. Jupiter brings a stroke of optimism and lessons learned in the things that it touches. As we explore the past to make sense of right now, be mindful to let it go after processing.

Check this out, in the cosmic realm Jupiter is currently in the degree of what’s known as the “Great Attractor” in our galactic belt. We have a wonderful opportunity right now to let go of a past as if it never even happened and forging a new life and mindset for ourselves now. Carrying our past baggage with us in the Now, and taking it into the future is like never leaving the past behind in the first place. Misery will only beget more misery. Jupiter is in a square to Neptune now for the next several months. There is a spiritual ingenuity we have for ourselves that we can use to transform and evolve. The flipside of this aspect is it can reveal dark secrets and lies. A lot gets exposed, so be sure to be living your highest Self and be true to you. This is what this full moon is all about. If you haven’t been living for yourself up to this point, begin today. This is a time of awakening to who we are.  

Speaking of which, Uranus is known as the Awakener. The planet stationed retrograde on Sunday, a few hours after Jupiter stationed direct. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and signifies living your truth of who you are. At this time, some of us may have to detach ourselves and walk our paths alone to uncover the deeper meaning to our lives. Some of us feel the pull towards this independence of ourselves, but also are reluctant to follow it out of fear of hurting or losing someone. Well, ask yourself would you rather lose someone or yourself? In protecting others’ feelings, are you not hurting your own? Check it beloved, Uranus now retrograde means that things are changing and they’re going to be changing for a while. Get used to the idea that in order to evolve sometimes you have to walk a path all by yourself but the good thing to take away from that is that your tribe, your soul mates, your kindred spirits, will all be there at the end of the road. Uranus marks the future and the future is uncertain to the majority of us. Having no idea of what the future holds can be crippling, conflicting us with doubt and worry resulting in stagnation and no growth whatsoever. There is major unpredictability, the unexpected, and the unknown. As we become a society more obsessed with perfection and being looked at favorably, exploring unknown territory becomes scary and can feel awkward. We must be forgiving to ourselves and accepting of our mistakes. 

So to summarize; this Aquarian Full Moon begins a new chapter of our lives. We are getting to know humanity and at the same time more about ourselves and how we fit into that collective. What gifts do we have to share? What fulfills us? It’s time to sort out what feels good to us from what limits us altogether.  This full moon is a chance at an emotional release and admittance to ourselves that we desire more freedom. We can see and touch the future, but there lies an uncertainty on how to get there. The answer is in looking at the picture from every angle. So much fixed energy right now can have our sights set and our minds made up the decisions we’ve made. We have 4 planets in confident Leo, Uranus is in stubborn Taurus, however the Full Moon in Aquarius stands as the rebel and illuminates the internal discontent we feel. What is you life’s purpose? How will you share your divine gifts, principals, and speak your truth to the world? Take the rest of the month until to figure this out and experiment with new routines, techniques, changed habits, group involvement, and more the sharing of yourself.  Give yourself a chance to make them and forgive yourself for your mistakes. We are in test-run mode now until the New Moon in Virgo at the end of the month. That itself will bring on an entirely different shift from the bold expressive Leo energy we’ll be coming from. . Focus your attention now on figure out how you can express yourself and your highest level of conscious, and how this can benefit humanity by becoming part of a movement or a movement itself.

The Sabian Symbol for 22° Aquarius is:

Life’s warmth and richness given to those who eagerly learn to live. Luxurious self-knowing, or self-appreciation. Comfort.

Let us take a look at how the transiting full moon may affect your Sun and Rising signs. Read for both. 

Aries & Aries Rising

The full moon highlights your friendship sector. Your friends provide a source of relief, comfort, familiarity, and interaction. You’re feeling especially expressive towards them today, you’re more nurturing and affectionate and seek them out for lively discussion and reconnecting. Rules are unimportant to you today as with anything confining. You seek emotional, creative, and personal freedom. Though you crave being part of a group, individuality is still an important factor to you. You feel a new sense of purpose in the world and want to make your contribution to the human collective. New ideas may be coming at you from left to right, make sure to write things down. In fact spend the next couple of weeks brainstorming and organizing your master plan. Avoid being on social media for too long today, enjoy some human interaction instead.

On the flipside: Watch out for distractions. Fallouts with friends are possible if this Moon is badly aspected in your natal chart. Stay away from gossip and avoid being petty. If your motives aren’t good, they will be exposed and you cast as the bad guy and no one will even bother to hear your side of the argument.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Taurus this full moon is in your career sector and public image. Right now your focus is on reaching the top in your chosen career path. You want to be noticed, honored, and praised for the work you do. You feel like your reputation and integrity are on the line and concerned with where you are in life at the moment. You might be feeling like it’s time for a change, either in your place of residence or profession. Family matters are very important to you right now. You might feel an extra sense of responsibility and in turn, this is a very ideal time to get a few important things settled and out of the way.

The flipside: You can be too pushy towards family members and coworkers. Don’t try to force your opinion on them and allow them to occasionally get a word in to state how they feel. Listen to them with consideration and not dismissal. Also, watch out for overworking yourself to the point of burnout.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Gemini the full moon is in your sector of higher learning and mind expansion. You seek to break free of restrictive beliefs and look into and exploring your higher mind through religion, philosophy, foreign culture, and spirituality. You feel a calling to travel, sign up for a class in one of your many interests, or are on a mission of self-improvement. This lunation has you feel good about yourself and hopeful of the future. You can use the next couple of weeks to assess your spiritual journey and come up with ways to make your life better. People from other cultures fascinate you and can unexpectedly show up in your life to provide something valuable. Get out as much as you can and go on explorative journeys. There are answers to the mysteries of life all around us. Just go out and roam, even if it’s just in your neighborhood.

The flipside: Avoid stubbornness, and extremism. Be careful of discussions that lead you to arguing to defend your beliefs. Give commitment a try and you might discover it’s not as bad as you thought.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Cancer, the full moon is in your sector of shared resources, sex, and regeneration. You crave intense passion, and deep sexual connection with your partner. You might decide to kick it up a notch in the bedroom circus. You might even be willing to start a little drama to get things heated for even more excitement. You feel closer to your partner, and may end up sharing secrets with each other and exploring deep mysteries, conspiracies, occult knowledge, and psychology together. Your partner is more alert and sensitive to your needs at this time. If single, you might feel a bit of sorrow and sadness due to the fact. Reach out to someone you care for companionship, don’t be afraid to open up. This is a time when you desire intensity in everything you take on. Your concern for your partner’s finances are particularly raised, and you might become investigative. You rely on financial security the most at this time and uncertainty could lead to dispute over financial matters with a partner. Examine your outlook on the matter and see to it that you’re not displaying traits of selfishness or greed. Issues of jealousy and possessiveness come up in our relations. Remember this moon favors independence

The flip-side. Issues of jealousy and possessiveness may surface. Remember that this transit favors letting go and independence. It might be wise to loosen the grip we have on our relationships, and the tendency to smother out of our intention to mother our partners. Repressed emotions and deep-rooted fears may surface during this time and the best way to handle it is to confront the issues and move on from them.

Leo & Leo Rising

Leo the full moon is in your sector of partnerships, making you extra sensitive and emotional towards the people you love. Affection is enhanced with a partner, you know what you want and are in touch with your needs. You might be feeling more protective of them than usual. Now is a good time to working on mending relationships that are rocky. You feel charming and alluring and seek out new interactions and relationships. You are very supportive of your close friends and they to you. Your emotional sensitivity is heightened and people’s feelings towards you matters to you now. Opening up to others might relieve any doubts that can arise.Don’t seek to find out what you don’t really want to know. Withhold holding a grudge when people express the way that they feel. You can experience sexual euphoria, new connections, partying the night away, lavish meals, or a quick getaway within the next couple of days. You’ll enjoy meeting the opposite sex, being pampered and pampering others. If you’re not in a relationship, you may yearn for one, so don’t be shy. Get out there and strut your stuff.

The flipside: All that extra sense of security for others can result in too much clinging to another person. Also disagreements with your partner can fall under this transit over financial and domestic matters. This full moon favors independence. Problems in the relationship could lead to cheating. Work it out. Legal issues may come up around this time.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo the full moon is in your sector of health and service. You experience sensory overload right now as you notice everything and nothing really escapes your peripheral vision. This full moon motivates you to roll up your sleeves and get down to work and responsibility. Working and being productive actually help to alleviate any tension you might feel right now. You focus on the areas in your life that need to be worked on and give consideration to the satisfaction that you’re getting out of work or your career choice. Concern for your health is a topic of change and improvement. You can schedule check-ups now or begin a new diet or health regimen. Paying attention to health matters at this time should be considered important and priority. Listen to your body, get rest and exercise and don’t overwork yourself or ignore the signals your body sends you. At work, you may be considering

The flipside: Don’t overwork yourself to exhaustion or sickness. Be careful of falling to self-loathing and feelings of low self-worth. Stress and anxiety will literally affect your bodily health, so relax and keep an open mind.

Libra & Libra Rising

Libra the full moon is your sector of fun and creativity. This transit illuminates the romance sphere and makes you sociable and great company to be around. You find fulfillment in being around light-hearted and fun loving people. You pursue creative endeavors and creative avenues to express yourself. You may be feeling a desire to break free from a restrictive relationship that doesn’t provide the security or freedom you truly desire. The bar gets raised in your romantic affairs, and you will enjoy going out on dates, whether in a relationship or not. Spend time with kids and plan a day of activities with them. Go out more, and meet new people. You feel really good at this and will want to be around people you find nurturing and want to nurture as well by providing fun and excitement into their lives.

The flipside: You can avoid your responsibilities and end up overindulging in having too much fun. There is a laziness factor under this transit. You should be careful to remember your duties and obligations or others will consider you unreliable. Channel self-discipline to resist the allurement of too much sex, drugs, and rock and roll!

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, the full moon is in your sector of home and family. The Moon rules this house. You find security and comfort in the home environment, and with family at this time. You might get lost reminiscing about the past, and reflecting on childhood memories. Use the next couple of weeks to process these reflections and finally get rid of the negative ones that block you from moving forward. Connect with your roots and assess the cycles that have played out in your family and see how you can reestablish the foundation or begin a new cycle if necessary. Blocks hinder us from moving on. There is no moving forward in dragging the past behind.Let these grudges go as things that never happened and you will find more joy under this transit. Get into organizing and redecorating the home, repairing things around the house, and having more home-cooked meals. These are things that will bring you peace of mind.

On the flip-side: Don’t become over attached or encourage it others towards you. This includes attachment to the home and becoming your own prisoner there, shutting people out, and getting into heated arguments with family members . Get out and try new things, have new experiences. Avoid jealousy and possessiveness.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The full moon is in your sector of communication today. You’re busy as the proverbial bee and find yourself in a lot of conversations and short travels. You’re in touch with your feelings right now and very receptive to the feelings of others. You communicate freely and express your thoughts logically. Being somewhat detached from your emotions, you might be feeling less emotional. However, you are highly sensitive to the words of others at this time. Most of your conversations will consist of you bringing up past hurts as a way of processing and purging, but you run the chance of being inconsiderate of what others have to say and dismiss their experiences to bring up your own. You feel a strong need to be understood but you could be repeating yourself to an audience that has heard you countless times already. Siblings and distant relatives might bring up old memories, for better or worse. A short trip might be on your schedule, go out and refresh yourself. Pulling out a journal and writing down your feelings can be wonderful therapy and bring enlightenment on your journey.

The flipside: You may get touchy with others. If you’re already a sensitive person, words might hurt you today as you are prone to taking things literal or too serious if that person is joking. Be careful not to talk too much and take over the conversations you’re in. Also, mind your business and avoid inserting yourself in discussions you weren’t invited to. Keep your opinion to yourself.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

The full moon is in your sector of personal values highlighting safety and security and bringing that to the forefront. You could feel that buying things bring you emotional stability, which could lead to impulse buying and a winding up in debt as a result. Financial matters weigh on you, whether it’s an expense that’s due or worry over your financial status. You may be thinking of ways to create more disposable income. Women are beneficial to you in these financial matters. You can be the beneficiary of monetary gifts or extravagant material goods. Your desire to shop for the homefront and increase the value in your surroundings is high these next couple days. You will feel more affectionate towards a partner or seek one out to be affectionate to. You might also feel hungrier than usual and splurge on lavish meals to satiate your hunger. If you apply practicality and self-discipline under this transit you can handle important matters efficiently.

On the flipside: Watch out for over-indulgence, splurging, and impulsive buying. There can be heightened feelings of possession, greed, frugality, and selfishness. Avoid compulsion and aberrant behavior.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, the full moon is in your sector of identity and self-awareness. Your mood is changeable throughout the day but for the most part you have high energy and deep desire to nurture people today. People often consider you cold, but you bring your emotions to the surface today. You are highly intuitive and sensitive to the problems of the world and feel inclined to bring groups of similar interests together. If in a partnership, you are perceptive of your partner’s needs. If not in relationship, reaching out to someone you care about to let them know of their meaning in your life could lead to a reconnection and a new start. However, be accepting of things not going your way or not getting response or reaction you wanted. It may just be the right response that you may have just overlooked. You feel highly confident and optimistic. It’s a good time for meditation to settle an overactive mind. Overthinking can make you sensitive to taking offense and being emotionally impulsive. Avoid taking things too seriously and all will be well. You might be in the mood for a new look, and decide on changing something about your appearance.

The flip-side: Hypersensitivity. Being inconsistent and unreliable. Moodiness and unpredictability. You may feel restless and be experiencing insomnia or disturbed sleep. Meditation is highly recommended.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Pisces, the full moon is in your sector of subconscious mind and solitude. This lunation is bringing up questions and perhaps confusion in regards to your spiritual path. Use this time now to take a break and connect with your feelings. You might be feeling your emotions quite heavily now, having a heightened sense of compassion and empathy for humanity. You keep your emotions hidden to avoid discord, and drama with others.Don’t lose yourself in trying to save others right now, for there is plenty of time for that along the way. Every now and then we all need to break away to be with ourselves and refresh our minds. You are being presented now with having to decide what to let go of, and what you think society expects from you. Use this time now to contemplate ways of expressing your gifts to the world without absorbing the chaos and negativity of others.This is a perfect time spiritual research, spirituality, meditation, or artistic expression. You may be feeling physically and mentally exhausted and all the reason why getting rest is important.

The flip-side: You can ended feeling depressed or feeling lonely, if this moon is afflicted in the natal chart. Avoid become over emotional and taking n feelings of guilt or low self-worth. Stay positive that you will figure out your next direction. Avoid accidents.-

Have you read this week’s forecasts? Click here to read the astrological weather report for this week.

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